TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

The weather hits here late Sat. I think it's a different system than you're dealing with right now so you have something to look forward to. :)
Yeah, winter weather systems tend to migrate towards the SE. The one that's hitting us is coming in from the Pacific NW.

That being said I'm going to run out, top off the tank, and pick up a couple of other items in preparation.
Belli if you're going to throw a party I want an invite and don't forget BT and Barbie too!
We've all been confined too long and need a break. I'll bring brownies :D

Even if it is legal.

Drinking is legal, but I told the cop, "No, I haven't been drinking..."
I'm like Steven Wright,

I put my car keys in the front door of my house -- it started up. I drove it off.
I'm like my grandpa, he gave up driving when his heart condition worsened, not because he couldn't drive safely anymore but because he worried who he would take with him if something happened while he was driving. I'm the one people call when they need a DD and it's one of the things I'm proud of
I'll give up driving when you pry me from my cold, dead truck...


Then again, I've spent most of my life where it's hard to find someone to hit
and when you do, they're usually bigger than you (and towing something).

When approaching a stop sign during the day, we only stopped when we saw another vehicle about to get there first.
At night, we just turned off the headlights and only stopped if we saw other headlights.

Of course, they might have just turned theirs off too, but what are the odds?

I learned to drive on a dirt track and have won my share of powderpuffs, I've lost track of the number of rum runs I've participated in, and iced parking lots were a place for showing off not waiting out the storm. I've also buried a few too many people who took their risks too far and when I teach others to drive I drill certain protocols into their heads, so far I haven't lost any of them.
We keep getting freezing drizzle, so shit keeps icing up.

This shit is really the work of Satan.

The kitten is sound asleep on her back.

She may have the right idea . . . .



This is more like the glaze on donuts. But it's only on elevated stuff.

Got a cordial invitation to show up to work. It had quit falling, so I took a whack at it. The roads were okay, mostly. No stacks of wrecked cars. Even the bridges were adequate to my needs.

For the wood butchers and two plumbers. Oh, the frog has left to go home, and the PM won't be there tomorrow. And it's going above freezing.

That'll work . . . .



Happy Friday!!!

Apparently, people around here are very jumpy when you mention ice storms. First, it what happens here. Sneaux less so, ice moreso. Second, there was a big-ass ice storm back in aught nine that fucked everything up for weeks which they still remember. So they go into hunker down mode. I didn't check to see if they also strip the grocery store shelves like a covid toilet paper panic.We get sneaux-n-cold next week. I reckon we'll live. They're gettin' sneaux-n-ice back to home.

So it's anyone's guess as to who we get for work today. Likely we see no roofers for another week.

But I have a wicked stockpile of coffee, so as long as we haz electriciteh . . . .



I've been caught in a couple of those devils. The worst was in S. Illinois one winter. Trees came down, BIG trees, and virtually all of the power lines. Having a coal fired furnace and a gas stove made it bearable.
Back, way back, last millennium, I was where we had three ice storms on three successive Fridays. All in a row. Pretty treacherous.

And I had an old car with a very half-assed defroster.

Joy . . . not!!!

Off to torment what weasels come my way.


The snow is now deeper than Larry is tall. He has to hold his snout pointing at the sky if he wants to breathe.

Took me a while to bust my way out of the driveway this morning. I have a strong dislike for snow plow guys.
The snow is now deeper than Larry is tall. He has to hold his snout pointing at the sky if he wants to breathe.

Took me a while to bust my way out of the driveway this morning. I have a strong dislike for snow plow guys.

You need to put a sign out; "Don't block my drive, earn a tip."