TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Poaching WAS a huge problem in this state some years ago. The fellow I'm planning the quail hunt with is retired Game and Fish. He had three specialties with the Dept. Bear removal was what he did the most and the stories he can tell about that. He was also the only guy in the Dept. with a class III explosives license so he blew up a lot of Beaver dams. (Yes, beavers can be quite destructive.) The last was to go undercover and pretend that he too was a poacher. Some interesting stories there too.

Anyway, the G&F has had a very aggressive program in place to take poachers out of the woods for going on 40 years now and it's paid off well. Between the penalties and the aggressive enforcement poaching is WAY down now.
I can't remember a time when poaching wasn't a problem. When I was young I know the locals would deal with the issue privately when the culprit was located, I still think that's the best way. The pups found a carcass in the fenced yard area last night, way too close to the house and the damage they cause getting through the fences is adding up fast. The neighbours are having issues as well so we are going to discuss possible solutions that don't end up in jail time.
Nothing ends in jail time unless someone gets caught-n-charged-n-convicted.

So, don't get caught.



The problem is that in some jurisdictions/countries the courts seem to be acting more to the benefit of the perpetrator than the victim(s). Obviously fencing your land is an act of privilege and discrimination and cannot be tolerated.
Warning: Lead is a dangerous substance. This is an area where there could be a high incidence of lead contamination. Think twice before entering . . . .

I seem to have an order gone awry. Someone will be getting a shitty review . . . .



Good Afternoon, folks. Wee bit of sneaux here,nothing too impressive. I went to town on some errands, even town wasn't too bad. Looks to be a right nice day otherwise.
It's when they annoy us at night that is most . . . special.

Got my road trip in. Got the yeyo.

Spent the money, got the yeyo.

Even saw a bit moar (inconsequential) sneaux . . . .



Home. The landlady's chili was pretty good. Still needs a bit of somethin', but I'm not sure what.

Should have a short day tomorrow.

I hope.



Happy Sunday!!!

Looks like another gray and cloudy day here. Must be winter.

And the Ravings forgot how to score - again this year. So let the Buffs enjoy their trip to the Heartland of 'Murrika next weekend in their stead. :eek:

Coffee is pretty darned good this morning.



Good Morning, Folks! We had sneauz squalls all evening yesterday. The coffee this morning got some dressin up. I'm not sure why, just a whim on my part I suppose.
The big dog is lovin this cold weather, and has to be cajoled into the house at night. I showed the hubs a pic from a friend of mine...GSD puppies. There's some thinkin to be done on that front. We both have a soft spot for the breed, but 4 furballs in the house? We'll see. We have a few weeks.
GSD's have a lot of attitudes, they are beautiful but can be hard to train, basically, I'm a pushover so I've always avoided them. And my limit is two which I'm at or they take up too much room on my furniture.

Someone couldn't sleep last night so I woke up to coffee, eggs, bacon, hashbrowns and pancakes. He thinks there will be leftovers for later in the week, I've had that delusion before too.
I had one many years ago who had a very keen herding instinct. So, when it was time to bring the horses in, I'd say,"Let's go feed" and he'd bring them in from the pasture, and put them in the stalls. He knew which horse belonged in which stall and if one went in a different stall, he'd move them out and into the correct stall. I've had a few since him, they all were great dogs. But 4? I'm not sure we'll go for it.
One of them has taken to having "accidents" in the house. I blame her age, but it still pisses me off. The carpet shampooer has almost become a permanent living room fixture.
I have a little dog that's almost 14. I put puppy pads down for her and she obliges me by keeping her accidents there.
Home. One weasel. Done-n-gone. Off for the rest of the day, praises to Allah.

I'd almost consider a GSD. Never had one. Always liked the ones I've known. Not sure about a dog in general. Meanwhile, cat, so . . . .

One could help Ethyl he very small cat take care of these large poodles.

Could be naptime . . . .



Had our neighbours meeting which included an off-duty police officer (bil to one of them). I found out who they suspect and if they are right thefts will happen soon. He tends to multitask, poach and scope at the same time. Cameras are going up next week and I have the alarms set, the officer said not to worry, he's basically harmless. I told him I'm a decent hunter in my own right and an armed thief is never harmless. He looked at me funny as I smiled and made him paranoid. My closest neighbour laughed, he's as crazy as I am and has a massive weapons collection, we've had some great talks in the past about totally absurd things. The other neighbours are more straight laced and weren't sure if I was joking or not, their expressions were priceless. It was a fun meeting.
Went for an afternoon drive. To Bugtussle. Yes, Virginia, there is such a place. T'ain't much there, but it's there. It's kind of a toss-up as to which state it's in. Didn't see the post office. And the general store looked like it'd been closed for several years now. Which was kinda sad.

Got home and the large poodles were gazing at the treeline. At (at least) three deer. Of course, when the humans got outta the car, they watched for a few seconds, got all nervous an' shit and then bolted for the woods.

Was kinda thinking that the little one would make good woods poodle bait.

Maybe another time . . . .


