TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Welding is something I need to relearn/practice. I've done it before (poorly mostly). Got to be fairly decent wire welding (MIG) light steel. I need to learn and practice stick welding and MIG on heavier stock.

So, basically, anyone can do it. Takes no special skill.

Our welder is a unmitigated liar who claimed that the NFL players were still
kneeling for the anthem, but we were being shown commercials which is why
we didn't see it (which makes me wonder how he fucking knew that as a fact).
Well, I watched the anthem last night and after six hours of network culture
war and woke preaching (which if I actually wanted, I would go to church for)
I expected that the NFL would be giddy to show us all the kneeling players.
Much to my chagrin, I saw none. That and the entertainment were salt in
the wounds of watching my team lose the game. But it does demonstrate
that virtue nation will say and do anything that advances a false narrative.

PS - Miley Ray Cyrus is still an untalented hack.
Good Colder than a Well digger's behind Monday!

I will have to thaw water buckets in the barn. I will put that off for a while.

Hoping for safe travels for Wat.
How do you thaw them?

I know that I have a call heater, like a heating pad, that I keep under the chicken's water.
The old fashioned way, which come to think of it, isn't so much thawing as breaking the ice out of the bucket.
Every time I see a clip of someone speaking and I see the accompanying
sign language person gesticulating next to them, I think of the time,
was it the Mandela funeral? when an insane person was hired to
do the signing and I have to wonder, is it Déjà vu?

:D ;) ;)
Prisoners riot in St. Louie and local Democrat politicians rush to defend them,
exonerate them and plead that they are incarcerated by race...

And Trump was the problem???

To compensate for my old fashioned ice breaking, there is running water in the barn. But this morning the faucet will probably have to be heated
There are heat wraps for exposed pipes and spigots, but you probably already know that.

Just caught the local forecast from the weather goddess: two or three days of
light snow and ice; fingers crossed that she is no more accurate than usual.
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I'm still feeling the effects of the corona I caught in November. Shoveled out the mail box and felt like I had run a marathon. I got no wind.
I'm just going to stay in my chair from now on. For medical reasons.

I wonder if I can get some of that Socialist Security Disability money.
I think that window will soon be opened.

The idea is now being floated that parents with children under six
should be given a $3,600 Covid tax credit...

Forgot the keyboard. Figures.

Cats seem fine.

I think that it may be naptime somewhere . . . .



It's always something left behind.

Tact; The art of telling someone to "go to hell" and having them not understand quite what you said.

Diplomacy; The art of telling someone to "go to hell" and having them look forward to the trip.
Salesmanship: telling them to go to Hell and having them think it was their idea.

I'm calling it a night and going to bed.

It's my idea . . . .



It's always something left behind.

Tact; The art of telling someone to "go to hell" and having them not understand quite what you said.

Diplomacy; The art of telling someone to "go to hell" and having them look forward to the trip.

Salesmanship: telling them to go to Hell and having them think it was their idea.


Good morning laughs. Good morning y'all.

Still on the freezing line - still experiencing some light icing.
I don't know about you guys, but the only thing I like icing on is cake.
And I don't even eat very much cake. What's the point?

Internet discussion: The art of using the keyboard as a shield to channel your inner three-year old.

;) ;)
Happy Tuesday!!!

It'll be warm today, according to the weather threat. It'll go below freezing on Friday and come back out sometime on Tuesday. But the threatened low keeps rising, so, t'ain't skeert.

Brought back my SSS - Squirrel Sniping System. They'll make good coyote bait. We'll see.

The coffee is right on time this morning . . . .


