TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

No Range Day tomorrow. The road has turned into a quagmire, no point in tearing it up even more.

Woods poodles are always on the move. The only time they're standing still is when they're denned up, taking a dump, or taking a piss. We were out deer hunting one day and my buddies son came up on a coyote taking a dump and shot it. We still rib the kid about that little episode to this day.
Hell, I'da shot the motherfucker, too.

And we like contraptions in this thread. Wat likes the ones with scrounged parts made to work together.

The barn cat sport killed a cardinal. Seems we have lots of them and they feast on seeds-n-sich in the horse poop. Who knew? I told her to stick with the starlings which nest in the barn, that we kinda like cardinals.

Looks like it may dip above freezing tomorrow afternoon. It's warming up to sneaux . . . . :rolleyes:



The damn speedo cable snapped on my blue machine on Sunday. 8.4 miles out from the cabin. I think it goes faster, now.
Since Friday past we’re at right around 36” of snow, currently -8 degrees, with more snow tonight and again Friday.

Even the coyotes are laying low, but I did see a wolf yesterday cutting across the driveway, and spotted a bald eagle nest!
Happy non-payday Wednesday!!! There's plenty of leftover chcicken in the pot, and more stimulus on the way, praises to Allah!!! And more ice-n-sneaux, too. Figures.

We may actually get back above freezing again by this weekend. My desert god has let me down, it seems. Of course, he seems to go hog-wild in July, so there's that.

Found a deal on a pile of parts down the road aways. The landlady will rent me space in her hayhouse indefinitely. And there may be a new old car in my future, and this would make hot rod bits. Just what I was kinda looking for. Nw, waiting for Sanity to return . . . .

Coffee can make that happen, or it can make Madness worser . . . .



Good morning.

You aren't getting paid and I'm not going out shooting. :rolleyes:

What sort of project car did you get? A friend has a '49 Buick 5 window straight 8 that he's going to do something with. A western car with virtually no rust.
Sneauxed all afternoon. Wet heavy stuff that, fortunately, melted as soon as it hit the ground. Hopefully this is the last gasp of the current weather system.
I didn't know you are Italian. ;)

Home. Brought the sneaux with me, it seems. It's really white flakes this time and not that wretched icy shit. That's the good news. The bad new is, it looks like it's hunkered down to dump some. Joy . . . . :mad:

We had a few weasels today. And a couple of broken water lines. Which will lead to some plumbing repairs and some drywall, too. Scrambling to get some temp heat going before the singkle digit overnight low forecast for tomorrow.

Haven't gotten a rolling wreck - yet. Gimme time.


I am not looking forward to the drive home in the morning. But, eh, I've probably driven in worse.
Happy Thursday!!! Ir does look like Thor's Day based on the bit of accumulation this morning. It'll take longer than Tuesday did to get in, most likely, unless they have done a more gooder job keeping up with it than they did then.

If they're like back to home, they'll either sit and watch it sneaux or ride around in it, waiting for it to stop, and then putting plow to pavement. :mad: :rolleyes:

Projected weasel count: 2
Projected widemouth frog count: 1
Odds the frog bitches: 100%
Odds Wat takes a book to work: 100%
Odds Wat loads up on coffee first: Infinity%



Funny how things work, or don't work as the case may be. When the SHTF here Sun. there was a noticeable lack of road clearing activity. I'm thinking, "What the hell? It's Sunday guys.............double time." And then I snapped to the fact that Monday was a holiday..............triple time! Guess when the road clearing began?
We're supposed to get one final dump before this system moves off to the north and east.
It's supposed to be gone by noon and then some serious digging out will commence.
To add insult to injury, tomorrow is supposed to get above freezing,
but if I don't get everything cleared, it will turn to ice, so
today I get to be very cold for several hours.

It's a very long driveway and the snowblower's union states
that it will not work on gravel without sustaining significant damage.

You bet I did, but it doesn't melt snow it just sinks to the bottom and
leaves behind snow that looks like it has been assaulted by a shotgun.

;) ;)

At any rate, it's ice melt and I rather suspect that under the snow is some ice
or there will be moisture left that will turn to ice, so after shoveling,
everything gets a good coverage of ice melt.

I purchased a dozen ten-gallon buckets of the stuff.
It's supposed to work at sub-zero temperatures,
but I have seen absolutely no evidence of that.
They won't go up the driveway.
They just leave notes in the mailbox for me to come pick up my packages.
I have a chain of knotted ropes for circumstances such as these --
park at the bottom of the drive and then let myself down and drag myself up.

Better yet, always be provisioned and just stay at home.
Not too much is worth that kind of effort or exposure to weather/accident.
Oh joy. The weather goddess is telling me that if the clouds move out today,
then by tomorrow we're going to have subzero temperatures...

Apparently, the best travel mug is the Zojirushi (16oz) keeping things at temperature for 13.5 hours.


For $20, you can get a Thermos Stainless King with 7 hours of temperature.

I can afford the additional $8. :cool: