TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Just a random thought about the growing police forces, but when I was a kid if you had an issue you dealt with it. Now if you deal with it you're a criminal too (if they find out). I'm not sure there's more law breaking, I think there's just more laws.
Did someone fart?? Repeatedly??? :D ;)

Home. Grazed in. Got mah new waterproof warm-foot-type boots today. They get tried out tomorrow.

On my day off. The frog gets to deal with all the Hispanics he constantly comments on. With his full-blown half-a-Mexican heritage. Boy's a full-blown knucklehead.

Gonna run errands with the landlady tomorrow. Might learn me some more local lore. And see more sun!!! :eek:


I heard a piece on the radio about a woman in Alaska who went to the outhouse. When she sat down she was bitten(or swiped with a claw) on the butt by a bear. It made me think of thor, I don't know why...

Oh, and since I'm here: JS, I can see my grass in my yard. :)

That was over by Haines (Think, damn close to Canada). She went out with her friend to a yurt in the woods. Who in their right mind has a yurt in bear country? A bear will go right through the walls. But, said bear got a piece of ass, so to speak.

Grass is over-rated. I don't want to see any until May 1.
I see on the MyFace, that the town just hired another police officer. That's a force of three now.

Which got me thinking... I was born here and lived here until I was 17. Back then, the county population was about the same as it is now. About 20,000 hillbillies.

In the 70s we had a sheriff, six deputies, and the town had one "police chief"

Now the Sherriff's department has 36 sworn officers (some work in the courtroom and some in the jail) and the town has three officers.

I guess that in the 35 years I was gone, the peoples became a bunch of law breakers. How else can you explain the growth in local policing?

Just a random thought about the growing police forces, but when I was a kid if you had an issue you dealt with it. Now if you deal with it you're a criminal too (if they find out). I'm not sure there's more law breaking, I think there's just more laws.

Good morning folks

Two things happened in the late 60's early 70's. Here in the US we transitioned from a nation of 'Peace Officers' to a nation of 'Law Enforcement Officers'. That transition required that the various legislatures start creating a law for damn near everything. More laws require more law enforcement. Vicious circle that hasn't ended yet.
Happy Saturday!!! It's 10 right now, and dropping. It'll be in the 50s tomorrow afternoon. Toes-n-fingers will rejoice in the beneficence of Allah, Lord of All. I'll be in my shirtsleeves out looking for woods poodles. Probably poorly.

Everyone is up before we normally would during the week. One of the dogs has an inflamed trachea and is coughing a lot. I'm sure he feels poorly. Funny, when he's in the yard burrowing in the sneaux to look for some wee rodent, he doesn't cough. Whatever works.

It's not a question of whether or not I hear from the subs today, but only of which ones and how many times. Of course, maybe the widemouth frog will handle it. :rolleyes:

I'ma handle this-here coffee . . . .



Good morning folks

Two things happened in the late 60's early 70's. Here in the US we transitioned from a nation of 'Peace Officers' to a nation of 'Law Enforcement Officers'. That transition required that the various legislatures start creating a law for damn near everything. More laws require more law enforcement. Vicious circle that hasn't ended yet.

And the level of "attitude" and sanctimony. Makes a body wanna avoid them at all costs.

One day, those assholes will bear all the costs and I hope that Allah is merciful enough to allow me to bear witness.


Just a random thought about the growing police forces, but when I was a kid if you had an issue you dealt with it. Now if you deal with it you're a criminal too (if they find out). I'm not sure there's more law breaking, I think there's just more laws.

It's also in the nature of how we get information.
Local news used to be just the local news, but they now tried towards nationalizing it.
It's like they feel like they have to compete with the 24/7 news (entertainment) outlets
so they start straying further and further afield in order to present a titillating broadcast.

And there is always a tendency towards more law as a justification for being in office.
For some strange reason, you don't get reelected for doing nothing, even when,
to most people, that is a desired outcome to your tenure in the office.

I like to tell this story about riding with my teacher down around the reservation.
He would ignore stop signs and only stop to yield to other traffic that was there first.
He explained to me that most of the stop signs were there because it was the only
power the local council really wielded, so they were always putting up unneeded stop signs.
He also always ended up with a hearty laugh, "They're not going to do anything to me.
"I'm OLD!"

Good morning folks

Two things happened in the late 60's early 70's. Here in the US we transitioned from a nation of 'Peace Officers' to a nation of 'Law Enforcement Officers'. That transition required that the various legislatures start creating a law for damn near everything. More laws require more law enforcement. Vicious circle that hasn't ended yet.

Not to mention that value created for government in revenues from fines...

;) ;)
Out in the sleepy little mountain town/county that Wat was working in 2 years ago, they rigorously enforced (especially work zone) speed limits on the interstate. It was all about the revenue collection.

Taxation without representation.


I don't think fines are considered taxes.


They are, though, viewed as a source of revenue.
Of course, to collect the revenue, you need more revenue collectors,
and more revenue collectors require more revenue to pay for them so,

you need more revenue collectors.

:D :D :D
Every cent paid to gummint in whatever form or fashion is taxes. "Fines" is just a fancy name for it, like "interest."

If they'd just legalize drugs, tax the mother fuck out of them, and fund "treatment" centers with part of the "revenue," then they could call the so-called War On Drugs a resounding success.

War on common sense is more like it.

Every time "We" go to war on one of the milder mind-altering variants,
the dark cloud of humanity comes up with something even more dangerous...
Locally crime has gone out of control. In particular drug related murders is a growth industry. The local police dept. is ~30% below staffing level.

That being said yesterday AM while driving to breakfast I passed through 3 speed traps. 2 being operated by the city and one by the sheriffs dept. Apparently speeding is right up there with all the other felonies.
Isn't that what the beautiful and enlightened people agitating for over this past year?

The peaceful panacea that comes with fewer cops, the irritant
that produces the pearls of civic violence and
minority discrimination?

I thought the goal was for the minority communities to prove their mettle
without the oppressive violence implied by the white power structure.

Murders and other violent crimes should be going down.
I mean, if there's no police report...


... then it didn't happen.