TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Home. Grazed in. Leftovers. Fixed the upright vacuum. Picked the landlady up after work - she left her car. Still the wiring shit for the trailer. This shit is taking close to forever.

The PM was wound kinda tight today. Seems he got a cranky email from his boss last Thursday. The day the senior PM spent too long in the leasing office with the maintenance moron. Seems that MM dredged up all the shit we buried the week before and scattered it all about for the SPM's perusal. Which resulted in the email. And a phonecall where the PM kinda told the SPM what's what. And PM told Wat today how pissed he is at MM. It's gettin' on toward pig farm time for that boy, I reckon. Oh, and the counter tops are a week behind now. No supplies. Nothing we can do about it.

Having a good chat or three at some other places about old car shit. Gettin' some pointers. Experience rocks. Kinda makes me wanna kick this thing in its ass.

Gonna shut her down soon . . . .


Happy payday Wednesday!!! Bonus showed up, too, which is nice. And there's Uncle Joe's check at the house, according to Mail Checker Lady. Wat will be all Ghetto Rich before you know it. Maybe my lottery ticket hit, too.

We got the structural engineer out today to look at our buildings - the ADA conversion unit. The architect said we have to add a couple of beams and some piers to carry all this shit, but this building is post-and-beam and all the inside walls are curtain walls only, so we should be able to move them at will. But, someone needs to sign off on that shit, so . . . .

Warm again today, with maybe a bit of wet. It'll be a nice Spring day regardless.

And coffee brings consciousness, which brings awareness, so . . . .



Wat is trying to get the PM to see Wat's semi-clairvoyance. It's a piece-at-a-time program. Told him that damn building won't turn this week, and it won't. Told him that MM was tossing us under the bus - last year. The next building has a fighting chance for this month. The next MM might, too.

Got both of the kids in here chowing down. No cats from down that hall. The big one comes only to rediscover that Wat still has water in the spray bottle.

Ready to scoot. Weasels to see.

I'd rather be off to see the wizard . . . .
We're in for a pleasant day temp. wise but with the usual April winds. Get to check out my wind doping ability this AM.
The sun is up and over the mountain tops to the east. Well, it's actually a couple degrees NE of east, but who's measuring?
Home. Grazed out. Breakfast for supper at the other version of the Awful Waffle. No matter.

Chatting with one guy in particular over on the car site. He's got some good ideas for a driver on a budget. That's what I'm currently thinking on the better car. It'll still need some engine work to get it going, but so what? If I do it right, I won't have to redo it. He's telling the story of what he did, so it's Experience. Not Advice, or worse still, Opinions.

Getting some shit done at work. Not a large turn-out. Got my allowance increased so they won't have to pay the expense when I turn it in. Never got my quote back from the window place. The counter tops will be Friday and not Thursday. They were s'posably coming on Monday - two days ago.

Calling it a day here very soon.


Happy Thursday!!!

Looks like rain this morning and some clearing this afternoon, which will most likely mean, no roofers. Wood butchers may miss time, too, since they're doing sliding glass doors. This will leave wire butchers and pipe butchers. That's enough, I reckon.

Anyway, the josh is lit for those who deserve no suffering, and Allah has lit the fires of Islamic Hell for those who deserve it, where the fires burn hotter and Eternity lasts longer. :rolleyes:

Allah was not in charge of making coffee this morning . . . .



Good morning all.

Same as usual here weather wise. Sunny, warm, and windy starting in the afternoon.

Time to go to the store and pick up some gardening supplies, maybe some plants too.
Pollen season really plays hell with my contacts. It's like looking through potato chips.
Rain and storms last night. I let little stupid out and the pool sounded funny.
It was sucking air. The skimmer basket was packed completely full with redbud blooms.
I had to turn the pump off to even get the basket out. Later today, I need to clean the pump basket too.

The pool is a huge pain in the ass, for sure.
Won't be long before my Southern WVa friend becomes envious of my ramps. I hear they don't even have pepperoni rolls down that away.
I have ramps for when I need to work on the mower.

For everything else, I rely on my mechanic. I don't do vehicles anymore.
I am averse to eating fungus in any of its forms.


I do make an exception for shiitake in my stir fry though.
Bought a pair of ramps yesterday - last night - for the various car tasks here. They do make oil changes simpler.

Getting ready for an exciting day of weaseling.

I'm sure the weasels can hardly wait . . . .

