TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Yep, gents, Wat's shit gets driv. Drivv. Drived. Used. :D

Happy Thursday!!! It's Wat's Friday. Gonna turn this building today. It is the will of Allah. And it's been that kinda week. Plumber started digging up the bad bits of sewer yesterday, and hit a water line. Of course, I was at lunch and missed the geyser bit, but it's not like I haven't seen that before. Besides, I was back in time to shake my head and make disapproving noises. Knuckleheads.

Weather's gotten a bit cooler. Looks to be good at the house, which is good, because there's some outdoor shit what needs doin'. 'Bout fuckin' time.

We got coffee goin' here, so this day won't go off the rails, insh'Allah . . . .



I'm telling you, this tooth hurts more gone than when it was in.

It's a four Tylenol kind of morning. Even the coffee hurts.

And it got kind of nippy out on top of it all.

Oh well, I'll just have to work through it.
I got the covid shot on Tuesday. Felt like a big ole pile of dog shit yesterday. Feeling better today.
Champ needs to wash down the Tylenol with some high grade alcohol, it might still hurt but he will care less, Wat needs to win the lottery and retire (and so do the rest of us), and we all need some time off in the sun. It would bring the cheerful back really fast.
Until that happens there is coffee and I recently learned that there is a car worthy of being restored.

I don't drink coffee all day every day the way that I used to. I did that for a long time, however. Doc said I needed to cut that shit way back, and I thought about it a few weeks, and then I did.

Home. Grazed in. Cooked. Divided some of the stockpile of food that the landlady dragged in. She shops a lot more since she's old and blue-haired and living on a pension. In between bouts of lying about, of course.

Got that fucking building signed off and off my plate. Five down, three to go. Oh, and MM needs to go, too. I bet he'd leave if they quit paying his dumb ass. No matter, not that he's any less annoying. It's just a case of mind over matter.

Heading east in the morning. Long day driving. I wonder who will wave as I traverse their state(s). :rolleyes:



Happy Friday, and one new inconsiderate cunt added to iggy. It's funny on other forums/fora watching people who disagree nevertheless continue to act like adults. Just goes to prove that "reaching a majority doesn't make one adult-like.

Road trip Friday is upon Wat. I reckon that the phone will ring during the day, and that's cool, but it won't require running over to building whatever and doing anything. Up a bit earlier than I had intended, but maybe that will translate to a bit earlier start. We'll see.

The weather will be agreeable from end to end. No rain is good rain, in this case.

But no coffee is defiance of the will of Allah, so it's not permissable.



Good morning.

Yeah, I figure that juvenile is managing to make a lot of iggy lists.

Safe travels on your road trip Wat. It's Friday so I'll be heading off to see what the Feds have been up to this past week.
Thank you.

Loafing and drawing cheques seems to be what they do best.

Packed, such as it is. Cats will stay here, so there be quiet.

Off to see the road weasels . . . .

I took the advice.

It is not helping yet. I might need more.

If I go to see the butcher who did this to me, what good is that?
It appears that I'll have a bumper crop of Apples this year. The Peaches and Pears not so much so. :rolleyes:
I drink 2 cups of coffee most days, there are other days however.....
Going to be a short workday since a supplier is delayed until Tuesday, guess my weekend is starting early.
House here. I don't know where "home" really is anymore. It may be wherever I lay my hat.

Doing a snack. The Friday night folks have gone without my scintillating self for fa too long, so I shall regale them with tales of Points West. Then we'll go out for Eyetalian.

Moved the bike. It stated right up. First time since that warm wet spell in Januay, or December. It seems that trickle charges ae ove-rated if you leave it alone.

Stack of mail to wade through. :rolleyes:



Happy Saturday!!! Up too damned ealy for no good reason. Also notice that either I'm not pushing the r key hard enough or it's misbehaving and needs to be punished. To be determined.

Weather looks good for today's outdoors escapades. That's a really nice touch, and it's about fucking time. Just a quick overview indicates that this shouldn't be as difficult as Tiny Brain was trying to make it. Thanks be to Allah!!!

And I was able to come to terms with a guy I know about getting the grass cut once every other week. Just enough to keep the city at bay - fuckers. Because they haven't cut the corner lot-n-house this year, yet. The other one is cut and someone has installed replacement windows and is changing the exterior paint color to a too-dark blue. No matter. At least someone is taking an interest in the place. So, maybe the cheap fuck finally sold the place. 'Bout fucking time, too.

Kinda like coffee and right now . . . .



Good morning.

Noisy night last night, lots of wind.It's still rattling stuff around out there but starting to die down a bit. Supposed to be followed by rain this afternoon so I'll take that window of opportunity between the wind and rain to get some shopping done.
Yeah, it got cold here overnight. That is not a welcome change, for sure.

At least the coffee is good this morning.

And my 'R' key is working.
