TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

A really nice day is winding down. I probably should have gone out to the range but tomorrow is soon enough.

This warm trend doesn't bode well for my fruit trees. I notice that they are starting to bud out. It's way too early for that. I know damn well that we're going to have at least one, or more, hard freezes before Spring fully arrives. It also means that I can't prune them either.
Good morning. It's Range day Wednesday!!!

Have to make the most of today and maybe tomorrow as well. Crap weather forecast for the entire weekend. At least it's not an ice storm.
So far, we're lucky, everything stayed in the counties just to the south of us.
We've had some slight icing and the pace is supposed to pick up, but it's possible
that we just ay dodge this one.

The daffodils are breaking ground now. I wonder if the damned antler rats will start grazing on them.
They are out in the yard every afternoon now.
Happy payday Wednesday!!! Money is shuffled and all of that good crap. At least most of it. I'ma sit-n-watch some of it for a day or three.

The dogs are out raising Hell at something. I should put on some shoes and go out to look to see if I can squint out a site picture. The PM is going to the other job today . . . but I have to meet the new plumber. :(

We get rain today and then Certain Death blows in tonight. Big Ice storm. Could be . . . whatever Allah wills. But he's a desert god, so I may have to speak with Odin about this Impending Doom.

I'll fill up on coffee first . . . .



Ah, that new plumber smell...

All too often it's the smell of liquid plumber.
Hard to stay sober when you deal with shit all day. :D
Rhetorical Question of the Day

What does the WHO, the NBA, Big Tech, the Paris Accords (and solar panels), Iran (as representative of a lot of Africa and now South America too) and the Bidens have in common?
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Ice and snow on the way, followed by a polar express.

Fucking mid-west and their moisture and Canada with their cold air!
It is a cold, cold express. It hasn't broken 20º for a couple of days now
and won't for several days yet to come according to the weather goddess.

She was in a tight red dress this morning. Man, she really warmed me up.

We're supposed to get a quarter inch of ice this afternoon, then a foot of snow over night. No temp above freezing for at least the next 10 days
If I have to have winter, I want it to be snow. Ice is the worst.
The problem with this location is that ice is far more prevalent than snow...

I can't even get down my driveway. The drizzle is coming down.
I can't even get out and ice melt it with any confidence of it being efficacious.
Rhetorical Question of the Day

What does the WHO, the NBA, Big Tech, the Paris Accords (and solar panels), Iran (as representative of a lot of Africa and now South America too) and the Bidens have in common?

They are all never not going to be in your daily life.
So, basically, anyone can do it. Takes no special skill.

Some of the welding I did required certification. Don't worry. You do not need a certificate to be a home skooler.

Welding was a good trade. It was a path to fabrication, drafting, and now mechanical engineering. I received a patent in 2020 and have another one being examined at the USPTO.

How is your forklift?




I love this song. :D
Ice and snow on the way, followed by a polar express.

Fucking mid-west and their moisture and Canada with their cold air!

My guy loves snow. He gets positively giddy when he hears there’s going to be actual accumulation. Given that I’m in a walking boot and scheduled for surgery to repair my ankle, I don’t share his enthusiasm for the sky dandruff currently falling.

On the positive, we have a wood-burning fireplace and it’s all the more reason to keep a fire going.
We're supposed to get a quarter inch of ice this afternoon, then a foot of snow over night. No temp above freezing for at least the next 10 days

Single digits here, air temp is above 0°F and the wind chill is below 0°F. And some snow-ish flakes falling. It's pretty nice in the cave.
Home. Scored supper out with a buddy. We had a nice visit.

The new plumber is okay. They seem to be a bit slow, but it was their first day, and I (kinda) get it. Then again, good help is a bitch to find.

The ice is s'posed to start around midnight or so. Could be a lot, could be a little. We'll find out soon enough. Bet the dogs don't wanna go out tonight to fuss at woods poodles.

Off to read shortly . . . .


