TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

If we had a tank,
it would be in the news...


... as part of a drunken rampage agains the government.

Which government?
What have you got?
Public Law 80-421 (U.S.C. 2572) authorizes the Secretaries of the Military Departments to donate or loan certain types of surplus military equipment to recognized, selected recipients. The following organizations are authorized to acquire, through donation or loan, obsolete or condemned combat material, books, manuscripts, works of art, drawings, plans and models for historical, ceremonial and display purposes:

Veterans organizations. Requests for loan or donation of property submitted by posts or local units of recognized veterans' organizations shall include the written approval of their national headquarters, if they are organized in that manner.
Soldiers Monument Associations
State Museums
Incorporated Museums
Municipal Museums
Sons of Veterans Reserves
Requests for Army equipment should be addressed to as follows:

U.S. Army Tank Automotive and Armaments Command
6501 East 11 Mile Road
Warren, MI 48397-5000
Telephone: (586) 467- 6307

I'm getting a tank!
Public Law 80-421 (U.S.C. 2572) authorizes the Secretaries of the Military Departments to donate or loan certain types of surplus military equipment to recognized, selected recipients. The following organizations are authorized to acquire, through donation or loan, obsolete or condemned combat material, books, manuscripts, works of art, drawings, plans and models for historical, ceremonial and display purposes:

Veterans organizations. Requests for loan or donation of property submitted by posts or local units of recognized veterans' organizations shall include the written approval of their national headquarters, if they are organized in that manner.
Soldiers Monument Associations
State Museums
Incorporated Museums
Municipal Museums
Sons of Veterans Reserves
Requests for Army equipment should be addressed to as follows:

U.S. Army Tank Automotive and Armaments Command
6501 East 11 Mile Road
Warren, MI 48397-5000
Telephone: (586) 467- 6307

I'm getting a tank!

Does it come armed? with a full tank of fuel?
If we had a tank, some meth head would hot wire it and steal it.

Here, the state and local gov'ts seem to not be prosecuting property crimes, so the meth heads are free to continue collecting other people's stuff. Soon, some of the law abiding folk are going to turn into vigilantes and deal with the problem. Of course, those people will be the ones jammed into the prisons.
Here, the state and local gov'ts seem to not be prosecuting property crimes, so the meth heads are free to continue collecting other people's stuff. Soon, some of the law abiding folk are going to turn into vigilantes and deal with the problem. Of course, those people will be the ones jammed into the prisons.

Not if there's enough of them Thor. Antifa/BLM aren't the only folks that can show up at the mayors house.
Fuck that, it'll just be a case of nobody saw anything. They've been doing that up in dah 'hood since they invented poe-leases.

Last night at the scrotel. Cat is at the new place. Moved some stuff there, too. Tried out operating the two gate system to get in. Two of the horses outsmarted me and snuck into the yard. Thanks be to Allah, it's also fenced. They just wanted some of that greener grass was all. Got one back fairly straight away. I suspect that he is the beta. The alpha/ringleader/troublemaker decided to snack for 20-25 minutes and then he could be coerced back into the proper area.

You forget how quick big critters can be. I mean, this fucker hustled me, and while I was dealing with his silly ass, the other one snuck in.

I'll be ready for those two French Big Macs next time. Les Big Macs . . . .



Happy Thursday!!!

We have our conskruction meeting today, where we get our boss and the weasel bosses, and then we get told "well, I never bid to have to do that!!!" Then we tell them, "yes, you will, Allah damn it!!!" All of this proves that there are very many ways to skin a cat. Just be sure that the cat is dead first or there will be copious bleeding.

Blowing outta the scrotel here in a little bit.

Coffee first . . . .



Here, the state and local gov'ts seem to not be prosecuting property crimes, so the meth heads are free to continue collecting other people's stuff. Soon, some of the law abiding folk are going to turn into vigilantes and deal with the problem. Of course, those people will be the ones jammed into the prisons.

It's a lot like the NFL, the guy who responds to aggression
is usually the guy who gets flagged while the aggressor continues to taunt.

Hey, you kill the right people, I didn't see anything.

I have a list, in case you run out.

Speaking of which, loading up to blow this hole and head to the job.

Which could mean that I have additions for my list . . . .



The mother of my children used to see a look on my face and say, "He's going on The List, isn't he?"

In my defense, most people on The List are still alive.

I am suspicious of my bag of Idaho Red Potatoes. First, the "red" is worn off in spots. Is that a thing? Second, when I think Idaho, I think Russets. I've known some Idaho farm boys and I can't picture them growing some weak-assed, random sized red 'taters. Third, the bag says *Packed* in Idaho. Not grown, packed. Doesn't seem to say "grown" anywhere.
Happy Friday!!!

Allah damn, yesterday was a long fucking day. We had weasels out to visit and to look at work and to whinge. We had all of our wheels out to visit, too, and they were there from late morning until well after when we should have left already.

And we have to do it again at just after the crack of dawn. At least the new place is looking like it's going to work out, and the horses had called it a day by the time I got back yesterday evening, so they weren't feeling the need to be so clever.

And there's heavy cream in the fridge, so coffee is kickin' it!!!



Morning all.

As long as everyone's there why not cut some ribbons and make some speeches. :)
Is it a good morning?

I am miserable.

My Safari updated itself while I slept.
I didn't even know that my hotspot was on,
but when I woke up, it was down to 30% charge...
I might be getting old and Lit cynical,
but I think the "Suicide" thread is a
bit of drama performance looking
for a few suckers to bite on it...
I have five real computers.
One of them is too old to use
and one of them needs a battery.
I should recycle them, but hey, life
has taught me to always have a plan B
for when plan A is no longer a viable plan.
I probably should run some cleaning software on them and do that.
I could always use an extra $50...
