TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Have y'all noticed that we have two types of posters here;
those who want to have conversations and those who just troll other posters.

Additionally that latter group seems to be almost exclusively Democrat.
I wonder why that is sometimes...
I don't understand all the back and forth. If you don't like someone, put them on ignore and move on.
Yeah, there is a lot of crazy here that I just ignore anymore.

They aren't worth the keyboard wear...

Sorry Champ but there is a third type, me.
I want to have conversations but often hold back because I don't have time to spar with trolls,
the other half is politics that don't concern me so I keep scrollin'
And here i was thinking that I was/am the Third Type. Or is it that we simply hate a pussy???

Work was weak. Had a herd of plumbers. That was about it. The wood butchers spent the day wanking about rebuilding a trailer. With company wood, of course. I let them have the damaged pieces. Two electricians - I think that they are burning out on my job. The roofer were run off by the rain overnight and this morning. The PM isn't going to get his building tuned this week, and likely Tuesday at the earliest.

Snuck off early and tied into the old car for an hour when I got home. Just me and the tools. The landlady reworked some fence up near the front. I got the fuel pump off - the diaphragm is still good. That's an OMG moment. Then I got after the electromatic clutch removal. Seems the throttle linkage is different with one of them sumbitches. Good thing that I have spare parts from a car without that most annoying of options and adders of surplus weight.

Came in and made breakfast. It was a towering over-the-lights-in-deep-center kind of home run, if I do say so myself. Belch, fart, and off to answer a post with the car guy over there>>>>


Good morning. It's breakfast with the Feds once again just to see what those rascals are up to.

Another "Red Flag" day in the great Southwest. Warm, dry, and windy, in other words, fire weather. Which also means it's time to quit talking about getting my planters together and actually get'er done.
I'm trying to decide if I should continue to procrastinate finishing my little project.
Yesterday was too wet and cool to get proper motivated, so
I'll see what today brings. Right now, it's coffee time.
Happy Friday!!! The little cats are playing in the closet and the josh is burning.

Looks like the last abnormally warm day. We get rain and a front tomorrow. I was thinking about biking it to work today, but I've got to stop at the box store and score a few goodies for the weekend's project, so I'll need to be able to carry that stuff. I may also stop at the farm store to look at a wee sandblaster and get started on some of the cosmetic shit. Primer and black semi-gloss.

Allah knows what we get for work today. This hasn't been the Full employment week on the job, and it shouldn't start on Friday.

Coffee should, however . . . .



I need to figure out how I keep managing to turn my phone ringer off...

It's not like I carry it in a pocket or anything.
Be careful about your primer choice Wat. Some of the primer's out there (the cheap ones) are hygroscopic, meaning they actually absorb moisture from the air and will promote rusting in the long run.
It won't last long in primer. Top coat is necessary to keep it from rusting, regardless.

I'm just looking at doing pieces-parts at this juncture. Things to stay busy and be productive while Tiny Brain conjures the next larger task.

Off to see the weasels . . . .

Understood. The thing is if you use a hygroscopic primer and even then immediately top coat it you're still vulnerable with just one tiny rock chip in the top coat. I'd recommend a two part primer no matter what.
And here i was thinking that I was/am the Third Type. Or is it that we simply hate a pussy???

I've seen you ignore trolls that you knew weren't smart enough to understand the debate but you've never backed down from a fight. And Allah hates the pussies, the rest of us just make fun of them.
I've seen you ignore trolls that you knew weren't smart enough to understand the debate but you've never backed down from a fight. And Allah hates the pussies, the rest of us just make fun of them.



So true.
Home, quite late. Grazed out. My counter top guys (granite) got there at a few minutes after seven. Post meridian. I left them the key after I got them set up, which was better than 45 minutes.

Oh, and I got painters and drywallers tomorrow. So I gotta go back in and get them going, too. Yet Thursday was a slow day. I'm going back to the house next weekend. Fuck it.

And we get rain tomorrow. I can hardly wait.

Off to hit the rack quite soon.



Good morning.

Going to be a nice day today. Cooler and not very much wind so after some light shopping I'll get my butt in gear and start on the gardening stuff. First up is going to be the opening salvo in the ongoing chemical war between me and the wild mustard. That shit is like the Wuhan Flu, it never goes away.
Happy Saturday!!!

We get t-storms blowing in a bit later, or so It says. Which figures, of course. We have the building to try to get wrapped up today and Monday. We'll see. The cleaning lady will likely have her work cut out for her. She usually does.

The old cat has decided to get up on the high furniture. His other half is coming out to visit.

The coffee is out to play here, too.



Cool and wet.

The perfect weather for procrastination.


PS - I love the smell of jealousy in the morning. There was a whiff of it here. :)
Caution: olfactory alert!!! Atmospheric befoulment detected.

I found something scary. A large version of my project car for sale. Very cheap. Too cheap to ignore. Rebuild frame on car for sale, and engine, and put good body on the frame. Big eight, two-door fastback . . . what could be better?

Turbocharging would be . . . .

Okay, gotta herd weasels.


Breakfast this morning is a bit eclectic.

Refried beans
Taquitos and fresh-laid eggs

I didn't even smoke pot to get this way.
I'm at work today, working on may taxes. A whole herd of... rather large young people just went jogging past my window. That's something you don't see around here very often.

Reminded me of the morning fat-boy run for those sailors that didn't meet Uncle Sugar's body fat standards.
Which then reminded me of our annual PT. Being on submarines, there wasn't a whole lot of places to run, but once a year we all went down to the base track and had to prove we could run a mile in less then two hours (I exaggerate).

I vividly remember our ships Corpsman sitting in the bleachers, drinking a Rolling Rock and smoking a Camel while we "ran." His PT always seemed to be signed off.