TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

You can stretch 16oz over 13.5 hours?

Get diesel, not gas. I'm picking up a 35KW DRASH unit that I'm going to park in the backyard. Power, heat, and A/C all on one convenient trailer. :)
If I have to...

I'll buy a new generator when this one craps out.

It is powered by a Honda motorcycle engine, so I don't see that happening any time soon.

On the upside, my internet seems to be getting back up to speed.

It's getting light. I'll need to get on the snow soon, so the sun can help dry the drive...

;) ;)

Look at me! All [Red] Green what with the passive solar!
On the upside, my internet seems to be getting back up to speed.

It's getting light. I'll need to get on the snow soon, so the sun can help dry the drive...

;) ;)

Look at me! All [Red] Green what with the passive solar!

Ski the Bootheel. :D
Okay, this officially sucks. Now that it's light I looked outside.
There's at least an inch of new snow and it's still coming down thick and hard

(and that's not a snow-porn joke :D )
It's a blizzard out there! Needed the 4WD to get into the office today. This winter weather event today and tonight should put us over 10' for the season.
Snow like this is very rare in these here parts.
It has resulted in some spectacular redneck crashes.

10-12 feet is an average year here, but this year the snow hasn't had a chance to melt since before Christmas - that's unusual. Snow on top of snow. I haven't had mail in two weeks because I'm too lazy to shovel, and the mail man is too fat to make the effort.
I've got a light dusting out there from last night but that will be gone as soon as the Sun hits it. Out here it evaporates faster than it melts.
It's still coming down and the dachshunds are driving me crazy...

Out out out! they're jumping out of their skin


In in in! they're barking when they get out,

then they get in and remember, they still need to do their business, so the cycle repeats.
Yeah, they keep shitting and pissing on the sidewalk because the snow isn't as deep.

I cleared them a place in the yard, but the sidewalk is just so much more convenient...

They're old dogs. It could become a new habit even after the snow is gone.

So, there is that...
Here's what I'm thinking about this morning:

I lived in Potomac, MD for 20 years before moving back to my mountain five years ago. When I was a suburbanite, my power went out every time the wind blew. One summer about 7 years ago the power was out for three weeks. Hotter than hell.

So moving up here to God's country, I was worried about losing power in the winter. I debated long and hard about having a Generac installed before I moved in. Luckily, I couldn't find anyone to install it and lost interest. Despite the cold, ice, snow and wind here, I haven't lost power not once. Not even a flicker.
I was right, I've driven in worse. Unlike JS I am not measuring snow in feeteses. Based on that alone, I'm ahead.
Here's what I'm thinking about this morning:

I lived in Potomac, MD for 20 years before moving back to my mountain five years ago. When I was a suburbanite, my power went out every time the wind blew. One summer about 7 years ago the power was out for three weeks. Hotter than hell.

So moving up here to God's country, I was worried about losing power in the winter. I debated long and hard about having a Generac installed before I moved in. Luckily, I couldn't find anyone to install it and lost interest. Despite the cold, ice, snow and wind here, I haven't lost power not once. Not even a flicker.

I understand that Generac makes a shitpot of $$ from the replacement parts.

Meanwhile, my Kohler keeps ticking along.
We have snow but it's just the normal and the power is on so there is coffee.

Also: we have three nuclear reactors keeping the lights on in anti-nuke "green"ie infested California