TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Afternoon Bt and everyone else as well.

This year shall be whitetail, ducks and geese from the back yardage, moose and black bear in September and fish whenever I need a break to sit alone and read.

Weather is sunny and warm, a nice breeze is drying the mud and the pups are full of spring fever which is driving me mad. The coonhound found something up in a tree and screamed at it for nearly an hour before I dragged him back inside, the critters are awake and soon the garden will be starting.
Good Evening Folks!

We got lots and lots of rain tonight, so tomorrow we'll probably have lots and lots of crick. No fording will happen as I don't want to go anywhere that badly.

Conager, we don't stand on pretense and formality here, but if you must, you may refer to me as Her Majesty. thor you just keep doin what you're doin. :)
Silliness. Wouldn't have it any other way.

Which reminds me, we'll need another thread title before too much longer. Do baby ducks hate a pussy, too? Don't they hate everything?

Negotiating a car deal. It's a bit worser, but it imminently doable, and it could have that I Did It Mahse'f touch to it. A bit far away, but it could be done on a weekend. The question is, which one? Would have to be in three weeks, I reckon. And there's a parts car. We'll see.

Dinner was good. I cook now. She cleans. It's raining cats and dogs and small children out there.



Happy Monday!!! Happy March, too. Spring in three more weeks.

Looks like the storm has blown through and that we'll be drying out today. The painter called yesterday to let me know that it's raining into one of the apartments that we're trying to get finished. Don't that shit just figure?

Laying out the calendar for March. The landlady said that her calendar is more full this month as a gummint check-cashing layabout than it was last month as a gummint employee. We laughed. It's still hard to fathom.

Coffee eases the pain . . . .



Happy March the oneth!

Ongoing lots of rain, has, as predicted resulted in lots of crick. The rain isn't supposed to end soon, so I predict there will be no travel this morning. There will, however, be some bit of coffee, then I'll go to bed and sleep in hopes of passable roads come work time. We'll see. I don't mess with high water for no human.
The predicted sneaux didn't come to pass, which could have also been predicted. So it's going to be Sunny, warm, and no wind.
Today’s high here is 13 with a wind chill of -8.

I’ll be heading back south though, where it’s in the lower 30’s.
Some office related thoughts this morning:

1. My office is next to the local library. I'm a big fan of the library and read a book a week. It's been closed for almost a year. Today they reopened. (School also reopened today)

B. I have DSL at the office, which means I have a phone line. I have a cheapo phone hooked up to it just... because there's a hole that wanted a wire plugged into it. For the first time in 5 years the phone rang this morning. Scared the bejebus out of me! I didn't know what that weird sound was. It was the courthouse with a question about a deed I filed. I have no idea how they got that number. Even I don't know what it is.

iii. Had a drop-in visitor at my office today. No appointment. Nothing. Just dropped in. Right at coffee time too, and didn't bring me a cup. Pretty rude if you ask me.

IV. An old girlfriend from my DC days bought a house two blocks from my office. She's married, but I think she may stop by on ocassion.
Good Evening Folks!

We got lots and lots of rain tonight, so tomorrow we'll probably have lots and lots of crick. No fording will happen as I don't want to go anywhere that badly.

Conager, we don't stand on pretense and formality here, but if you must, you may refer to me as Her Majesty. thor you just keep doin what you're doin. :)
