TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

It's been around for at least 20 years,
but since Celestial produces a lot of crap under the rubric of "tea,"
I think it just gets lost in the ignore factor by most consumers of tea and coffee.

I prefer my tea that I get from the Chinese grocery.
It's hard to drink something like Lipton's after having good tea.
tee hee Wat

But according to a new study, first reported by the Wall Street Journal, dudes need to ditch their cats in their dating profiles if they are really serious about securing a Valentine. Sounds brutal. But again, we’re just looking at the science, folks.

The study featured in the peer reviewed journal “Animals” and (amazingly) titled “Not the Cat’s Meow? The Impact of Posing with Cats on Female Perceptions of Male Dateability” found that heterosexual males posing with a cat in their photos were “less masculine when holding the cat, higher in neuroticism, agreeableness, and openness; and less dateable” by more than 1,300 women.


Good morning folks.

No matter what the voltage, I'd go with an electronic ignition system. They just freakin' work.
Yep, electronic ignition, for the same reasons as the other stuff we mentioned.

I did reply to another ad. Fucking scam. Cunt say I'm surprised. I got that same hustle shopping for bikes online a few years back. It's the Pore Widder Lady selling dead hubbie's Pride-N-Joy. I shan't be writin' back, methinks.

The new girl cat is looking for The Red Dot. Three seconds of laser light and she discombobulated for five minutes.

Off to read. Tomorrow's a school day . . . .'

Happy Monday!!! That post wouldn't post last night. That one ^^^^ there. I'd like to blame Manu's old tired hamster-powered servers, but I think it had more to do with the local intrawebz connection. Or lack of it.

We haz rain today, at least this morning. The sneaux should be just about gone.

And we will have weasels today, and a very nervous PM. That happens when you bill for a bit more than you really have one and then have to create a ruse, and even that is a bit of a stretch. It'll prolly work out, but there might be tension.

There will be coffee first . . . .



For the record, dachshunds pay no attention to the red dot. Now,
if I could find a way to get it to smell like some freshly-cut beef...

Hopefully, we get some melting of the white stuff today. It finally
warmed up yesterday, but not soon enough, or long enough, to
promote a whole lot in the way of melting. But, at least the drive
is clear enough to begin seeing deliveries to the house again.

That's progress! As an added bonus, we really didn't get the
usual ice storm with the snow, so we never lost power.

Of course, now I've jinxed it and some drunk will run into
a power pole and take down the lines ... again.

:( :mad:
The bike was. The car was one I hadn't seen but the one time.

I've actually had pretty good luck with the 'list.

Scams are really only a problem if you fail to catch it and get taken in. Otherwise, they're just annoying.

But we post on LIt, so we have understanding of that . . . .


I don't know why, but I'm a hardtop guy.
I never trusted convertibles. Cars roll you know.
If you don't know, let me tell you, they do! I am experienced.

:D :D :D

I see Rory is back and
his triumphant return has not garnered
the interest he thought it would, so now he's trolling for attention.

Jesus H. Christ but that maroon is one poor pathetic excuse of a little man.
He's not interesting enough on his own, so he picks interesting windmills to tilt at.
I don't know why, but I'm a hardtop guy.
I never trusted convertibles. Cars roll you know.
If you don't know, let me tell you, they do! I am experienced.

:D :D :D

There was always that criticism of conv. What wasn't said was that conv. have substantially stronger frames and side works because there was no roof to tie the sides together.
That comforts me when I am upside down.



I was just reminded about how stupid some of the posters are here.

One of them thinks inculcated is a made-up word...

Jesus Fuck, how do these people even
manage to navigate the internet?

The weather goddess just said that it's almost 40º this morning!

The sun's not even up!

Oh, happy days are here again...
Makes a body wonder.

No, not really.

Hell, if they were innerestin', then they'd have something to do.

Like Wat. Off to see the weasels . . . .

Once the sun is up, I'm off for a supply run.
I need things like bread and birdseed.

I need to keep my little snow buddies happy and healthy
so that they will sing for me this upcoming Spring...