TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

It's hard to do pirates with this fucking thing. Maybe some WD40 . . . .

It's chilly here, too. If this thing goes as it might today, I might can get the front half of the roof coated tomorrow. But not if it's chilly because of dew and condensation. That would be a load off, however. We'll see.

I hope the ladder is long enough. If not, there will be a trip to the blue box store.

The josh burns to ward off gremlins.


Good Morning, folks!

I've taken a few days off and things have been accomplished. I may have missed waving as Wat drove through yesterday.
The coffee is excellent this morning. It's just above freezing outside. Any wet surfaces will be slick. Most likely, my car will not leave the garage today. The solar panels on the roof will come close to maximum output at an hour after solar noon, today.
Going out tonight with some people I haven't seen since college, hoping it will be a great night so keep that josh smoking.
It's lit. I'll be burning some every time I sit here today.

Task Number One is knocked out. Number Two isn't looking so bad after all. Got the first piece made for getting it under way.

The maternal parental unit is s'posably coming over to take me to lunch.
Just me and the pups at the house this weekend so I heated up some leftovers.
Once I'm done checking social media and my mail a nap shall happen.
It's one of those cold, drizzly weekends where motivation is optional
Longish break. Back at it. This will turn a corner here.

Lunch was nice. We haven't done that in awhile.

Off . . . .



I took some time off work today to hang some doors, install a ceiling fixture, and do some paint touch-ups. Then, I put all the paint shit in one spot in the shop so i can get it put AWAY for a LONG time.
Day is done. Tasks are complete. Off the fucking ladder. Made it with daylight to spare.

And I can now get back to the original task, which was getting this fucking roof patched and coated.

Allah truly is merciful.

Hope the block party on the next skreet ends before bedtime, or I might have to snort the HfD through it at 4K+ RPMs . . . .



My few days off have been productive. In my focus to "do stuff", I have been guilty of abusing Wat again. I think he'll forgive me and not put me on ignore. Time will tell
It's really nice out on the deck in the sun. I'm too lazy to posthole through the snow to get the deck chairs from the greenhouse. perhaps tomorrow.
Well then, that changes everything. Those chairs ain't gonna walk out of the greenhouse on their own, ya know.
The heat is running. I haven't checked on the local weather yet, but it has been crappy.
We're about due for a warming trend.

It's that golden time of the morning when I'm the online awake,
the coffee is hot and fresh and I am getting free movies this weekend,
but I don't see a danged thing that is peaking my interest. That could be why they're free...