TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Off to torment sleep weasels . . . .

Happy Monday!!!

Got a building to get as done as possible today. Always fun. Which means, of course, that the PM will be antsy. Which means it's just another building at the end of its rope. It'll be like this next month, and on the next job. Life goes on. And the conversation on the subject is just rhetoric.

The weather is cooling off this week. May be back into the 30s one morning. That'll be interesting. Need to check back where I came from, since I'm wandering back there this weekend.

The small cats are napping and my coffee mug keeps getting empty.



I've already been out to empty the skimmer basket and it is very, very nice out there.
I'm betting that if it's not in the 60s, that it is very close.

Lilacs are blooming adding a bit of perfume to the air.

The josh is burning here.

Gotta check that weather.

It better not fucking rain . . . .


Haven't tuned into the local weather yet.

I'm still on my national news of the daily toll that cop-hate is taking on this country.
I think we should eliminate cops and let the Mafia run the show.
I know some people who could use a good whacking...
At least I know they will keep the general peace.
Morning folks.

Yet another April day here. Moderate temps, Sunny and windy.

All this talk of wild game and it's not even season yet.
I think you can hunt coons, 'possums, rabbits and squirrel year-round here.

We are in serious need of a summer deer season.
They can jump a six-foot fence and I don't like
my garden and flowers beds looking like
a prison with ten-foot walls and
concertina wire...
Don't forget feral hog. Those damn Texas undocumented immigrants are taking over the river bottoms on the East side of the state.
Checked the weather. Looks like I can get my outdoor tasks done at the house, thanks be to Allah. And warm enough, too.

Allah truly is merciful.

Off to torment these fucking weasels. Gotta whip 'em into some kinda shape . . . .

Don't forget feral hog. Those damn Texas undocumented immigrants are taking over the river bottoms on the East side of the state.

They should have made the list. :cool:
We just don't have a lot of them around here yet.
But, hey, good news (as reported in the past) they did try to reintroduce the Red Wolf.

Alas, we are Ramp deprived out here. However we do have wild Asparagus if you know where to look.
Home. Grazed in. It was a tiring and frustrating kinda day. Even the PM sounded kinda whipped. We gotta get this fucking building done.

And then it'll be the next one.

The antler rats made a reappearance on the edge of the woodline. I think they're eating the squirrel's corn, in which case we'll have to shoot them for it. The turkeys are making a racket, too, but I've only seen them on the road.

Wish I had more zip. Maybe tomorrow . . . .



The weather girl fucked me. Fucked me hard. She promised three days of sun and fun.

I left my tools out, the concrete out and the truck windows down last night.

It fucking rained.

There is a huge intersection between the people who hate guns and love pets.

I don't get it. Guns do whatever I intend for them to do.

Pets don't...