TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

I'm not following. . .

Wouldn't a dead body in the pool negatively impact chlorine levels?

Funny aside, all too often once I take the tarps off,
a squirrel used to jumping on the tarp for acorns/water
will drown and have to be scooped out.

That's why I keep lots of shock on hand.
The pool path project was kicking my ass yesterday.

All I managed to get erected was the first wall of the
elevated part of the path in front of the opening to the deck.
Oh well, I have plenty of time to get it done. The water is still at 50º or so...
Happy Monday!!!

Went out and piddled on the old car yesterday afternoon in what time was left. It was a busy day mentoring. Anyway, got the carb off and lubed a bunch of stuff in preparation for taking it off. Like taking off the fuel filter and the nut doesn't come off but the entire intake manifold stud does. Fuck, I'm just glad that is didn't break. Anyway, I discovered a complete looking electromatic clutch unit. They didn't work all that well when present, and I have zero interest in either the unit or the added pounds, so it's going to come off and go online for sale. Sell whatcha don't need to make money for parts you do need.

Looks to be some good weather this week. Think: Harley fucking Davidson. I am.

After coffee, of course . . . .



The weather goddess has proclaimed 2.5 more sunny, warm days
so I will be able to complete my current project, I hope...


... and the pool float goes up and down and up and down...

Mama's got a pool float!
Good morning.

Nice morning here but on the warm (82) side later with the usual spring winds, better known as "Red Flag" weather.

Maybe Wat should first invest in parts bins and tags. :)

A pool float that thinks its one of those dipping bird thingys. Sounds like something you could market if you could figure out how the damn thing is working.
It's funny. Over on the politics board, the fans of THE Honorable Jill Biden
cannot, for the life of them, remember when they used derogatory terms
to describe the First Lady when Trump was presiding over the nation...
It's funny. Over on the politics board, the fans of THE Honorable Jill Biden
cannot, for the life of them, remember when they used derogatory terms
to describe the First Lady when Trump was presiding over the nation...

The sign of one of three things;

1. Selective memory. The sign of a shallow individual.

2. Short term memory loss. The sign of impending dementia.

3. Really low IQ.
I know, it's not a choice..., they were born that way.


Only evil right-wing Fascists deny their genes...
I vote for #4: disingenuousness. Nothing selective about it. And if you hunt down posts to "prove" your point, then they're "living rent-free in your head." Cunts aren't worth Hell-room.

Home late. Grazed in. Went to Lowe's to pick something up that the landlady had ordered, and they've made that impossible, too. Took me 30 minutes to find that out.

The weasels got a bit done today. No boss man until tomorrow. He dawdled on coming back today. No matter.

I did find a bunch of parts for the cars this morning. I can even weld the old car back together. Reproduction floor pans and rockers. w000t!!!


Happy Tuesday!!! Up and not quite running. Slept the night through, which is blissful.

Get the boss back today. I'm sure that he'll nitpick our (my!) schedule for delivering the next building, but no matter. Little does he know, I have the same target date. I just added a little bit of fluff for good measure. Besides, it's his job to keep pushing for sooner. And he's from OK.

Looking at more car bits. This one outfit even sells bent brake lines. That's pretty cool. Means they're already flared and all they should need is wee adjustments. And the disc brake upgrade kit is cool, too. I could spend a lot of time fabricating, or cut that down a lot by assembling. Makes sense to me.

Like coffee makes sense right now . . . .



Didn't make as much progress as I wanted to on the project.

Oh well, I have a lot of time...
My friend that's (still) rebuilding that GM COE went out and got all his chrome work done first. I asked him why in the hell he got the chrome done before he got the body work done or the engine and he said, "The rate the EPA is running the plating shops out of business there might not be any local shops left when I'm really ready and those that are will be charging twice as much or more." Prescient words indeed.
Ordered a parts book reprint.

I had no idea that this shit existed when I tried this before. Thanks be to Allah for the internet.

I remember writing letters of inquiry because long distance calling was expensive.

Gotta get ready to herd some weasels . . . .


It seems there's parts for everything. For some of the more popular 'rebuilds' there are even aftermarket frames for crying out loud.
Go to a country bar and hit on the prettiest girl there.

Make sure that you dress inappropriately.

That'll get the blood moving...
I'm sipping coffee in a quiet and clean house.
Guests are fun but the calm after the storm is something to be treasured.