TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

He can have my headache...

I need to go get some Tylenol, but it's a long walk to the medicine cabinet.

Last time he was within 100 miles, he couldn't be bothered. ;););)

Truth is, he probably saved me an unpleasant drive both coming and going.

Maybe Bizzy would have played chauffeur. Nah, I verra much doubt it.

Okay, outta here . . . .



The pump kicked off at 11.853 gallons. Tank is bone dry at 11.9. I know because I've run it dry a time or two.

What I do is I add $1.75 - $2.25 after kick off because I keep track of fuel charges in my bank account by having even-dollar amounts. Last fill-up was a leeeetle over one gallon extra.

Did the math, and I should have run out jussssie before I hit my goal tonight of 666 miles. I had been headed uphill to an area with few gas stations at night, figured I could coast back down the freeway. Made it 671 miles on a tank plus a gallonish.

Coulda done better but I ran the AC when I had the small one and ran around in the daytime. I think I could too 700 mles.

Factory brand new with no freeway miles the range is 571, best case.
I negotiated a compromise with myself yesterday.

I love football, but don't care about the over-paid jocks or their political positions. At first I was going to stop watching the NFL, but then I said to myself, "Johnny, you love football. Why should a bunch of millionaire whiners ruin it for you?"

So I signed up for NFL Redzone. Only the important plays. No commercials. No nonsense.

And The Team is in first place in the NFC East!
There is a hint of common sense there...

You can always walk, but you cannot always afford another brew.

I have enough drink chips in the cup holder in my truck that, should I ever fall on hard times, I could still drink every day for a year. It's like a bank account for beer.

Well... assuming the Giants lose to the Squealers tonight.

I keep forgetting about Monday Night Football,
Thursday Night Football, a
Football Night TBNL...

Hell, by the time most of these teams are out of the playoffs,
we'll be subjected to Saturday Football too...

Now, if they could work Alabama
into the mix. There's some
teams they have a shot at.

One of my father's Australian colleagues used to argue that gasoline in the tank was wasted beer money...

It supposedly takes 10,000 hours to be in expert in anything. I am an expert Prius pilot. I have somewhere around 12,000 to 15,000 hours piloting Priusi.

Generally, I fill up at the end of every shift. Old habit, you had to swing by the pumps and fill up at end of shift for the next guy, or get yelled at with a fleet car. When I started team-driving with Damon, we would overfill one gallon so that in 12 hours, you never needed to get gas till the end.

In theory.

I have managed to run out of gas in a Prius six times. Only once (recently) with my own car.

There was a significant possibility I was going to be walking a mile or two to a gas station tonight but I figured if that happened it would make can't even better story. I always say that the story is far more important than the destination, which I feel you might appreciate.