TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!


Hasn't Land Rover figured that one out?

Aluminized steel is quite superior to galvanized steel. If only the zinc corrosion products weren't water soluble......

Steel panels - rear chassis members - can corrode on Land Rovers but replacing them is easy.
Home. Kept grazing very simple. A bit off my feed today. Cat is wearing out some canned grub. His favorite.

Work was in decent shape when I arrived this morning. Not so sure that my wide-mouth-frog co-worker did all that much, but he said it was strenuous. He and the bucket-mouth maintenance guy pulled and reset a toilet - wrong. Had to go sort it out. Some folks can't pay attention.

Someone made me an offer I don't refuse on one more AR, so I bought it. I mean, what the fuck??!?

I'm not sure for certain what I'd get if I were buying a truck today, but I'm thinking a Ram 2500. Anything else? A 250(0). I don't think the half tonnes really are any more.



Happy Thursday!!!

We got the draw walk today, so we have wheels. Nothing like wheels . . . .

But at least it'll be a bit warmer.

And this coffee is a home run, so there's that . . . .



Good morning.

Somewhat miserable at the range yesterday. The wind chill was down to 10 deg. so more time was spent inside BS'ing than outside shooting. I really wanted to break in my new shooting mat but what shooting that was done was done in the pistol bays where there was some protection from the wind.
Good morning.

Somewhat miserable at the range yesterday. The wind chill was down to 10 deg. so more time was spent inside BS'ing than outside shooting. I really wanted to break in my new shooting mat but what shooting that was done was done in the pistol bays where there was some protection from the wind.

Getting ready for the 20th?
The coffee is good this morning.
Shop modifications are still in progress and I picked up the number of a local handyman who knows his shit. Things are looking up.
Good morning.

Somewhat miserable at the range yesterday. The wind chill was down to 10 deg. so more time was spent inside BS'ing than outside shooting. I really wanted to break in my new shooting mat but what shooting that was done was done in the pistol bays where there was some protection from the wind.

You have to shoot in all conditions. I learned that the hard way. I went from expert to marksman in one quick downpour...
You have to watch where the steel meets the aluminium.

That's where the aluminum sacrifices itself to save the steel, once the steel starts to rust a bit. It forms a hard crust on the steel that is water insoluble.
Happy Friday!!!

We survived the wheels and some silly shit. The wire butchers made good headway on my building. The floor butchers arrive today. My co-worker is going home today. I think he's pissed that I got off a four-day weekend last weekend, forgetting conveniently that he was off for 13 days over Xmas while Wat kicked asses and didn't even take names. Let there be tears, buckets of tears . . . .

Looks like we get a bit of sneaux tonight. It must be January or something.

We get coffee now, so there's that.



Good morning.

I'm sure there's a small gun store somewhere in the middle of nowhere that has primers. Finding said store is going to take some time. :rolleyes:
There is a small gun store near here in one of the little crossroads towns. Of course, I'd have to GPS it to get there. I just don't remember the way.

I bet that they don't wear face masks at that store, either.

Hell, they may even have primers . . . .

If you do happen to cruise by AND they have some primers, let me know.

I'm looking for Federal 215M (a brick) and small rifle magnum (CCI 450 preferred, also a brick). If they don't have bricks, I'll take what they do have.

BTW, I found one store that had the Federal 215's in stock. They want $69.90/100. Regular price? $4.95. At this point I would pay $70 for a brick, but for 100???????
I’ll give my local store credit, what stock they do get they keep at MSRP.

I’ve seen a couple other stores trying to get 850-900 for an M&P Shield 9mm.
There's a couple here that have held the line on the pricing. I'm making a list of those that do and don't for future reference.
Home. Grazed in. Not feeling much like grazing.

It's chilly and damp and windy out there. It drizzled a bit while coming home. We have a chance of sneaux flurries later. Oh boy! :rolleyes:

And there is tomorrow's road trip to get stuff they don't have here for the job. No matter.

I'll see about primer shopping. I haven't done much in-person shopping lately.


Happy Saturday!!!

We have some small sneaux about. The landlady looked out earlier and wondered why the old horse was outside when she had put him in. It was my car with sneaux on it. So we should likely only get the floor guys today. The floorists. The roof and siding guys may well take a powder.

And there's the wee road trip for goodies. Joy!!!

The coffee seems fine today . . . .



Morning all.

No crappy weather here until Mon. Mixed sneaux/rain in the forecast.

Going to get together with a friend this afternoon to see if we can get a late season quail hunt planned.
I plan on drinking coffee and then taking the quad to check the fence for breakage.
We seem to be having an issue with an illegal poacher, he may or may not find himself
in an illegal snare. I hate people that only take the best parts and leave the rest to rot.
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Work. No one else is here. Imagine my surprise. The Chinee wimminz were at the donut shoppe, however.

The roads weren't much to complain about. It's really not freezing. Just close to it.

The landlady says she looked over my shoulder when we made chili the other week and stole my recipe, so she's gonna try her hand at it today. Works for me. I'll have to teach her the s'ghetti sauce, too, then.



I plan on drinking coffee and then taking the quad to check the fence for breakage.
We seem to be having an issue with an illegal poacher, he may or may not find himself
in an illegal snare. I hate people that only take the best parts and leave the rest to rot.

Pig farm candidate . . . .
