TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Good Morning folks!
Looks to be a good day for gettin into something. I'm not sure what yet.

I've never had escape artist dogs, but then, I've ever had a fenced yard. I do however, seem to be a critter magnet as evidenced by the cat that seems to be living in the barn. This one is feral, but it seems to know a good thing when it sees one.

<cat> oh look it's BT's barn, I heard from a possum a couple years ago that she doesn't mind if you take up residence for a while. I heard she'll even lay out food if you let it be known which nook or cranny is makin up you're abode...I think I'll find out.
I lived on a private lake and penned the dogs for their own safety.

They were big dogs and liked to roam, I didn't trust some of the neighbors to not shoot them.

Now I have lots of land and little dogs with stubby legs.
They don't go too far from the food bowl.
Some dogs just want to roam. I had a hound that had an arc he'd run everyday. The other dogs have always been concerned with keeping a territory boundary which usually coincides with the property lines. I don't know how they've known, I certainly didn't tell them.
Growing up we had a collie that knew where the yard boundaries were.
This became a problem when it came time to get on the school bus.
The dog would physically try to restrain me from stepping off the property and onto the bus.
She also hated my grandfather and no one (save maybe him) really knew why.
Hi, guys.
Haven't been -physically or mentally- with Lit. for ages, but my first thought -- while listening to this interview-- was this thread.
Nobody from my RL acquaintances would be able to discern & analyse these things, like you guys do.

Forever until it ends? Georgi Derluguian, professor of social research & public policy at New York University, Abu Dhabi

If it won't get you in trouble - censorship and stuff - it's a fantastic read.
Of course one has to be constantly alert to weed out the pro-Russia propaganda on RT shows. But sadly it's one of the very few mainstream channels that still hosts some intellectual content, like Ross Ashcroft's Renegade.inc &.

The interview:
1. predicts the fall of "US capitalism", by making all sorts of fantastic historical parallels with Mesopotamia, USSR - that all systems rise and fall, eventually.
2. explains the rise of China and Turkey - in historical context, as big empires never forget their past. "so are we goinna expwct another ww3 in the Asian territory?"
3. explains why Americans were closed off to criticisms of "capitalism" 10-20 years ago, because it was an ideological identity. As opposed to now.

Of course their use of "US capitalism" is a misnomer, because what's going on now in the world has little to do with pure capitalism --- it's a mishmash of state intervention and croney (not pure) capitalism and corruption.
But the principles are interesting.
The dog knew why, but she warn't tellin'.

We done found-n-fixed the fence hole. We also done fixed the wee gizmo I made which bloacks the light from the electronic shit at the TV area. And I'll wander up here in a bit to see what car-house projects might need doin' if-n-when cars arrive.

And I imagine that a couple of rounds will get squeezed off at somethin'.

Gonna read for a few . . . .



Good Morning folks!
Looks to be a good day for gettin into something. I'm not sure what yet.

Good morning, Miss Bidin.

The pork shoulder is in the smoke and the sky is blue. About 16°F and not a breath of wind. It's going to be a really nice day in the neighborhood.
Home from a Sunday drive. We went to the next county over to look at a fixer-upper. It has potential, but it has zilch "curb appeal" (it's a country road, FFS!!!) and they haven't cleaned up a damned thing. It needs it. Anyway, it should be a chance for a real low-ball offer, but we didn't see an endgame for it, so . . . um, no.

Made salmon for the big meal of the day, which is done. Likely ice cream for supper.

Next trick: feed the pasture poodles.




The insomnia continues. I didn't sleep at all Saturday night; I read an entire book.
I read half a book last night and got in about three hours of sleep.

Interesting thing about the book; because of almost constant migraines,
I have an inability to really bear down and focus, so I have been reading some fiction,
something that I have never done a lot of on an extended basis.

To cut to the chase, I went looking through my library and there was a book by Richard Price.
I didn't remember it at all, and it was a first edition, so it was probably a dollar-store purchase
that was just put on the shelf and then forgotten about. I need to visit the dollar store.

If you can get past all of the bad punctuation choices, it's not a bad book,
but they do the thing with ellipses and spaces, . . . .
Then they put question marks on statements and treat actual questions like statements adding the obligatory . . . .
instead of a question mark. That kind of thing just drives me crazy.

I wonder what other books that I have stashed away unread
other than the various stacks of political books gifted to me.

I'd rather try sleeping, but I really do suck at it.

But hey, I've cut it down from four to six hours a night
to under four hours a night; some might even call that progress...
Good Morning! the coffee is about gone, the domestic goddessy type things are done, and it will be bedtime a few hours.
I need to reheat my second cup.
It's about time to turn on the weather goddess.

That's a very good turn of phrase. :cool:

*pats self on back*
Happy Monday!!!

Looks like partly cloudy and low 60's today, which will be nice. And a 100% chance of weasels. And the PM.

THe new house cat is a riot. She has buffaloed the big orange "alpha" cat into submission. He pouts after she beats him down. Hell, there's a table with a statue of the cat goddess on it. She got up on the table, looked at Goddess and promptly hissed at her. At least she didn't incur her wrath by cat-slapping her.

Off to see what Allah has wrought . . . . (<<<< obligatory ellipsis)



I should post the passage about cats from Orson Scott Card's Children of the Fleet.

I think it's the truest thing that I have ever read about why dogs are better than cats.

It's a pretty long passage, maybe later, just to amuse myself...

[Obligatory PROPER ellipses.]
The horses and barn cat(s)? need to be fed before I turn in. A week or so ago, the feral somehow got himself into a grain barrel which has a lid. The lid then closed somehow. The hows are not known as the lid has no hinge. When we took the lid off to refill the barrel, he jumped straight up the wall and tried to climb it, but gravity got the better of him. If he continues to hang around, he needs a name. Missile? Bullet? Houdini? or some other thing; or maybe just Thing.
That reminds me, I have to get out the raccoon trap.
I have an idiot that has discovered the bird-feeder
and is raiding it and digging up the ground beneath it.

They're worse than the damned squirrels and almost as prolific.
If it were warmer, but the little bandits are cagey.
I trap them, then shoot them, otherwise
I end up in the situation like I was in a few years back,
I blew four of them out of my dogwood tree, but I lost a branch in the process
and two of the little fuckers got away, and I still had to trap them!
PS - If I was going to stake it out, I'd dust of the AK or the Saiga...

Make sure the fucker pays the price. :cool: