TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

. . .
Yet another day gone by.

How did the weasel herding go?

The car I'd like to rebuild, if there are any to be found anymore, is a '66 or '67 Olds 442.

I've recounted this before, but before he died, Grandfather got himself an Olds 442.

Grandmother was clocked by the local po-po at 72 in a 35.

She protested to the officer that she never went above 30.

"Lady, that's the tachometer."
Good morning. It's Range Day Wednesday!

That sounds about right. As I recall the hardtop I had was loafing at 2600-2700 RPM at 70.
Most of the white stuff melted yesterday, I'm hoping today that it all does.

That should be the first and last of winter that we see in these here parts.

My spellcheck and autocorrect are behaving very viciously today.
I think they are telling me, "MORE COFFEE!"

;) ;)
Happy payday Wednesday!!! That bit is done, thanks be to Allah.

It's s'posed to be lovely again today. I'd bike it but I have to pick up paint. Worst color selections you've ever laid eyes on. Exterior. Everyone will know. :rolleyes:

Coffee is damn good . . . .



Yeah, they've put up a small city of towering apartment complexes right on the edge of town
and every time I see them, I have to wonder, "Did Stevie Wonder pick out those colors?"
They really paid a consultant for that???
You can be tasteful in pastel,
but that ain't it!

Anything that I can do.

This last storm actually got the snowblower unpacked.
It's three years old and may not get used again for another decade.
I think we’ve gotten 4-5” or so since midnight, temp is 29 so it’s the heavy stuff.

Supposed to continue all morning.
When it got that deep, I had to blaze paths for the dachshunds,
otherwise they were pissing and crapping on the steps to the door.
Be careful, Dear!!! I think that all of our sneaux is gone except for the shady bits in the woods. No, not Tiger's woods. I didn't know that sneaux has anything to prove, but I'm not privy to its thinking.

Really wish I was riding the bike . . . . :(

Did I tell you we got the high rise job here? And about the murderin' scum we had on site week before last?

Well, it's Wheels today, so I reckon I need to carry mah ass in and get to it then. After dressing, of course. Never before . . . . :rolleyes:


When it got that deep, I had to blaze paths for the dachshunds,
otherwise they were pissing and crapping on the steps to the door.

Here you’d probably lose them, but you could make a really cool maze. It’s probably a little over 3’ in the side yard, to the point where it’s compacting to ice under its own weight.

Do you think they make snowshoes that would fit dummy dog?
Glad I'm south of you and on the leeward side of the lakes Barbie, we're melting here and mud is better than ice.

I was wondering about the snowshoe ideas so I looked. They do make them, don't get them.
Highly successful Taco Tursday.

Normally when I work Monday night / Tuesday morning I don't really think of it as Tuesday and I forget that it's Taco Tuesday. By the time I go back to work Tuesday night it's clearly Taco Tuesday but I'm not hungry until it's No-Longer-Tacos-On-Special Wednesday.

I was wiped out from the weekend and I didn't really go to work until midnight Monday. I stopped to grab a bite and realized it was Taco Tuesday, so course I hadda have the tacos. That led me to think of tacos for breakfast and over tacos, I decided that I would try to see if I could eat nothing but tacos for 24 hours. I ran across a practically free Toyota Tacoma on Taco Tuesday and got bogged down trying to Soros (Vocie to text for source) a new motor for it.

Went home to take a nap, and realized I have the Toyota guy's keys in my pocket 40 minutes away. I let him know about the keys and took my nap. Had to get up earlier than I plan to make sure that I got the keys back to him at a respectable hour.

Food makes a nice short term substitute for sleep so of course I had the tacos.

As it approached midnight I made sure and get some more tacos before the opportunity closed. Eight tacos on Taco Tuesday in four meals is a personal-best.

I also managed to complete half of my self-imposed weekly quota in that 24-hour span. Clearly tacos leads to increase productivity.

Sated with tacos, I tilted my seat back for a 20 minutos nap, which elongated to a three-hour nap. Zero productivity as Taco Tuesday ended confirms that lack-a-tacos hinders productivity.
Does here mean where the current job site is or that
you'll be sleeping in your own bed?

They used to like to tunnel through the fall leaves of the forest,
but now they only like tunneling beneath blankets.
So much for the efficacy of fur...


Good name for a girl band: Efficacy of Fur
They do have breakfast burritos.
I could see a side of sausage, egg and cheese tacos.

Or brunch nachos, at the very least.

I’m up on Superior right now, a bit east of Marquette. Gives lake effect a whole new meaning.

I'm closer to Port Huron now, nearer my old stomping grounds of Detroit/Windsor.
MUCH further south than you, but I want to live in Sault again my work just won't work there.
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I’m up on Superior right now, a bit east of Marquette. Gives lake effect a whole new meaning.

I had an uncle who used to hunt on some Indian land on the UP. He told me that it was as wild there as anyplace in Alaska. He'd never been to Alaska. I just sipped my beer, smiled, and nodded.
Home. Been chattin' with the landlady. The cats are playing with shit. Quiet evening at the homestead.

So, Jabba the s000per stayed in the truck today while the other super and the APM unloaded 346 doors off a semi and put them away. And he challenged the maintenance man about items on the punch list. Items pre-agreed to by the lead super (who was unloading doors) and the leasing office lady (property manager - same one I work with). And he ducked the PM's call. Yeah, he got his ass chewed, and it's a four course meal. All-You-Can-Eat b000fay.

Wat could find it in his coal black heart to feel sorry for the fat bastard . . . if he twarn't sichah raging asshole.

And tomorrow is another day . . . .



Mom sent me a text about Tiger because figured that I know what sort of rehab he is in for. After my accident I moved back home for a few weeks until I could drive myself and limp around in the gym. I dropped my physical therapist once I knew what needed to be done and just did it myself took a couple of years before I could (barely) jog. I was still in a long-leg cast when I left home again, so she didn't really see the process.

Now, mom is not just a (still licensed) nurse, she worked surgery and when I was quite young, the ER on call for the trauma team. She was gone for three days one time because there has been a big bus accident out on the highway.

She personally saved my lower leg. She got to the ER 10 mins after I did. The ER Doc had already been in, called for a surgeon and felt I was stabilized. Mom took one look at it and decided I didn't have good circulation and asked them to call the doc back in.

She is 81. She remembers none of that. She thought my Dad's business partner had filled her in. He did beat my dad there, but mom was already very much involved in my treatment. She commented that at least my multiple fractures, unlike Tiger's were not compound. I reminded her we had a .O. debride the wound and shave the bone because they were all over the asphalt. She even asked in the ER, "Do we know how much he lost at the scene, it looks like a unit or so on the floor?" This was during the early says of AIDS amdvtge blood supply was questionable, so she was thinking ahead to get me safe donors.

She has good recall about the hardware (still) in my leg. Even remembered that they had only set and pinned the tibia but not the fibula, but nothing about being in the ER amd seeing the carnage. Odd the way memory slides. I don't think she's got joebama level dementia or anything but it's just a lifetime of memories- I guess you run out of room to keep them all.

Someone related a younger than I friend I think she's probably maybe 30 these days posted something on Facebook requesting a memory that you have of her. So I posted a Verbatim dialogue that she and I had. She thought the exchange was hilarious but she doesn't remember any of it.

I'm starting to question my own memories. Maybe it's all some sort of Matrix sort of thing
Happy Thursday!!!

I have one credit card company which sends emails to remind me that I've scheduled a payment. They'll send another to tell me they have coiled and are ready to strike at my bank account. Then they'll ask if I really x3 want to go through with this. Then they'll thank me for my payment. Why don't they just assume that paying them was a sentient decision made with sufficient coffee on board and just take the money, FFS??!?

Mom's memories are really something else. She never forgot any bad incident that happened to her, especially the little girl ones.But since I remember amazing scads of shit, I can tell when she's taken the turd polish to a particular story. One in particular that I won't tell. I told her that her version was, I think I said, a "filthy fucking lie." Give the old girl credit, she quit telling it. But my memories are valid. You silly people make shit up. :D ;) :rolleyes:

I made up this here coffee . . . .



Good morning.

CC companies do a lot of silly shit. One sends me emails telling me that my payment is due on the Xteenth of the month. Fine, but the balance is zero so how much are they expecting me to send them?

Another sends me all sorts of emails enticing me to apply for one of their credit cards. Apparently they're unable to match their mailing list to their lists of account holders. WTF?

One is pretty squared away. They send me a "your statement is ready" missive and then "thanks for the payment" msg.