TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

I put them out too.

The sad thing is that most of them are just passing through north or south.
We usually have just a few that take up residence, but for most of them
the Mississippi is just their highway and we are the off-ramp Denny's™.
We have resident birds, a LOT of them. Mostly Rufous but others pass through on their migrations.
I have seen some spectacular brilliant but birds passing through.
There's been a few tanagers too.
I can spend at least a half-an-hour at a time just watching them.
The snow really sets off their colors. The only ones I really dislike are the Blue Jays.
They are obnoxious noisy little petty bullies. It's like the avian version of Lit...
Snowing again. Just 5" expected. A dusting.

Ole Johnny hasn't had any mail in two weeks. I may have posted that already. I'm a Covid Long-hauler and get confused. But yesterday I shoved a tiny path for my fat-ass mail man. Lets see if he makes the attempt.

It's not really that important. All I get in the mail box is junk, but I have mid-winter boredom and playing with fatso gives me something to do.
Rufous are the Hummingbird equivalent of Blue Jays. They don't tolerate each other let alone other birds. Hell, they'll go out of their way to torment cats. I put the feeders out so I can sit out back and watch the "Hummingbird Wars" that take place at the feeders.
I enjoy that too.

It's like a WWI arial reenactment.

They are so very cool. One chases another away from the feeder,
while a third sneaks in for a long sip of the sugar water.
Man, they love their sugar water...
I put three feeders up fairly spread apart and watch the males try to cover all the bases. It's hilarious at times.
I do too.

One right outside the big picture window, one where I have the bird feeder and
one down by the koi pond so I can sit on the bench and enjoy them up close.
If I sit real still some will come down and hoover a foot or so in front of my face. Give me a thorough inspection they do.
That they are.

There is one occasion for which they'll congregate. During the peak of the summer there are times I need to do some supplemental watering between irrigation. Over by the fruit trees the sprinkler will hit some of the upper branches and they'll group up there to bathe. Apparently communal baths are fine, sitting down at the same table is not to be tolerated.
Yet another day gone by.

How did the weasel herding go?

The car I'd like to rebuild, if there are any to be found anymore, is a '66 or '67 Olds 442.
I had a '67 Cutlass Supreme with a 330, 4 barrel, and a factory 4-speed. Drove it in a ditch one night and tore the front end off'n it. There may have been ethanol involved - I was too drunk to remember.

Home. Got lotsa weasels, and got a fair amount done. We'll look less silly on our draw inspection, methinks.

Grazed out. Pizza. Yum!!!

The landlady retires Friday - with a full pension. I'm in awe. No point of reference . . . .



Good morning.

Even though the GM mid-size all shared the same body style through those years I always liked Olds front end treatment better. They also had a little beefier suspension.
Happy Tuesday!!!

The painters were working late, so I hope that they completed the ruse. At least well enough.

Sunny and 60 today. Even wheels can't spoil that. We get them, today and tomorrow. Could be ride-a-bike weather tomorrow.

It's coffee time now . . . .


40 today and 50 tomorrow. The roads are clear, but the big piles of snow will be here till June. It's been a right shitty winter for those of us that don't like snow related activities, but Spring seems to be in the offing and I shall endeavor to persevere.
We hung out late Sunday night and she didn't want to carry her purse into the club so I slipped her license into my wallet for her. Her dress was hidin' nothin' including pockets.

Discovered tonight that I still have it.

It seems that she leaves something behind each time. I'm goin' to pretend that it's purposeful rather than ADHD.
Yet another day gone by.

How did the weasel herding go?

The car I'd like to rebuild, if there are any to be found anymore, is a '66 or '67 Olds 442.

There's a muscle car junkyard somewhere around 27th Ave and Deer Valley area up there by Deer Valley Airpark. I think it's north west of the FBI building. They've got some builders out front that are restorable and I'm pretty sure I saw a cutlet in there.
If'n I wuz to build an Oldsmobubble, I'd be doin' a Chevy motor transplant. The internet is full of answers to the questions I had 40 years ago on that shit.

The inspection went fine. The architect sent a guy I had worked with before to do this one, so we played catch-up. PMs are always surprised when things like that happen.
I'm not surprised, motherfuckers!
~ Nate Diaz

Then all the wheels left and it was a moar peaceful afternoon.

And a quiet tonight.


