TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Home. Earlier. Done et. Visited with the ldy. Did an equinitarian good deed for the large poodles next door. Seems their asshole doesn't put out hay and it's gonna be cold as fuck this weekend. So we chunked three bales over the fence for them. The first one had found it before we were done, so we reckoned the other two would, too.

To. There you have it.

The new plumbers may get this done so's we can do drywall starting the middle of next week. We'll see. Hope to Allah.

Don't go back until Monday, so . . . .



Happy Saturday!!!

When I think of old cars sometimes, of a model they made have made tens of thousands of. Seventy-five years (or more) ago. And how many may have gone for scrap in the last big war. And how most folks think they're neat but otherwise don't give a fuck. And there nay be a few dozen left, or fifteen . . . .

Looks cold-n-bleak all next week. Below fruzz mostly. But back to the 50s in 10 daze or so, thanks be to Allah.

Meanwhile, coffee . . . .



If it's the stuff that freezes into pebbly ice like on a curling rink, that is the worst shit possible.

That's what I just dug out from. Shit turns to pure ice.

We're supposed to get "traditional" snow tomorrow.
That is so much easier to deal with.

I only got dug out because I saved all the salt from the last clean out
of the water softener. It was a very miserable morning, to say the least.
Yeah, winter waited until the ninth round to finally fight back
and so far, it looks like a TKO. It played rope-a-dope.

I threw in the towel, but the referee isn't about to stop the fight...

I hope we see some sun today, there's still some stuff on the drive
that could use a little melting before the snow hits.
Areas of freezing rain possible today.

Sneaux Monday.

97% chance.

Weasel room . . . . :mad: :rolleyes:


I can only hope that this is the last blast.
I have daffodils popping up everywhere.

The bird feeder and suet are drawing in a lot of species
that generally ignore them at all times and at all costs.
For example, there were a spectacular pair of bluebirds out there.
Bluebirds never come to the feeder, ever. They just prefer to stay in the woods.
Today is Shit Hits the Weather Fan Saturday.

The peaches and pears might make it, the apple tree is toast, its already budded out so no apples this year. Rain, sneaux, 0 deg., sneaux, rain in roughly that order.

Oh well, I've got some reloading to keep me warm.
I did lose a chicken. It might have been from the cold, who knows?

It was only about two years old. Oh well, it wasn't much of a layer anyway...
They don't work when the wind is blowing and we're due for gusts up to 40 mph. Right on the edge of tropical storm status. If the sneaux load gets big enough there might be some protection there. If this had blown in a week ago everything would be fine.
I should have put in some fruit trees,
but I always thought that this was going to be a temporary residence
based upon my past history of frequent moves.

All I got now is acorns. At least they produce a nice crop of squirrel...
What I read didn't indicate any plans to change anything other than management.

That's almost always a good thing. :D
We need more sanity like this in sports:

Bluefield College President David Olive issued a statement saying he told the players not to kneel during the anthem, but when they did it anyway, he suspended them all on the spot, according to ESPN.

“The basis for my decision stemmed from my own awareness of how kneeling is perceived by some in our country, and I did not think a number of our alumni, friends, and donors of the College would view the act of kneeling during the anthem in a positive way,” the school chief wrote.
