TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

It's just customer disservice.

They wanted me to provide a number, a number that got lost when my old computer crashed.

My name, or any of the other private information that I gave them to set up the account meant dick to them.
They could only look up the account number, which I did not have!
I had to get very irate before they were responsive.
No wonder they won't field phone calls.

Norton sucks.
Norton hears no who!
I got a hateful letter from the tax collector in the mail. I always wait until they get really pissed at me to pay. It really burns my ass that I own all of my real property free and clear... but I really don't. I have to pay my annual tribute to the Lord of the manor.
It's their way of telling you that they own you.
I'm in that boat. I own everything outright,
but I still have to pay for the privilege.

I have long preferred sales taxes to property taxes
and am a huge fan of the ideas behind the FairTax.org.
In reference to a post I just made elsewhere --

The politics board should be renamed the personal insult board.

People there are proud to have been Trump before we aver had a Trump...
As long as I'm bitching: I watch C-Span in the morning, and it really annoys me how many people can't pronounce the word, "Important"

There's a fucking "t" in there!

It's not "Impor-ant"

It's fucking "ImporTant."
The only time it matters is when it's i'm-poor-tent.

Gimmee some of yours jack.

I mean, mo' money!
I'm appalled.

It's more about Gaga Dogs than it is the beating...

[The] Diamond dogs are poachers and they hide behind trees...
Panhandler in a wheelchair. He's an amputee. Sign says, "Down to my last leg."

That is some seriously dark humor.

I stopped my car, held up traffic got out and handed him a $20 bill.

His buddy had a sign that said "Bank robber- need money for gun and some bullets." Not as funny but I gave him a $20 bill as well because I didn't want anyone to think that I was discriminating against a guy with two-leg privilege.
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You're all a bunch of chatty cathy's today, I would add something inspiring or interesting but all is calm here.
Gott dayum, dat ho gots sum big teeyits!!! What dat thing she own???

Home. Ice cream for dessert. Cats are silly.

The landlady is now officially a gummint-sponsored lay-about glomming off the system. Good for her!!! And she says I may tease her with that relentlessly. I'm not sure that she appreciates how relentless I can be.

My new book came . . . . :D



Good morning all.

Looking to be a pleasant day albeit a tad breezy in the afternoon.

Still working on filling out my hunt calendar for the year. Might even try my luck with Barbary Sheep this year. That's undecided so far. Going to go after Antelope along with the usual Deer, Elk, and Oryx.
I’m going to try for elk and bear as well as the usual whitetail hunt.

Currently snowing a bit, I think we’re looking at around a foot through the weekend.
Happy Saturday!!! Late start, no hurry.

It's a school day, so there be weasels. Odds are, it'll be a shorter day, depending on how needy the painters are. We'll see.

Allah will be keeping the carpenters away, methinks. Rain all weekend.

Coffee for a bit, anyway . . . .



If her tat is her and she is proud of her, why cover it?

Then again, a tat says a lot of things about lack of self-esteem.

I go back to my youth when a tat said something about being in the shit...
Wat: still tat-free. Could be a fear of commitment.

Brain is whirring with projects this morning. And I'm at work. None of these projects is work-related. My favorite kind.

Still cloudy, prolly gonna be rainy, but it's 10 degrees warmer than yesterday, and the temps are s'posed to be rising.

Round One of checking on the weasels . . . .


