TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

I'm glad somebody is warm.

I found poop and three pee spots yesterday, so after cleaning all that up
I hit upon a new strategy. After letting them out for their evening business,
I simply closed the door on their access to food and water, because as soon as their business is done, they always want to refill, so I stopped that.
Big stupid got especially frantic over the ordeal, but I'm tired of cleaning up her messes.
She'll get over it. All I know is that I woke up to clean carpet this morning,
so this is going to become a strategy on my part. They won't starve or dehydrate over it.
Okay. Time to bite the bullet, layer up, grab the flashlight and check the driveway conditions.

Back in a few, unless I fall and can't get up... :devil:
Good morning all.

We get some weather coming in Fri. night. Probably won't amount to much. Still warmer than usual here.
Holy Joseph and Mary, it's cold out there.
Very thin coat of ice, just enough to be treacherous. Disbursed a bag of ice melt.

The worse is supposed to be tomorrow into Thursday.

Dang! My hands are so frozen that it's hard to type.

Oh look! Just a few weeks into the new administration and Covid cases are declining.

THANK YOU PRESIDENT BIDEN! (Who care if the election was fixed! You saved us!)

Getting old isn't for the faint of heart. After sitting on a bar stool for a few hours, I need help getting up. Not because I'm drunk, but because my hips lock up and I need help unbending them.
It has been a very long time since I have been to a bar.
My public drinking is pretty much relegated to restaurants
and even those are getting hard to get into with all the restrictions.

I don't see how some of them are even staying in business.
We actually have a very comfortable local Legion. Being limited to 50% capacity means there's lots of room for drinking.

In other news... NPR has a segment this morning about the backlog at the IRS. I don't know how that could be, all the IRS drones have been "working at home" for the past year. They should be WAY ahead of the game because "working at home" isn't really the paid vacation a cynical person would think it might me.

Do you trust calling the IRS with a question knowing:
A: The answers already varied wildly from call-to-call and
B: You don't know now if your question is being answered from a bar stool...
I still go out to bar and grills, those places my favorite bands are playing anyway. But I usually park my ass at a table. It's been years since I sat at the bar. Obviously with the tyrannically ordered lock down, no one's been going anywhere.

Getting back to 'tact.' Last week a friend asked me to look at his sporting clay's gun, a Beretta autoloader. It wasn't feeding properly some of the time. So I tore the damn thing down to look at it and sure enough the gas system was caked up with carbon and all sorts of other crap. Gave it a thorough cleaning and I'll return it to him tomorrow. Which begs the question, "How do I tactfully tell him that maybe if he bothered to clean the son of bitch once in a while he wouldn't have problems?"
I know people who look at you like you're an idiot;
modern gunpowder burns clean (it's green?)...

I only know of one weapon that can operate like that and it's the AK47
and if you're an Afghan, you still clean the thing religiously before you
pray and spray at the infidel.

:D ;) ;)
The old M1 could take a licking and keep on ticking as well but your point re. the Ak is well taken.
~~ tee hee ~~

I didn't think to salt the dog ramp.
Little stupid kept trying to get up, but could only slide down.

I don't care who you are, dat dere is funny!
I'm working at home again but that's my norm, having proven homeworker skills like focus, self-direction and time management are now considered valuable skills. AS for the IRS homeworkers if they are like CRA they aren't allowed to bring home sensitive documents so they have to wait for their rotation day to go into the office to work on some claims.

Now more coffee and leftover pizza because the guys are gone for the day to Detroit and I don't feel like cooking.
~~ tee hee ~~

I didn't think to salt the dog ramp.
Little stupid kept trying to get up, but could only slide down.

I don't care who you are, dat dere is funny!

Doubly funny. You spent months bitching about them not using the ramp and now that they are you sabotage them. :D
We actually have a very comfortable local Legion. Being limited to 50% capacity means there's lots of room for drinking.

In other news... NPR has a segment this morning about the backlog at the IRS. I don't know how that could be, all the IRS drones have been "working at home" for the past year. They should be WAY ahead of the game because "working at home" isn't really the paid vacation a cynical person would think it might me.

I was thinking the same thing. I got my taxes filed BEFORE the lockdown last year and it still took the IRS 8 months to get my money sent to my bank.
So, basically, anyone can do it. Takes no special skill.

Some of the welding I did required certification. Don't worry. You do not need a certificate to be a home skooler.

Welding was a good trade. It was a path to fabrication, drafting, and now mechanical engineering. I received a patent in 2020 and have another one being examined at the USPTO.

How is your forklift?