TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Also, I was that kid who would make tunnels and little rooms in the hay loft. So You could say, when presented with a wall of anything, BT always went to tunneling through it.
I lived in Florida for a while back in 1982 or so. They had skeeters down there that was so big, they could stand flat-footed and fuck a chicken.
Mosquitos really should be the Florida state bird, if only because with no freeze there’s never a real break from them!
Weather update grass is crunchy. any wooden surface is pre ice skating rink. the little dog slid across the porch and I laughed.Then I realized I had to walk across that mess too.
The thought of a clinical instructor using my xrays as an example of the worst possible break in the history of mankind makes me cringe. With that in mind, i will be prudent.
If you have to wonder about safety, stay home.
It's a good excuse to grab a book and enjoy more coffee while staying alive.
Home. Going in was a waste of time, but I did take my big-n-good book with me, so there was reading.

And idling the car to keep my feet warm and the glasses clear. It finally cut loose with sleet about noon. The roads were fucked coming home. The PM tossed my ass at 2 - not a complaint was heard.

He did call Jabba s000per at the other joib, on speaker, to ask a few questions. I caught the lies. No sense in telling the PM - he'll figure it out soon enough. :rolleyes:

Gonna be a quiet night. Cold, too . . . .



Had one. Once. No, two,

Wrong time and wrong place.

Been pondering. Something for a rainy/cold weekend. Maybe.

Until the next thought wanders through my brain . . . .

Happy Cold-ass Tuesday!!!

Ten feels like minus two. Icy "sneaux" is all around. At least it isn't very deep. Allegedly, there is a state of emergency and essential personnel only, but since we wuz declared to be essential when the flu hit last Spring . . . . :rolleyes:

There is a very fierce game of Chase The Cat going on. Which is best watched with coffee.

No one around here criticizes drinking coffee, or lives to do it a second time . . . . :mad:



Fascinating, really, and a considerable "investment," too.

I'm sure that there aren't any blowers on any of them, save the Merlins.

Actually, I'm looking a bit at the 110s. Hard to find a parts engine, tho'. Then again, there could still be one in a wrecking yard around here, or in some guy's barn.

Off to get ready for the useless day of chasing weasels who don't show.

I went out a midnight last night in my skivvy shorts to move the truck to an open area because the ice was falling off the trees and I didn't want dents. Ice, ice, baby! Woke up at 5 this morning and the temp was 35 and the ice was water. I worried ma'self for nothing!
I'm not saying it's cold, but we'll be lucky to see double digits today. It's been so cold that I couldn't even log on to the internet, this is the first time since probably Friday that I have even been able to get on. There's over a foot of snow and I'm trying to dig out now while it's sunny because we're getting blasted again tonight. Right now, I'm just taking a break to warm up a bit, but as soon as the sun popped out, I got internet again. Now, if the wind would just stop blowing, that the worst part. The air and the snow are so dry, that it just blows around like sand in the desert. Every time I get up to do something, I end up getting shocked. That is pissing me off.


This region just does not experience weather like this, the infrastructure wasn't prepared for it, the people weren't prepared for it, and I'm certainly not really prepared. I have a snowblower in the original box. I should have had it put together, now it's just too fucking cold unless I get motivated and haul it to the house.
Home. way early. Il Prezz wasn't coming after all. The local airports are closed and driving isn't all that sporty, either. We had the two carpenters - no, wood butchers. The plumbers and HVAC guys called out. I reckon they have service work out the wazoo. The concept of travel is just silly. Thirteen feels like one.

At least the sun is trying to peek out. Lamely.

If the wind twarn't a-blowin' and I warn't unwilling, I could take a rifle with me and go out to look for Critter Tracks. Even Litsters can track stuff in the sneaux/ice. Hell, I found some cat tracks at work.

It's a good day to read . . . .



Landlady got a visual on a woods poodle. The neighbor horses - and mule - were paying attention. Prey vs. predator thingie.

Of course, by the time I got mah boots tied and my vest and hat on, the fucker had ghosted. Don't it just figure?

Got a bit of rat bait out. That's well within easy range. Watching . . . .

Found some stuff:



