TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Happy Sunday!!! Home with my latest anvil. This is one of the big ones, and that sumbitch is some kinda heavy. Sent Junior a piccie and his comment was, "boy, that sure looks heavy."

The pallet that the seller had it on is old, too, and it's just about bullet-proof. The anvil is now fastened to it with plumbing support strap and some screws. I think that I'll get some 1.5" PVC and cut it into lengths and use it for rolling these things around, at least until I score a forklift. I know: Bobkitten with fork attachments. To go with the hoe attachments. Ho.

Saw some new dirt what looked like 'Murrika. Met some 'Murrikans. Talked/visited about some 'Murrikan stuff. Found a really nice restaurant with a wonderful (and really cute) manager. Picked up an old piece of 'Murrikan Iron. 'Murrika, motherfuckers!!!

Cats are fine, stuff is fine, house is fine. Coffee is damn fine . . . .



I have stacks of pallets. Full pallets outside and half pallets in the pole barn
as well as a pallet jack to move them around once they are loaded up.
Everything in the garage is on a pallet. It's a real space saver.
A pallet jack is in my future.

One of the delivery guys had a motorized one.

I couldn't get him to turn around, or for that matter, to take his hands off it.

If only he had had to pee . . . .

I am so glad that I spent the extra money to put the three-bay building
on a nice smooth pad long before I acquired the pallet jack (cheap).

It's not one of the full-sized jacks, it was made for the half pallets,
but when properly balanced, it works on full pallets too.
Stuff around here is on gravel. My legs appreciate it after a long day on it. Sand would be better. Wood frame would be best.

Back to home, there is a warehouse from 1899 that Wat worked on a bit, years ago. Three by 14 floor joists on 12" center with full 2-by t&g flooring over it and lotsa large posts and beams hold it all up. Three storeys under roof. With fabulous brickwork. And a working 5000# floor scale.

It would have made a fabulous lifetime project to fill with with cool stuff.

It currently houses the local holocaust museum.

~~~ tee hee ~~~

Where I still have gravel, I keep dumping bags of driveway patch on it.

Gradually, all that is gravel will become asphalt.

It's the part that melts first in winter.
Hmmm, no. Well, maybe. There is a sign down the road about a powwow with the last of the Powhatans and how the Engrish poisoned the Injuns. I think it was payback for 1622.

I don't know who thought the other was a good idea, but apparently it was a plan whose time had . . . gotten funded.


For the most part, the Europeans still had no idea how disease worked and
was transmitted, so they did not know what they were doing to the
native population; they thought he has risen was on their side
when the natives started dying off...

Well, looks like I need a new pool floater for my chlorine tabs.

The old one sank and is sitting on the bottom...

The sign in KANSAS said:

Trespassers will be shot.
Survivors will be shot again.

But my all time favorite was,

If you cross this pasture
you must be able to do it in 9 seconds.
The bull can do it in 10.
I'm into that religion!!! Hell, it's better'n followin' Lit atheists.

More like antitheists, what with all the preachin'.

Here in a bit. Gotta keep the boss cat happy.

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Well, looks like I need a new pool floater for my chlorine tabs.

The old one sank and is sitting on the bottom...


I'm not following. . .

Wouldn't a dead body in the pool negatively impact chlorine levels?
Sounds like the beginning of a new religion to me. :)

It's been going up and down; it thinks that it is the Battleship™ three-hole submarine.
I got another one to replace it once it has depleted its chlorine.
I need a new shark floater to go with my shark-mometer.