TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Allah, Wat hasn't watched a movie or any TV in eons, it seems. All this shopping for hot rod bits. Looking at Tremec 6-speeds right about now. May have to boost a '98 Camaro and cannibalize it.

Happy Sunday!!! The landlady called way too early - I was actually still sleeping. Cat antics stories, yanno. While making coffee, I discovered that I'm sore. Would have thought legs, but it's back.

Today's tasks may have to wait for a bit of motorcycling instead. The weather is good.

Coffee first . . . .



I have plenty of time.
I might be watching and not paying attention.

Just white noise and not in a Racist way. I'll watch things with minority actors.
Did I mention the hand-painted (nice done, btw) sign up the street on a fence?

Black Trans Lives Matter.

Maybe I should paint my new 6-speed black.

And then I won't kill it with too much torque . . . . :rolleyes:


It must be her other half. She was out cu(n)ting the grass yesterday, and she's awfully pale for a black tranny.

These ones I'm looking at have that cast aluminum look about them.

Double overdrive. That'll make an old ride a highway star.


I remember from maybe 10-12 years ago getting blown off by a Packard sedan on I-95. Allah only knows what powertrain was in the car, but he was booking it at 20 over, easy. I was coming onto the highway and gave it a go but wasn't willing to go fast enough to catch him. Too many poe-leases.

I was scarred for Life, apparently.

So I wanna be like Mike.


I don't drive fast.

I walked away from a couple of nasty experiences and realized
that at some point or another, my damned fool luck was going to run out...
I don't go all that fast, either.

Given a choice, I like getting to speed as quickly as possible.

And the race engine builder on the other site said you can twist these things to 5K, which is what Wat had concluded months ago, so there's that.

So, torque plus low gears . . . .




And loud pipes.

And this one is likely getting a turbo, but it could still be an Eaton SC.

An' shit . . . .


Happy Sunday, BT!!!

I think I forgot to mention: my Cheap Jew (he is a cheap fuck, and he's Yiddish - also, he's a registered sex offender, which I found out by accident - made my week) (former) neighbor, who moved out a couple of years ago and was gonna "fix up the house to sell," - has sold it. Not that he fixed anything. He fucked around with a bad roof, hiring asshats to put shingles on the flat places - pros would have told him to use the right shit - and other stuff. This appears to be a good thing.

The new owner has started painting the lame yellow over with a just-as-lame blue - too dark. But they have put in replacement Pella windows, and as I was gazing at those yesterday, I realized I could see through the house. Because it's been gutted. If someone is going to spend too much money on a house in this 'hood, I'm glad it's next door to me.

Now, if' they'd figure out what they're gonna do with the former crack house on the other side . . . . :rolleyes:



It really doesn't pay to remodel past the median home value for the neighborhood.

Unless, of course, the crack house burins down.
I don't know what's up with the yellow-to-blue house, but their poor judgment helps make mine a bit more salable, which is gonna be the name of the game here when the gettin' gets good here.

I have thought of remodeling the crack house . . . with fire.

This house, too.

Some stuff doesn't get done because it's illegal to do it, which explains why some "people" are still alive.

I have noticed some very interesting house colors in the past. Some were very nice, others weren't to my liking. The one painted coral on my route to town is particularly jarring.
Well, since we're not in a flood plain here.

Perhaps Allah will take vengeance on this block.

The we will all have Concrete Proof of both his existence and who his favorite is.

Out here in the great Southwest there is a uniformity of color. Virtually all of the buildings are some shade of 'Adobe'. Back East it would be referred to as Beige. I refer to it as varying shades of baby shit brown.