TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Where I was before a house up from us had dark gray siding, a black roof, an asphalt drive, and all the trim and porches painted black. It was kind of creepy.
If that house is finished off as blue and they do a cream trim with white windows, it'll likely look damned good. Anything else will look like dried jizz. I have exquisite taste and people need to do what I tell them to, especially since all of their taste appears to be in their mouths.

Home. Grazed in. Stuff in the freezer. Likely this is the last of that batch of s'ghetti sauce, which is a damned shame since it was really good. Did some errands and saw some folks. Good to get out and about for a bit. and there was a bit of blowing the cobwebs outta the loud pipes.

Gotta run up to the grocery store and the bank to make a deposit. All this volunteer group treasury shit. At least the money goes where it should.

Gotta have cream for tomorrow's coffee . . . .



Happy Road Trip Monday. The question on this day always is: what will Wat forget to load in the car to take back? We should make this a recurring theme with contestants and prizes. There are the tidbits we knew needed to go, the big socket set being highest up the list. Got the tools I used over the weekend and need back there.

Top contender in my head: bike helmet and riding jacket. Least likely: cpap machine.

Weather looks to be warm enough, and that I'll run through some rain at some point, prolly out there in the hills an' shit. Looks like we might have a frost warning tomorrow night over there >>>> Hope I won't be skeert. Must be glowball warming again.

Got good coffee this morning here . . . .



Watch out Wat, cold weather is headed your way.

I was working on my project yesterday and stopped for some Taco Bell.
When I finally ambled out to get some more done, it started sprinkling
so I moved my tools back to a dry spot and then it started raining and
then it turned cold. So I am here reporting that I'm still not finished.

Mother Nature is out to stop me. :mad:
Back up here at Points West. Westicle. The landlady has the door open and the old cat is sitting in the setting sun window. I lit the josh.

The drive back was uneventful. Rain leaving town and partly to mostly sunny. Waved to The Hill People. They didn't throw rocks . . . .

Supper looks to be breakfast. That's always a winner.

I think we might have a frost warning for Wednesday morning.


Riddle me this:

Why is it that same collectivists that put no value on the individual or the thousands killed in a manner not supporting a prescribed narrative lionize the oddest poster boys?

On any objective basis, society is none the poorer.
When the issue is not a winner, then you win with a victim.

It is the fallacy of the exception proving the rule.
April 20 and they're talking snow just to the north of us.

I can believe it, it's been very chilly here.

Another sure sign of GlowBall Warning.
I think we had our last sneaux last week. Never can tell around here though.

Supposed to get our first water of the year tomorrow. I'll believe that when I see it as well.
I'm wondering what the rush was to get the pool open.

It won't be warm enough until June at this rate.
It's that fucking glowball warming shit again. And I think that's a stray piece of weatherstrip hanging out from under the door. The reproduction stuff is damned expensive. I hope it fits for what it costs.

There is an ongoing cat squabble around here. The landlady's "alpha" cat is a big fat orange goofball. He's really a nice cat, but he doesn't like my little cat. Chases him every time he thinks he can get away with it. My new girl cat doesn't like him and attacks him frequently. He's afraid of her. So this morning, he went after my old cat, and she attacked him from behind and freaked the poor old fat fucker out. A third his size and totally fearless. Look at the huevos on her!!!

It's gonna be decent today and then turn cold tonight. Probably will be frost warnings for the next couple of mornings. Allah is confusing the Amish farmers.

They don't grow coffee . . . .



I always picture a catfight differently.

My sisters used to spit and claw at each other over the dumbest shit...
27 here currently with a high of 34, wind is about 10 mph off the lake. More of the same tomorrow but it’s supposed to get up into the 50’s this weekend.

It’s chilly out there!
Hey, Barbie!!! I was wondering if Fawkin had been mean to you and we were gonna have to stand him in the corner.


We don't have girl children in my family. At least, not the immediate bits of it. Kinda weird.

Wonder if I'm ready to go back to work, or if they're ready for me . . . .


Wat hates moving. Wat needs a couple of weeks to spend slaving on John Smith's house - cuz it's Back East. It would change a few dynamics.

I'd consider renting the thing if I hadn't had such truly godless horrible luck previously.

Of course, there is remodeling by fire, but those annoying arson charges would put the lid on that thought. Well, not the thought, but the action.

Fucking laws . . . .



Home. Cats are good. Unloaded some more shit outta the car - didn't finish yesterday. Brought home some grub for in-grazing.

The PM called earlier. Asked, "do you have a minute?" "Uh, you're the boss, so, sure." Seems his kid's roomie was robbed in their place, and Junior was home. Stuck a gun to Junior's head. They know who it is. Poelease have talked to them. Dad's going home. If it was my kid, I'd go heavy.

Meanwhile, the job was very slow today. We're s'posed to get the wood butcher back tomorrow. Wat gets to ride him like a rented mule.

If could just anybody do this, what would Wat do??? :rolleyes:


