TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Better than "living in interesting times," like the Chinese curse.
Home away from home, with cat. Got outsmarted by the horses again this morning. In the dark. All four of them. I left at close to their feeding time, so they were calling on their human for grub. KInda like when the cat yowls because he can see the bottom of his bowl.

Needless to say, I was gone early. Got rid of the wheel not long after 9, si I had the place to myself the rest of the day - me and the demo crew. They made hay.

Some office supplies showed up. Our credit cards from the box store showed up. Of course, they fucked mine up.

Stopped at Wally's on the way home for some graze-ables, so I'm grazing in.



You're going to learn more about horses than you ever wanted to know Wat. :)

Give one little hint. The rattle of grain in a bucket has the same effect on horses that opening a can has on a cat. Of course the big difference is that a cat can't trample you getting to the can.
Getting stepped on - my foot - concerns me most,

Then again, if you'd seen this cat slide out of my lap and then claw on and pull himself back, you'd wonder why I ain't skeert of him.

Gettin' ready to call it a night. Can't be arsed with much more silliness today.

I imagine that the cat would approve . . . .



Lol, I was thinking more of, what was it, Goodfellas?

You got to dig the hole first, otherwise,
you'll be out in the desert digging holes all night.

At any rate, up very early.
Now that I'm feeling better,
I feel all caught up on my sleep.
This one is shaping up to be a regular Fourth of July
wrapped up in a War of 1812 with a nice
"There's something happening here"
bow wrapped around it...
Timing is 90% of life.

Critical decision time for the republicans. Jam a nominee through or not? I can argue both sides of that but I'm thinking not.
I think they should.

By Buddha's blessed brass balls that would be some great theater!

It would force Ol' Honest Joe out into the spotlight which would highlight

some of the decline the Democrats have frantically been trying to disguise...

Then, again, Republicans are total pussies.
I think they should.

By Buddha's blessed brass balls that would be some great theater!

It would force Ol' Honest Joe out into the spotlight which would highlight

some of the decline the Democrats have frantically been trying to disguise...

Then, again, Republicans are total pussies.

Remember how long it took to get Kavanaugh through? Street theater at its worst.
I noodled the strategy out on that too. Provide a list of moderates and if elected change your mind. Any list the Harris/Biden campaign come up with will be meaningless.
He can't.

The motivated part of his base
would simply excoriate him as a betrayer
and an enemy of every alternative community in the nation.

They are going to demand someone a tad bit more than left-of-center.

You come here every day, you know those people are rabid, ruthless and relentless...


... at this point, if he goes down on this one without some sort of rhetorical fight and endorsements,
then he is going to throw away all of that enthusiasm
because the court fight would be over,
and his people will feel sold out.

There won't be another pick for a great while now.

The only thing in the way of a quick confirmation
are the Republican ladies who feel they
run the show and call the shots.
He can't.

The motivated part of his base
would simply excoriate him as a betrayer
and an enemy of every alternative community in the nation.

They are going to demand someone a tad bit more than left-of-center.

You come here every day, you know those people are rabid, ruthless and relentless...


... at this point, if he goes down on this one without some sort of rhetorical fight and endorsements,
then he is going to throw away all of that enthusiasm
because the court fight would be over,
and his people will feel sold out.

There won't be another pick for a great while now.

That's THEIR problem. The base has no alternative so they are free to assume that they've got that vote anyway. To win they have to attract the middle. Huge problem for them.

Trump already has his list out so he really doesn't have to do anything.