TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Time permitting.

Wat is a busy boy, so it rarely does.

And it's two. There's the parts car.

There's more than one way to make a 340 Demon . . . .


Ever type a post and then didn't post it? That ^^^ was it.

Home. Grazed in.

The landlady is in a stew. Her very Zen very cool cat got out and it's the cats' house but the dogs' yard. They kill every foreign critter that comes into it, and they killed him. So it's a Bad Day in Black Rock.

Got a busybody e-mail from a guy on the car website. He intimated that I'm a bit of a butcher for planning to change a car that I don't even own, and how the former owner would be spinning in his grave if he only were dead. Some people's kids. News Flash: when you sell something, it's no longer yours. It's like putting a kid up for adoption and then getting pissed that he doesn't follow your bedtime rule.

Telling Wat such foolishness is an excellent way to get told to go fuck yourself. :eek:



Good morning. It's Breakfast with the Feds Friday.

"Time Permitting" is one of the bigger gotcha's in life.

The car thing reminds me of the year I leased a rather large sailboat. I learned very quickly that you could either throw a ton of money at it or a ton of time and if you didn't have the time you damn sure better have the money.
Happy Friday!!!

Got sidetracked with some stuff this morning, one of which was a grilled cheese sammich. :D

Another day of coffee and old car stuff and weasels, and the bossman, too.

Insh'Allah . . . .



Home. Grazed in. Cats are still grazing.

Strange day at the orifice. Think the PM wants to keep me. I know he wants rid of Jabba s000per. Who doesn't? Sounds like being here is becoming a thing. He's gonna hire a assistant s000per to he'p me and send Widemouth Frog to the other site so Jabba can exit stage left. I can get with that. All them thats.

Quiet night. They all are quiet lately.

Not that I'm complaining . . . .



Happy Saturday from out here in the sticks.

It's going to be sunny and to warm up a bit more today. Hope the wind takes a holiday.

Wood butchers and siding guys should be the workers today. That should be sufficient.

Sufficient coffee is made . . . .



Good morning all.

Another beautiful day is in store for us here.

Some early AM shopping and then a small elec. job this afternoon. Then maybe some puttering around the yard.

The great primer shortage staggers on.
We're short of all kinds of crap.

I was reading some ads on a club site. Some of these old boys haven't gotten the message yet that almost no one gives a fetid fuck any more about their favorite defunct marque, and they're still asking gold prices for nice trinkets worth their weight in copper. And they wonder why stuff won't sell. I've started floating really lowball offers with that piece of info. "I may be your only offer - ever." We'll see.

Gonna drive the landlady's truck today and bring home some salvage goodies from the job. Mo' projects require mo' material.

Off to get ready for an exciting day of weasel torment.


We got sun-n-blue here, too. And we got less wind and more warmth.

So I've been looking at a brace of '47s billed as a really good fixer and matching parts car. Guy calls this afternoon. Seems the good one may be very close to crank-n-drive, he says. Needs brakes. No surprise after all the sitting that it's done (also tires, a batt'reh, and all its disposables). And it seems that the parts ride is a '42 mis-titled. So it may become, this way, too good to be a parts car. t may be a fixer-n-seller to fund the whole deal, insh'Allah. Either way, I'm in if he's right.

And I hope he's right.

Stalls are ready for them should they arrive.



Just as long as things are as represented.

Kinda like Litsters sometimes . . . .


My Spring fever may be nearing 'Official' status after the pretty day.

I have onion sets and lettuce seed ready to plant, but it will be a couple of weeks yet.
My chives and tarragon are up. The rosemary over wintered well but the jury is still out on the sage.

Having dinner and I opened up a can of corn. Then this idle thought crossed my mind, "Maybe there's a cow out there that's starving." But I ate the corn anyway.

Goin' "home" on Friday. Should be a nice drive.

And I can retrieve my keyboard before I hit this fucking search button one more time and destroy this craptop.

The dogs jimmied the gate and got out. One came back. Wat shot the woodpile but t'other weren't skeert enough to come back. Mom's leavin' their h000t asses out tonight.


My chives and tarragon are up. The rosemary over wintered well but the jury is still out on the sage.

Having dinner and I opened up a can of corn. Then this idle thought crossed my mind, "Maybe there's a cow out there that's starving." But I ate the corn anyway.

I doubt a mere can would have helped in the long run anyway.


Goin' "home" on Friday. Should be a nice drive.

And I can retrieve my keyboard before I hit this fucking search button one more time and destroy this craptop.

The dogs jimmied the gate and got out. One came back. Wat shot the woodpile but t'other weren't skeert enough to come back. Mom's leavin' their h000t asses out tonight.

Maybe the cool night temps will bring them in. If she's still not mad about the cat, then all bets are off.
Good morning folks.

Another beautiful day, headed for the big seven oh. I gotta get done today that which I didn't get done yesterday...............which is virtually everything I had planned for yesterday. My schedule was interrupted.
It's been nice weather, but I've been a bit under the weather.

I wasn't up to much more than reading books in bed.

HBO sure has a lot of movies.

Too bad it's only six at a time
and they're generally at least a decade old.
I'm going to have to go all cancel culture on them if they keep this up.
Happy Sunday!!!

Mom is still mad at the dogs. Come to think of it, so am I. Little sumbitches. The boy dog got caught and dragged in. He's reel skeert of Wat's gunfire. He was a little bitch about going out during the night, and it seems that there's another weak place somewhere. Anyway, he stayed in the pasture, and while dragging his ass back into the yard, she discovered the girl dogs (bitches) in the barn. Seems they climbed the pile of hay bales and were too st000pid to get down. So she climbed the bales and tossed off the dogs and dragged them in, too. Sunrise chore: Wat watches while Mom goes into the pasture and calls the boy dg so he'll show us the hole. The whole hole, we hope.

We get up into the mid 50s today, with sun, so it'll be nice outside - if the wind cooperates. Wat has a car house chore or two to do.

Pert near done drinkin' coffee . . . .



I had dogs that were great escape artists...

;) ;)

... until I turned all of their holes into footings.