TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Ruger seems to like AZ.

I think that the Czechs learned to make munitions-n-sich from the Germans, so there's that.

The ;landlady got home yestiddy about 2 and sent me a picture of Coyote Bait standing out in her field. Fucking figures, don't it?

Maybe a I'm Leaving Lit Forever thread is in order . . . . :rolleyes:



G'day all, I have been through the mill with modifications to 327 Packards since the late 1960's and what works for me, currently fitted to my 1938 120, with R6 overdrive is:.......
1:...... Use a 288 head on the 327 as it has a combustion space of 109 cc Versus 137cc for the 327. It will raise the comp ratio from 8:1 to 8:5 to one without modification. I have also taken 100 thou from the 288 head and I am running close to 9:1 ratio. I am fortunate that a side valve has increased turbulance at the inlet valve and therefore a lower Octane requirement.
2:..... Bore the engine out to max. I have bored the 327 out 60 thou and it is close to 340 Cubic inch.
3:.... Fit a free flow carb and exhaust. I am running a Holley 600 and a 2.5 inch exhaust with a hot dog as the muffler.
It certainly is not the final word on grunt but it wants to wheelspin in second gear on a wet road like it is the final word.

Heh . . . .

Gotta love a hot rod boat anchor.


Good mornin!

I resupplied the bird feeders this mornin so they should be good for the crap weather coming in.

I have 2 days to think about how bad is too bad to drive 60 miles to work. Seems like a good question, we'll circle back on that one.

There will be naps today, and laundry.
Got home and the pasture poodles were staring at the woods. Thought I saw an antler rat but it was just some vegetation.

Had a good visit with a friend, and a good meal.

It was freezing drizzle when I went out, so there were scrapage.

There be sneaux tomorrow night . . . .



There was something there that drew their interest.

The weather is starting to roll in here as well. Should be well developed by 9 or 10 PM. I've got all my shit together so all I need to do is hunker down and crank up the reloading press.
I was considering a move to some place like the FL Keys, or similar. Then I remembered they have those pesky hurricane thingys.
I am not a fan of skeeters either, even though historically they don't think I taste good. Prolly too bitter and tough.
Yes, they do.

And transplanted northeasterners, which may be considerably worse and never out of season.

No, not that kind of season.

:D :eek: :rolleyes:


Hey Wat. Give you some info on those Pasture poodles. Watch their ears. They telegraph everything with their ears.
Never seen those Marsh mosquito's north of the glades.

It is POURING out there. Just need a temperature drop. :rolleyes:
<sigh> I guess I have yuck weather to look forward to, or dread, as the case may be.
Good morning all.

About a 1/2 inch of sneaux out there and it's still coming down. Actually it's supposed to sneaux all day. It's light and powdery so I don't expect the accumulation to be more than an inch if even that much. This time of the morning it's quiet and it looks kinda pretty out there.
Happy Sunday!!!

We got some showers last night, the kind that warn't forecasted (forecasterized?) and didn't appear on the weather radar. Yes, my favorites. Anyway, it's glazed again, just like a donut. Sons of whores!!! So it'll be a quiet day around the homestead. We'll see how the day progresses.

I now have a pasture poodle who likes to come to see me as I pass through. It's the bully/herd leader. Might as well have friends in high places. He always holds his head high so's he can look down his nose at humans. I susopect that he's a speciesist.

Been up a bit talking with the landlady about all manner of shit. Coffee's almost done.


It's still coming down out there. Started the night with some T'storms along with heavy rain. Then the temp. dropped like a rock, it's 8F out there now. It dropped fast enough and low enough that the streets have a glaze under a coating of snow. What traffic there is is driving REAL slow and I'm not going to be going anywhere and if'n I do I'm going to have to cable up.
Went out for walkabout on the farm. Wished the one poodle with a known b-day a happy b-day.

Really, it was yesterday, but she forgot and so did he, so we just pretended like it is today and he was all warm-n-happy. Under his poodle blankie, out there in the cold.

My ride is parked up by the road, so I scraped the windows and put the wipers up. First time ever. The DOT has treated the roads, so they're passable. They should also be good for whatever sneaux we get overnight, which, insh'Allah, won't amount to much.

So, it's a good day for lounging with the critters.


Good Morning!

The weather has not turned here yet, but ice is being forecast for tomorrow. If that is the case, I predict an unscheduled day off for BT. In the meantime, I'll be puttering around the house. Unless I decide to putter somewhere else,
Reading some stuff online, where all of the Tr000thy Tr000th is.

Was reckoning that a modern stick should be made to work behind a Packard inline engine. Borg Warner - which is now Tremec. Made the original. Made gearboxes behind 5.0h Mushrats. Bolt patterns look similar for some of them.

And then found this guy who made a S-10 5-speed hook up:

How's about them eggs???




I like this thinking:


Supercharge Everything!

I love junkyards, and so I went to several Denver self-service wrecking yards and pulled one of each of the three types of supercharger that usually live in high-inventory-turnover self-service wrecking yards right now. There's the Eaton-made Roots-type blower used by GM and Ford, the Aisin-made Roots-type blower used by Toyota, and the IHI-made twin-screw blower used by Mazda. You'll find other types occasionally, on your random Mercedes-Benz C-Class or Volkswagen Corrado or other junkyard oddball, but these three superchargers make up 98 percent of the blower inventory in North American wrecking yards in 2017.
