TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Just took a peek at the politics board.

It really brings out the stupid (and the hateful) in so many posters.
They don't even discuss issues, they just blast each other with "serious charges."

The polity of the Peter Pan crowd that has come to dominate our political discourse,
the equivalent of the schoolyard taunt, "I'm rubber and you're glue..."

Just took a peek at the politics board.

It really brings out the stupid (and the hateful) in so many posters.
They don't even discuss issues, they just blast each other with "serious charges."

The polity of the Peter Pan crowd that has come to dominate our political discourse,
the equivalent of the schoolyard taunt, "I'm rubber and you're glue..."


My theory is that it tracks the overall decline of IQ.
The theory is proving to be prescient.

Now, they're over there defending the non-stop Biden gaffs as


... the lack of comprehensive abilities with those inclined to point them out.

It's the embodiment of the "Emperor's New Suit" school of political thought.
Or, as Richard Pryor used to frame it,
"Who you gonna believe bitch? Me or your lying [ears]?"
As soon as I identify a professional politician they all sound the same. Just like Charlie Browns teacher.
Solving felonies is hard work and involves interactions with potentially nasty people. Traffic "work" is more like terrorizing the general populace at large, is easier, and there are children to scare and to shatter the illusion of "the POE-lease (wo)man is our friend . . . ."

Last Wat was a crime victim (felony), the "detective" couldn't even be arsed to come out to dust for prints, and we fucking knew who did it. I mean, how pathetic is that???

Not a fan. Too gummint-like.


That is a truly ugly car...

Why the bloody hell would you restore a thing like that?

That car was actually an award winner when it was released. They did try to get too many years out of it, but that was 70 years ago.

You know you've dated a fat girl. From another town.

That model looks a bit better in darker colors.

It like vertical stripes, not horizontal ones . . . . :rolleyes:



Yet another reason to prefer old-fashioned sluts.

It's awfully damned bright out there. Lots of sun shining/reflecting off lots of sneaux.

Mud-a-geddon is on the way . . . .



It's 65 out there now so except for a few stragglers in the shade the sneaux is gone leaving mud in a few strategic locations.

My friend has a 40 ford sedan intact. Still has all the original chrome, etc. The only mod. is the front end was cut off and a camaro front end welded in place. If it weren't for that I'd make an offer. I'd want to rebuild it original.
I can appreciate original. I want a driver. Some things need to be upgraded. Brakes. Cars stop faster, so you have to have gooder brakes. Think front discs.

Twelve volts. Listening to a six volt starter is kinda sad, plus a body might want to add some electrical accessories, like a fuel pump and a windshield wiper motor, because vacuum wipers suck.

And if you can get it to breathe better, why the Hell not?

There's a '41 Caddie out there, and I found an Edmunds aluminum two-carb intake. All it'd need is dual pipes and a cold air intake. And a suoercharger . . . .



I hear ya. The brake conversion would be a snap. What with the Camaro front end all that would be needed would be to swap out the diff. with the appropriate hardware. Rewiring would be easy too. Those oldies just didn't have that much wire to begin with. 6V wire is heavier anyway, the issue would be insulation rot and bulb sockets.
There are repro harnesses out there for some rides. I druther have the 6v wiring, where functional, of course. I've seen sum sheeyit.

Cats have socked out.

Reckon I'll go read printed matter.


Twelve volts. Listening to a six volt starter is kinda sad, plus a body might want to add some electrical accessories, like a fuel pump and a windshield wiper motor, because vacuum wipers suck.

The 24v starter on my cruiser is fucking awesome.

Just saying.
Happy Sunday!!!

If I'm not mistaken, the 6v starter doesn't have to be changed. It just needs a 12v solenoid. I think that it's the ignition which needs some reciphering.

Gonna make 50 today. There (allegedly) be rain tonight and tomorrow which means all this white shit be leavin' us.

Coffee make the sleepy leave . . .



Good morning y'all!

It got above freezing yesterday, albeit briefly, but more is in store for today and tomorrow,
lots of sun. The walks and the drive are finally clear and starting today, the rest should begin retreating
like ice-age glaciers releasing their grip on the continent.
Needless to say, it cannot happen too soon.

Little stupid has suddenly developed pain in her front legs, can barely walk
and just wants to get into her bed under her blanket and lay there,
even if I have food. She never just lies around when food is in the living room,
she's there begging, whining and hoping for some sort of food accident, a spill,
a drop, a scrap thrown her way, so I know she's not feeling well at all;
even her nose is dry and warm. I wonder if her time is near.
I know big stupid could go at any time with her heart being as bad as it is.
I might be a bad man, but I cannot wait for a time when I am not dealing with dogs all the time.
Never again.

Good Morning!

The big dog wanted out again last night. Temps in the teens and he's happy as a clam outside. No amount of cajoling can seem to change his mind that this is perfect weather for Big Dogs . The other 2, being short-haired, think he's crazy.

Sleep for me has been cat naps. Now that the sun is up maybe my eyes will get heavy; or not. I have coffee now, which my body tends to ignore, so it could go either way.

There should be a grocery run today...sometime...not sure when. I should make a list.
Oh joy.
Local weather is good news - bad news.
Yes it is going to be warmer, but it is going to rain later.

Then again, a good rain might wash away a lot of that nasty white stuff.

The daffodils have broken ground and they might enjoy a really good warm watering...
No I haven't tried that one.

edited to add: maybe it should be my new work drink
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