TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

I’m going to try for elk and bear as well as the usual whitetail hunt.

Currently snowing a bit, I think we’re looking at around a foot through the weekend.

If a legal moose presents itself to me at the cabin during season, I will take it. Otherwise, if a bear is just passing through and not causing problems, it's free to go. Fall grouse are always a treat because they taste like berries. I pass on the birds in the end of season as they taste like spruce needles.
Fair enough day. Still waiting for the counter top guys. Maybe they stopped to dine on the way here.

And then a siesta.

Followed by whiskey and putas.

I'ma sit here and write my book . . . .



Good evening folks!

Here on the creek, I'm a hearing peepers. I was tickled to hear their songs. Spring is just around the corner and before ya know it, we'll be fussin about the heat.
Home. Brought some pizza to the lay-about. Brought home the plumbing bits I had promised, too. They'll be tomorrow's chores.

Got some Wat things done today. It kinda felt good - like Spring is on the way.

The rain was off-n-on. It's on now. Had roofers but no siding guys. Poofters they are.

Off to read Printed Matter . . . .



Good morning everyone.

Got some wind and nasty weather moving in today and should blow out by tomorrow morning sometime.

Don't forget to check your zero sometime today Wat. :)
Happy Sunday!!!

Zero checkage may have to wait. Poopy weather. We got the winds, we got the rains, and we already had the mud. I'm still going to blame Wat for pushing the shots just a bit. If my next one is drop dead and I know it and it don't hit the critter, then I'll work on the rifle. I had the damned thing pretty much Gnat's Ass when I last took that rifle to the range. Hell, I may try the open sights gun on the next poodle to see. I know it's right.

Found a couple of motors yesterday for what could be correctly described as The Right Price. We'll see what comes of my inquiries. Meanwhile, I'll have to collect what was accumulated from the last project and get that stuff to market.

Coffee now, for the list of projects for today . . . .



The weather can be sucky. We're moving out of rain/sneaux season into wind season. Good for wind reading practice.............if you can see through the dust. Or get run over by a tumble weed.

Looking for Mopar motors?
Good evening folks!

Here on the creek, I'm a hearing peepers. I was tickled to hear their songs. Spring is just around the corner and before ya know it, we'll be fussin about the heat.


That's the first thing I noticed this morning when I let the dogs out.

I was even going to comment on it, and so, I guess that I have now.
Reminds me of the day that I got my worst score ever on the range.

The gunny told me, they won't always attack you on a clear day.

But, to this day, I still don't go out and shoot in crappy weather.
Even the things you want to hunt are holed up...
A couple of years ago I was shooting at the 1000 yd line and had to hold right between the #6 and #7 position marker to hit my target at position #5. At 8 ft. between firing positions that was a 12' windage correction.
Yeah, they wasted a lot of time trying to teach me how to use a round to adjust the windage barrel.

I did, however, use the round to adjust the windage.

I just used that first shot to adjust all of the following shots.
I only missed the range record by a couple of rounds...

I cannot, for the life of me, imagine a scenario where I had to have accurate windage to save my life.

That's the first thing I noticed this morning when I let the dogs out.

I was even going to comment on it, and so, I guess that I have now.

Ain't it just something how those peepers and their A cappella concerts can bring a smile to a face this time of year?
Then again, it is also a reminder of the projects that I did not complete last year.

Now, I have to come up with newer excuses...
I've run out of specialized tools.

I think that I have one for every job that remains undone...
Got one plumbing project kicked squarely in its nuts, and got kicked squarely in mine on #2. One more reason to hate plumbing, and one more reason to buy two of everything you might need while at the store the first time. :rolleyes:

Good thing that the landlady went to town. She can go shopping. I shall have a snack.

I made breakfast this morning. First time in eons. It war right good.

Got Mopars to sell. Looking for Long Engines . . . .



Wind is blowing. Doors are open. Cats are napping.

The landlady called. She has the box store helper who is trying to upgrade her on the part. FFS, just buy the Cheap One, kids, and it'll be fine. Fucking kids. Him, not her.

If this is the most complex thing of the day, we'll all be fine.

The cats may be onto something . . . .

