TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

The middle has no visible say in anything,
the only voices getting camera time are the angry ones.

At any rate, this is going to be fun to watch.
The Sunday shows should be great.

;) ;)
Happy Saturday!!!

Nary a huevo in the bunch, so they will resort to form. They will act like pussies, and Sweet Babeh Jeebus hates him a pussy. So there.

Got to go in and babysit the demo guys today, and read up on these plans-n-specs, and submittals, too. And sort out this office trailer lock situation. The key turned up missing. Of course, there's only one. :rolleyes:

Fortunately, there's more than one coffee . . . .


The middle has no visible say in anything,
the only voices getting camera time are the angry ones.

At any rate, this is going to be fun to watch.
The Sunday shows should be great.

;) ;)

Fun is an understatement. :)

Trump knew this was coming, hence the timing on the release of his list.
I'm a long way from home, so it doesn't matter what I do.

It looks like when we do the road trips home, that we'll be doing a day to get there, a weekend, and a day to return. Maybe every other weekend, if things are going well. AKA, on schedule.

The last one of these 9% gigs I wound up half building myself. We fondly knew it as . . . Lago.

N more Lagoes . . . .


That's a long commute.

You might have been better off with one of those big homes on wheels.
Not if I ever wanted to go home.

Them things has teh huge tanks and the deep drinking thirsts.

Unless you mean a trailer, in which case, maybe. But that's a trailer payment and a campground rental, whereas this way, I just get bullied by horses.

I'm greenbacks ahead . . . .


Home in the sticks with cat.

The dogs outsmarted me and got out this evening. I thought it'd be a matter of walking across the meadow and rounding them up and herding them back home. Turns out it's a horse-proof fence that isn't dog-proof.

Good news is, the landlady says, oh well. Still, you know?

I may go for a ride later to see what I see, but I'll wager they'll pick up a scent and be gone for hours.


The friend who has my Toyota 4x4, his Toyota 4x4, 3 Civics (including my old ricer) a Dpdge Truck, a Nissan low-rider truck, a Nissan parts truck, and two Integras, decided he needs a Lexus SUV. I'm supposed to meet up sometime to help shuttle a car or two somewhere.

I think he might have a car-hoarding problem. These aren't just out to pasture. He maintains them all. Tires, batteries, insurance.

I'm trying to time my cooking around an indeterminate time he may need a ride. I've got Italian sausage in the crockpot and eye of round marinating for jerky.
I was hoarding.

I got rid of a bunch.

I've bought some new ones.

The quality of the Rolling Stock has gone up considerably, however.


In perusing the thread to catch up with y'all, I found out I high-hatted Wat and I talk funny. I assure you, that the high-hattin was unintentional, but the talkin funny is prolly a true fact.
Howdy, Woman.

No(t much) offense tooken.

I reckon I'll be ridin' bach through on the twoth. You may make amends then.




Running kinda late there aren't ya folks? :)

Busy week for me, unplanned sorta busy.

First off the kid calls up and says, "Dad, I'm outta ammo." I should have said, "Too bad son, shoulda saved your money." But what it's gotten down to is that over Phoenix way when the stores do get some stock in they're limiting the purchases to one box per customer. Know how long one box lasts in an AR?
We know you do luk, quit reminding us.

It still won't turn your mom on.
Good morning.

This is fucked up.
I have "unlimited" data, but because I put 15 Gig on my hotspot
during this billing period, I have been slowed down to 128kbs.
Hell, most of Wat's gifs don't even load all of the way.
I could just use the phone, but talk about your basic pain in the ass...

At any rate, I got the pool covered yesterday.
It's really a job for two people, so I did the work of two people.

I let the chickens out of the coop, just to give them some time out of it
and the fuckers repaid me by refusing to go back in.
Fine. The fuckers still aren't laying, so I hope the coyote gets them.
I didn't have the time to spend on training this batch, so, I'll have to
work harder on The Replacement Chickens.

Just checked on them, they went back in to the pen to roost.
They won't be getting out, ever, again...,

This I swear, by the stars!
I am the law and the
law's not mocked!
