TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

I look at it this way: you see a guy in a lifted 4×4 with 35s in the city and the first thing you think is the dude is overcompensating.

I am, quite obviously under compensating, so I've got dick to spare.
I'm always liked cast iron cookware. In the past, I restored a vintage dutch oven that a roommate had left out in the yard. He'd given up on it. He burned something in it and just left it outside to rust I completely restored it to new and gave it back to him.

I just treated it like a piece of metal and got rid of all the rest and then seasoned the thing like you would brand new cast iron. It turned out great and I didn't really know what I was doing.

Well back I fell down one of those YouTube rabbit holes and was watching whole series of videos on people that collect that stuff and how they restore them. I don't deep thinking it would help me in my weekly thrift store shopping and then I didn't see any cast iron for months.

This weekend I bought a number #10, three-notch, vintage Lodge skillet for 15 bucks. Took me quite a while just now to identify the pan and I still don't know exactly how old it is. When I was watching the videos before it seemed that the information is well cataloged and easy to search for. Now I can't seem to find anything now that I want to know something specific.
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This weekend I bought a number #10, three-notch, vintage Lodge skillet for 15 bucks. Took me quite a while just now to identify the pan and I still don't know exactly how old it is. When I was watching the videos before it seemed that the information is well cataloged and easy to search for. Now I can't seem to find anything now that I want to know something specific.

If you can understand him? I can't...

I'm always liked cast iron cookware. In the past, I restored a vintage dutch oven that a roommate had left out in the yard. He'd given up on it. He burned something in it and just left it outside to rust I completely restored it to new and gave it back to him.

I just treated it like a piece of metal and got rid of all the rest and then seasoned the thing like you would brand new cast iron. It turned out great and I didn't really know what I was doing.

Well back I fell down one of those YouTube rabbit holes and was watching whole series of videos on people that collect that stuff and how they restore them. I don't deep thinking it would help me in my weekly thrift store shopping and then I didn't see any cast iron for months.

This weekend I bought a number #10, three-notch, vintage Lodge skillet for 15 bucks. Took me quite a while just now to identify the pan and I still don't know exactly how old it is. When I was watching the videos before it seemed that the information is well cataloged and easy to search for. Now I can't seem to find anything now that I want to know something specific.

This should help Con.

Definitely did. Mines a mid 60's to early 70's Lodge. It's usable as is. The seasoning isn't bad. I'm tempted to strip it all the way down and start over but it's in pretty good shape the way it is
Here in Points West (and a bit south). The trip was fine. The cat stopped screaming - not that it was all that bad, not like his wife (rest her adorable soul) - after a couple of hours.

My motel is just up the street from the local HfD dealer. Wat will be needing a t-shirt.

The jobsite is 20 minutes away going through town. I've talked to 3 people with places for rent. And there is an Awful Waffle right beside the scrotel, so that rawks.

I think that this is going to work out . . . .



I have a lot of cast iron, but not for collecting, for surviving over a campfire.

I am self-quarantining until I can get in to get tested and get the results.
It looks to be a very boring process. I might move the coffee maker
to a more convenient location; I hate running up and down stairs.

So far thought, the only "fever" I've run is a low one,
like 97.7º..., so that's good.

I have crepe myrtle leaves everywhere.
It's usually quickly followed by the big ash tree
and it all reminds me, I need to get the pool covered.
I have a lot of cast iron, but not for collecting, for surviving over a campfire.

I am self-quarantining until I can get in to get tested and get the results.
It looks to be a very boring process. I might move the coffee maker
to a more convenient location; I hate running up and down stairs.

So far thought, the only "fever" I've run is a low one,
like 97.7º..
., so that's good.


Centigrade? :D
I'm sure that's going to go a long way towards providing their graduates with highly desirable skills in business and industry.

$100K in college loan debt and nothing to offer that anyone wants. This should work out well in the end, especially for the Univ. comptroller. :)
I got to try out the new sway bar tonight in evasion and escape. I definitely need that front sway bar.

Turned out it was a 17 year old kid. By the time I got the cops to intercept him we had broken quite a few traffic laws. They arrested him, charged 'im with reckless endangerment and impounded his truck.

Last time this happened the guy hit me head on.

Both times they felt fully justified in chasing me down. Both times having a Prius run circles around them, pissed them off even further.

Beside from the time off work while I'm making a report, I'm really pissed because I was running about 58 miles to the gallon and by the time I got done playing cat mouse with this kid, I was down to 47 mpg average.

This was in the barrio. Not my barrio, a little less upscale barrio than mine. I'm was assuming a gun. You would think he should have assumed the same thing. I can't imagine in this day and age someone wanting to play chase when you've got no idea who you're chasing.
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Well, President Harris will forgive those loans
and let the rich white taxpayers pick up the tab...
I thought I pissed off a lot of people
what with driving in the Left lane,
blinker on, adhering to the speed limit...
The old multiple alt game:

American Culture

European prostate health day - SexoMercadoBCN website survey (Spanish forum)
Happy Tuesday!!!

Slept pretty well in spite of being on central time. It's like I made the switch just by staying up the extra hour. No biggie. The cat is adjusted - he's like that. It can be leisurely getting to work this way. Besides, in all likelihood, there will be pretty close to fuck-all to do today anyway. Meet-n-greet should be about it.

My brother found a 15" skillet at a junque store a few years ago. He has a gas burner out on the back deck, and that's where he cooks bacon. A lot fits in that thing. I don't have one, but I have coffee.

I'm "watching" the NFL online. That is, I check scores-n-stats without video or sound. I can read the scores and have a really good idea of what the game looked like. And that, boys-n-girls, is enough of that.


They were good for sleeping through...

Breakfast of champions this morning:

Coffee and Peanut M&Ms.
I've got a glass top range that I hate. The ring that is designed to snug-fit into a #10 hole on an old-time wood stove is going to elevate this off the range.

You just reminded me that the grill I bought to make a firebox for a to-be-built smoker (but cleaned up to nice not to just use as a grill) has a burner!

I need to go fill a tank.
They get to say whatever they want, and I get to ignore it.

Halfway through September already.

Good, it'll be a short winter.

That and I need not to freeze to death here . . . .


