TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

There will be none of that getting stuff done around here, I’ve decided today is going to be a slacker day!
What, you passing up an exciting day of tunneling??!?


No Great Escape for you, Little Missy!!!

:D :rolleyes:


I’m back down in the lower peninsula, no tunneling required.

Here it’s all ice now, I’d need a jackhammer!
I don't know if it's my patience wearing thin or if the zombie addicts are getting more aggressive but I'm getting in fights with them on a regular basis.
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Funny thing is, bad as it was week before last, you can't tell that it had sneauxed.

Now, rain is a different matter. You can still see the high water.

They had drained the lake down the road for winter. It refilled itself.

Good damned thing we have it.


I don't know if it's my patience wearing thin or if the zombie addicts are getting more aggressive but I'm getting in fights with them on a regular basis.

Yeah . . . no . . . .

Say nothing and walk away, Back away if necessary.

Ain't nunna them sumbitches worth talking to 5-0 about.

Good morning folks. It's Range Day Wednesday.

I got all my hunts selected. Just have to get on-line and whip out the plastic. :rolleyes:
I honestly thought that the critters would like moldy strawberries.
I should have put them in the compost.
I'll do that later today.

The chickens are laying more eggs than I can eat.
They have a proclivity to die before I can eat them, so, I don't harvest them.

The egg bonanza is not something that I can count on.
So..., I am eating a lot of eggs.

But, I still bitch about it.
It's not Wendy's™...
I need to train the landlady to shop for local eggs and stay the fuck out of Kroger's.

All things in time.

There's a rumor I'll be going back to the coast for Phase Two. Tew. I'll have to pretend that Allah has a better idea than I do. It'll be a stretch.

Off to torment the weasels . . . .


It was wing night at the Legion last night. So a dozen wings and then I got into the Scotch. I really hate when I do that because I'll feel like crap the rest of the week. I don't bounce back the way I used to.

I'm thinking about getting the smoker cleaned up for the season. Maybe smoke a pork butt Saturday
I went over the list of projects for this summer the new patio is going to be the first thing done so we can have a nice place to grill and sit, it's been long enough I've forgotten how much I hate mosquitoes and I'm ready for some summer sun.

Absolutely perfect day at the range. Sunny, warm, and just the lightest of breezes. I wish I'd taken my long guns instead of my pistols but had fun anyway.
It was wing night at the Legion last night. So a dozen wings and then I got into the Scotch. I really hate when I do that because I'll feel like crap the rest of the week. I don't bounce back the way I used to.

I'm thinking about getting the smoker cleaned up for the season. Maybe smoke a pork butt Saturday

No Italian wine at the legion?

My proximity alarm dinged and due to the time it takes to go to the east coast and back with electricity, I only got a photo of the ass-end of a lynx in the yard.

I could do a pork butt this weekend. Everything is clean.
Home. Grazed out. Breakfast for supper.

The PM fucked up the grading contractor. This is Critical Path shit. So I cunt get too gnawed on for not having the building ready come Monday. It'll be more like next Thursday, insh'Allah. And as soon as the siding and roofing are done, the widemouth frog goes to the other jobsite and Jabba goes back to whereverthefuck he came from. Otr maybe to Islamic Hell.

Car shipping costs kinda suck. I'm try to find a local.

Off to hit the rack shortly . . . .

Happy Thursday!!!

Correspondingly, Wat doesn't do what he cannot do. Then there's the will not do part.

The weather looks to be pretty for early March. We still have a wee flood warning - not here but in town. Sunny and 60 this afternoon. No rain in the forecast until later next week. But I don't have a TV Weather Tart to tell me these things.

But I can stare into my coffee . . . .



Good morning all.

The forecast rain never materialized so we're down to "breezy" in the forecast. And that is just plain redundant. It's always "breezy" this time of year and not worth noting. They should concentrate on "no wind today" forecasts, something of note.

One way shipping is a bitch, you end up essentially paying the round trip fare. renting a car hauler and doing it yourself is cheaper.................time permitting.
I don't drink much wine anymore. It gives me a headache.

CPM scheduling has created a whole new industry.
Spectacular weather.

I need to get out for a bit.

The truck has set too long, it needs to be driven just to churn the oil...
The commercial reminds me that it is time to brag about my hair again.

Long, thick and no gray. What little beard I have is somewhat salt and pepper.

So, there's that.
