TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

My insurance company also has a bank. Their CC is the best run one of the batch. Their shit clears today. They know it and I know it. They act like they already have the money in hand.

Got another shot at a woods critter at dusk when I got home. Fucking missed. I wonder if it's further than I think over there, if I cunt see at dusk, and/or if the sights may be off a bit from travelling. I'll bring back a box of match ammo when I come back and see if that changes anything. Could have just been rushing the shot and all is well. We'll see . . . .

Landlady wants me to teach her how to shoot. She does have a scrap woodpile with a creek bank as a backstop, so there's a built-in wee range of sorts.

Looks like it'll be warm this weeknd, but with a good chance of rain. :rolleyes:


Coyote mating season, I’m focusing on sub-250 yards right now. :p

IR range is limited if I want to identify without a doubt.
200 yd zero would be PB for the 223. I haven't looked that the 300 BO ballistics.

You using a range finder or just land marks?
That'll work. I just use my scope. The only issue I'm running into is training my brain to MRAD instead of MOA.
Home. No critters tonight except the domestic ones, who all seem to be fine.

The landlady was in town and asked if I wanted to do lunch, so she got a retirement lunch deal, too. Why not? Thirty fucking years on the same damned job, and the USDA to boot. She's earned it, lock, stock and barrel.

Just sittin' here lookin' online and hangin' with the cats . . . bein' all Less Than Really Masculine . . . .

Talkin' ballistics. I think my problems are of my own making. I can put a target out there when it quits raining and that a whack at it, so to speak. :rolleyes:



Happy Friday!!! The landlady leaves early to take back the "company" truck and to sign her discharge papers and shit. Imagine her heartbreak. Oh, and they'll pay her another $1200/month because she's not eligible to collect SS$ for several more years. :rolleyes:

The PM will be at the other job today, and likely on Monday, too. Apparently, Jabba the s000per is struggling. Which makes our job look better in comparison. Like it's a horse race or something.

Have I mentioned this keyboard? It has a search function button where the caps lock should be. So when I miss A, I get a whole new screen wanting to look shit up, and I really want it to type A and leave me where I was. And here I thought a string of caps was annoying.

Coffee relieves annoyance . . . .



Good morning folks. It's Breakfast with the Feds Friday.

Barbie hit on something yesterday re. Point Blank Zero. Surprised me that a young whippersnapper would even know about it it's such an old term. What with all this new Tek-knee-owl-oh-gee it's almost been forgotten. If you've never heard of it, it's worth looking up. Great technique for hunting purposes.
With .223 55gr varmint rounds I zero at 100, keeps me within 2” out to 225 yards. With IR, as I said earlier, I can’t conclusively identify much past that and won’t pull the trigger on what I can’t identify.

Leaves me with only windage to account for, and with that round at that range unless I’m shooting in a hurricane the wind effect is negligible. I don’t even run it into the table.

Good morning.

CC companies do a lot of silly shit. One sends me emails telling me that my payment is due on the Xteenth of the month. Fine, but the balance is zero so how much are they expecting me to send them?

Another sends me all sorts of emails enticing me to apply for one of their credit cards. Apparently they're unable to match their mailing list to their lists of account holders. WTF?

One is pretty squared away. They send me a "your statement is ready" missive and then "thanks for the payment" msg.

Always overpay them by 2¢. It drives them crazy.

Scope? what is this scope?
Range finding? what is this?
I don't even use the windage barrel for adjustments.
I just aim at a better spot. Up more, Left/Right more...

It's an acquired ability based upon years of practice. We never had any shortcuts.
Scope? what is this scope?
Range finding? what is this?
I don't even use the windage barrel for adjustments.
I just aim at a better spot. Up more, Left/Right more...

It's an acquired ability based upon years of practice. We never had any shortcuts.

Of course you never shoot at anything you can't see so that would make that what, 50 ft? :D
~~ OUCH ~~

;) ;)

I can still drop 5s at 500m.
The only thing that's different is that you aim for the center of the blur...

Isn’t the horizon at 6’ something like 3 miles?

Pretty much. It's all about elevation. I know that from Guadalupe Peak you can see the lights of El Paso at night (~120 miles) and from Truches Peak you can see the lights of Albuquerque (~80 miles).
It's amazing how far away shit is out west. Back east is all closed up.

No wonder that John Smith left.

I think mos' likely I pulled/pushed the shot.

I'ma take it out on the weasels here in a few minutes . . . .



Thought of the Day:

We've been running around with ineffectual masks on
pretending like we were making an actual difference.
Maybe we'll be required to wear special hats next...

Then, when dandruff is not "cured"
we'll be asked to wear two hats.

;) ;)