TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

We have snow but it's just the normal and the power is on so there is coffee.


Ditto, except that coffee will be in the morning.
Home. Had 4 weasels and 2 visiting weasels. The drive in was much easier than I thought, and they have all but completely cleared the roads, even out here in the fields. I was favorably impressed, and the only real Suction Factor was the diner closed for the day.

I got a text earlier from the Little Mexican Girl. It was chatty, and then she said something that made we wonder if she was talking to the right guy. Or was drunk. Possibly both.

I did call on a rolling wreck. It was already solded. Perhaps Allah was doing for me what I cain't do fer mahse'f.

THe cat is killing my gloves . . . . :rolleyes:

Happy Friday!!! Typed the above post last night and then let it sit all night because I never clicked "submit reply." I guess that, the good news is, I did not submit.

It's a couple degrees below freezing this morning. The internet is somewhat wonky. There will be bosses and weasels. To be determined: how many of each?

The cats are being silly. The kitten is killing a boot lace. My new boots should arrive today. Sixty percent off, no less. These are either leaking or my feet start sweating in them by mid-afternoon. Either is possible.

Kinda like morning and Wat's coffee intake.

BJs finished by swallowing every drop voluntarily

For Those Having a Bad Day

Looks like good consuckutive threads to me . . . .


Good morning.

We're sitting at 24, headed for 48. Except for some patches in the shade the sneaux is all gone.

Breakfast with the Feds is on this mornings agenda. Might be some interesting tales, then again they might have sat on their asses doing paperwork during the bad weather.
It's a bit colder this morning than was forcasterized yestiddy.

I know - imagine that shit!!!

Insh'Allah that our pathetic pipes have held on until we can get some heat running this afternoon.

Maybe with a helping hand from Hey Zeus, too . . .


I have an angry red hand, I nearly got frostbite yesterday and only got about half the drive done before I called it a day.
I need to go out and finish it this morning. The real slap in the face is that
tomorrow begins a rapid warming trend leading to record highs by the beginning of next week.
At least ice melt will go on sale and I will be able to restock for the next rare winter event
(for this part of the country, the gateway to the South).

I feel like the song from Les Mis...

One more day,
one day more!

One more day of frozen dachshund shit on the sidewalk.
One more day's supply of ice melt to be applied.
In a few more days, it will be on sale.
Then I will restock.

I understand that Generac makes a shitpot of $$ from the replacement parts.

Meanwhile, my Kohler keeps ticking along.

Does the Kohler come on automatically when the power goes out? We are pretty limited in terms of tradesmen here. Now if you want some meth cooked, no problem.
I reckon we got meth cooks here, too.

Rolling wreck plans: blown. Superchafged. Seems to be the shortest path to moar tork (no, not Peter). And at 10 pounds, good copper head gaskets on properly prepared surfaces seem to be adequate. And pump gas, too. Still several car variety options, but I really kinda wanna build ot MY Granddaddy's Packard, Straights dound really cool.


Off to see who licked the car . . . .



I'm thinking eggs, bacon, gravy and biscuits.

First, I need to find my motivation. I had it yesterday,
but I just cannot seem to find it laying around here...
The internet is driving me up a wall.
It takes forever to load a page and when it does load,
it loads without any pictures, which is okay, it it weren't so damned slow!!!


It really needs to warm up; quick, now and in a hurry...
That's a horrible image by which to start the day...

Like that old booze commercial with the guy walking down the beach.
I see on the MyFace, that the town just hired another police officer. That's a force of three now.

Which got me thinking... I was born here and lived here until I was 17. Back then, the county population was about the same as it is now. About 20,000 hillbillies.

In the 70s we had a sheriff, six deputies, and the town had one "police chief"

Now the Sherriff's department has 36 sworn officers (some work in the courtroom and some in the jail) and the town has three officers.

I guess that in the 35 years I was gone, the peoples became a bunch of law breakers. How else can you explain the growth in local policing?

No matter where it is instituted,
government is the one growth industry that never fails to deliver...
Its strange... this area was settled in the early 1700s by Scots-Irish who wanted to get away from governments. The Germans and Italians came in the late 1700s for the same reason.

Today, that attitude is a source of pride and is given constant lip service. But the fact is, most people are on some sort of government assistance, and the largest employer is some flavor of government.
That's ironically sad.

As sad as the current crop of morons who are blaming the energy woes in Texas
on the free-enterprise system when the reality is that of a state-sanctioned monopoly...
Dependence on the government is addictive.

It's like if you feed your dog kibble, then give him some wet dog food as a treat. Before long, the dog won't eat kibble any more and looks at you pleadingly for the wet stuff.
I heard a piece on the radio about a woman in Alaska who went to the outhouse. When she sat down she was bitten(or swiped with a claw) on the butt by a bear. It made me think of thor, I don't know why...

Oh, and since I'm here: JS, I can see my grass in my yard. :)
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I haven't seen the grass since Thanksgiving. And I was in bed with the covid then so it doesn't count. :mad: