TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

By Buddha's blessed brass balls, it freaking snowed yesterday.

Big flakes. No stockage though...

It looks like stupid hit this thread hard.

No one here even discussed the trial -

- in this thread or any other.

Some people are just born idiots.
I guess that that scowl on his face means he's hatin' on some pussies.

Happy payday Wednesday. Yeah, it's st000pid, because anyone who has read Wat for very long knows the attitude is fuck da poelease. But that would involve paying attention - or having anything to pay attention with. A special kind of broke, as it were. I could see all the parts of my brain with that eyeroll.

Anyhoo, bills are paid, which is always a satisfying feeling. Shopping has been done and more research on 6-speeds. Turns out one of the shops which is highly touted is maybe 80 miles from here. They also offer an adapter plate to bolt one of these modern monsters onto your car with a T-10 bolt pattern. If I'm not mistaken (thank you very much, Borg Warner), the bolt pattern of my ancient R-11 is the same. If so, that will make this the easiest mod in the world. Just buy the parts, some assembly required.

We got some sneaux, too. No accumulation, but white shit nonetheless. Little cats are napping, and coffee refill time is upon me.



I don't know if it has ever snowed here in April.

It's generally not even jacket weather...


That's some serious GlowBall Warning! :eek:
Yeah, no shit!!!

There's talk of sneaux come May.

I hope for the sheep's sake that they haven't been sheared yet.

Where are the Sneaux Poelease when you need them?

Good morning. You're what, three days behind us on the weather it seems.

Natives had a little celebration huh? Celebrations are kinda like wishes, gotta be careful there.
Yeah. Wait until one of the celebratory need a cop...

;) ;)

... then they discover that all the fucker is going to do is
create a report describing what actually happened to you...


... even if he has to wait until it's all over.
Good morning. You're what, three days behind us on the weather it seems.Natives had a little celebration huh? Celebrations are kinda like wishes, gotta be careful there.
^^^ Tough day yesterday for copsucker White Nationalists......
Yeah. Wait until one of the celebratory need a cop...;) ;) ... then they discover that all the fucker is going to do is
create a report describing what actually happened to you...
... even if he has to wait until it's all over.
....and their Semi-White Nationalist auxiliary as well ^^^^^

You two may want to hunker down in Wat's safe space for a spell, your fee fees are gonna be tested this week.

Weasel report: numerous sightings. Sight picture could be had, if the price is right.

Speaking of. You know Wat's buddy, MM. Maintenance Moron. I mean, Man. Using the term "man" loosely. Like, Litlib loosely. This is as related by the wire butchers as told to them by himself.

Seems our knucklehead went into one of the units in the last building to see if the guy had moved out yet. Tenant wasn't home, so he let himself in. Said the place smelled like meth, so he called the poelease. They came and went in with MM and poked around and found some meth. Then they waited around for Holmes to come home, at which point he got popped for a variety of charges. Kinda like the girl in B10 from last week.

I mean, even a Lit lawyer could get the guy off on this ass-raping of civil rights, but still, MM needs to mind his own beeswax.



Laid out the ADA unit walls for the wood butcher. Wish we had a carpenter, but we don't. Oh wait, we have me, so we don't really need one, just a wood assembler.

Need to know how big to frame the walls for the roll-in shower enclosure? Read the plans, right? Um, no, look at the plans for the proper location, and then go to measure the actual shower enclosure which will be installed there. And find out that it's different enough so it wouldn't fit.

Speaking of which, the bolt pattern on a R-11 looks suspiciously like the one an an A833. Who knew? If so, this simplifies this whole exercise. And they make adapter plates, praises to Allah!!!

Off to talk to management, and then to lunch. My boss seems happy.



Lotta houseplants posting. Cunt read. No eyes, I reckon.

Makin' some headway today. Had 15 grunts making things from nothing. Or from not much.

Made a deal earlier to save some money. That's always a good idea. More to spend on whiskey and h000rs - and to waste what's left over.

Maybe some new vet bills . . . .



Home, late. Stopped to see some folks. Made a couple of phone calls on the ride home, to no avail. The DJ on the iThingie was rockin' tonight.

Smoke dope eat pussy every day.

Looks to be warming up next week, so we cah get some motorcycle weather. I'm onboard with that.

Off in a bit.


Happy Thursday!!!

Didn't get quite as cold this morning as the weather gurus claimed, so this is proof positive that Glowball Warming. We will all be killed by the weekend. Certainly by sometime next week.

Gotta get my expense report out today. There will also be site clean-up tomorrow and Monday for the draw walk on Tuesday. And the end of demolition, as soon as we can get the meth-head out. I don't know, I haven't met the guy, but still.

And plenty of coffee beforehand.



Good morning all.

Looks to be a fine day here 'Red Flag' warning aside. Almost had an incident out at the range a few days ago. The PJ's started a small fire with one of their smoke grenades. They put it out right quickly.

The head instructor was very apologetic about it and explained that it was only one bush that burned.

"Only one bush?" I quipped.

"Yup, just one." he replied.

And then I said, "And no tablets huh?"
At which quip, he looked at you all confused and the conversation died on the vine.

Like those damned mustard seeds sown along the path and on the rocks.

So, you're stopped by a cop and he asked something in the civil rights violation category, so you come back with something clever, and he asks, "are you trying to get smart with me?"

Whatthefuckever do you say to that????
At which quip, he looked at you all confused and the conversation died on the vine.

Like those damned mustard seeds sown along the path and on the rocks.

So, you're stopped by a cop and he asked something in the civil rights violation category, so you come back with something clever, and he asks, "are you trying to get smart with me?"

Whatthefuckever do you say to that????

He got it. They're a pretty smart group of guys.

I plan on telling them I have a heart condition and he's 'stressing me out.'
It really is about time for the John Deere to be delivered from the mechanics.

Either they are swamped or it is DOA.

The other mower is just too light for the slopes. I worry that it will capsize...

John Deeres don't come cheap.
Mine don't "get" much, lemme tellya. Like Lit houseplants.

Some people are alive simply because it's illegal to kill them. Their ancestors must have made that "law."

Off to torment the weasels. Gotta get caught up on some sirial numbers for the log, too.


