TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

I was out pruning the mesquite at 2:30am, the way you do.

I could use some more light so I left the door hanging open. The cat saunters in, of course, so I feed him.

He stands aside as his girlfriend shows up for a snack.

Obviously pussy-whipped.
BTW, I did keep my Campaign Promise and waved to JS and BT as I went through West By Gawd Vajinya, but do I hear any thanks????

NOOO000ooo!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

It was a gorgeous drive, however, and Ah reckon that it'll be raht dadgum spectacular this autumn. And I'll get to make it a couple of times, at least.

The east may get its draughts, but there's rainfall and water is pretty consistent.



Speaking of snow and dumb reporters:

I lived in the DC (actually, the burbs. I only worked in DC) for 20 years. Every time there was a dusting of snow in the forecast, the reporters would be out on the street gussied up like they were at the North Pole, showing us loyal viewers all the "emergency" supplies you should have in your car.... in case the 1/2 inch of snow left you stranded and in survival mode.

I always wondered why, if stranded, you didn't just walk a few blocks to the 7-11.
JS and BT are opposites. She's southern and I'm northern. They talk funny down there.
There was that time that Wat walked to the 7-11 in the blizzard.

Thirteen degrees, 20 MPH + wind, and well over a foot of sneaux.

Because he ran outta beer . . . .

Speaking of snow and dumb reporters:

I lived in the DC (actually, the burbs. I only worked in DC) for 20 years. Every time there was a dusting of snow in the forecast, the reporters would be out on the street gussied up like they were at the North Pole, showing us loyal viewers all the "emergency" supplies you should have in your car.... in case the 1/2 inch of snow left you stranded and in survival mode.

I always wondered why, if stranded, you didn't just walk a few blocks to the 7-11.

Remember the reporter in the boat acting like he was in the Ark of Noah,
and a guy came walking by in the background?

Reporters think, no reporters "know,"
that if we are watching them, we are stupid...
When I joined the NRA, 30 years ago (I had no firearms at the time) they sent me a pocket knife. It was made by Sheffield in England I think and it was a little fingernail trimmer. But it was nice and sharp and I liked it. Somehow, along the way it got lost.

I have had my eye on the NRA ads over the years and every once in awhile a pocket knife pops up, and I've was tempted to join just to get my pocket knife back.

So I get my pocket knife. It's fairly nice. Not hunnert dollar nice, just nice. It's Made in China but is arguably of better quality. It's a risewood-handled Buck-style, lock-back. Stainless though. Not a fan of stainless for knives.

My old one I took on the plane with me to Mexico because it was under the then legal limit. I don't think you can take fingernail clippers on anymore.

I'm owned and carried it for several hours, now. Despite the NRA logo etched in the blade it has not stabbed anyone. Yet.
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It's not the National Knife Ass'n, you silly fucker.

:D ;) :eek:

That last bike pic wasn't Injun Larry's finest work, but someone loves it, I'm sure.

BT talks purt' normal for a White Girl . . . .



Well, yeah. But I stuck my toe in the armed and dangerous waters with a ka-nife before I even got around to buying a shotgun.

Me and Biden are going huntin' with Cheney if he wins!
I might join the National Rapier Association, but the National Cutlass Association has been courting my sponsorship.

I need to take a look at the fine print to make sure that it's not the National Cutlery Association.
Wat had a Cutlass once.

The Oldsmobile version.

If'n I'd had the internet back then, I'da knowed how easy it was to swap in a Shebbie engine and I'da tried that instead of dicking around with that boat anchor it had.

But I shoulda bought a 340 Duster . . . .



The American Legion a few towns over has a tank. My AL has a big ass gun off a WWII ship. Who do I see about getting us a tank too?
The American Legion a few towns over has a tank. My AL has a big ass gun off a WWII ship. Who do I see about getting us a tank too?

Get something better than a Sherman. They were undergunned with weak armour but their advantage in Europe is that there were ample supplies of them. A Sherman destroyed? Three more tomorrow. Needing repair? Fixed in hours.

A German tank destroyed? A replacement might take three months. Needing repairs? Shipped back to Germany.
Silly Germans were building engines that would go for 50000KM to go into vehicles with life expectancies of 3-6 months. Shermans were built accordingly.

Someone should complain retroactively about all of those WWII tanks named for Civil War generals . . . and the goats they rode in on. Good thing they don't know that much history.

Of course, neither do most of the muttonheads posting in the BofB thread. Simple shits.

Off to see my job, before it becomes the victim of a Weasel Infestation.


