TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Here in Weaselland. It's a pretty enough day and a bit warmer, maybe, than what was called for. Has been so far.

We're going to tear out the last two units which will be converted to ADA. Then we can go ahead and attack the framing and get it knocked out. Maybe I can get a drywall butcher back at work so's I can get the next building back on track.

We spread people out too thin, and they are greedy enough not to be able to say, "no." Then we complain about how we're falling behind. Like Widemouth Frog used to say when the original plumbers were imploding: "them plummers are fallin' behind." And I'd say, "no, they were falling behind week before last. They're officially behind now." :rolleyes:

I don't miss that guy at all.



Some advice for you to give that dad Wat (I hate when kids are threatened)

Number One, never make a call or anything else that's called premeditation if you get caught.
Number two, if you plan on getting caught either make it look like an accident or self-defense.
Number Three, don't get caught. A mugging is easy to fake, adding something to cause an OD lets them do it themselves and while getting rid of evidence is a bit more work with a little creativity it's not too bad.

I don't have much use for the police, they don't do much here unless you have money or connections. Canada has just as much crime as the US, we also have a large number of missing persons who wander off, run away or just disappear. You know how it is, shit happens when there's so much area with sparce populations.
There was a mob killer who was dismembering bodies and burying the bits in trash bags on Staten Island. Took him a long time to get caught and the poelease a long time to dig up the bits.

So you can imagine with Wide Open Spaces. Or at least, I can.

I won't see my drywaller before the middle of next week. I hope that I can keep my carpenter interested in being here until he can finish the trim and hang the cabinets in this building.

Fer fucks sake, laddies!!!


Home. Cooked. Got some lights for the garage on the way home. Checked out some shit to do over the weekend. Looks promising.

And ain't stayin' awake no more.

Happy Friday!!! Cats are fed and are roaming around and saying things. Except for the ones who are getting comfortable for a morning nap. And the sun isn't up yet.

Seems we got a bit of rain overnight. But we get a mostly sunny day. We get rain tonight and tomorrow morning.

I have some left-over plywood on the job to bring home. At the price of that shit these days, it's a bit like hitting the lottery.

Already did with coffee . . . .



Good morning.

No feces on the ply. I need to set up an outside work table, the old one has seen it's last days. I usually just picked up a 30" hollow door, weather proofed it, and used it til it rotted. It seems the manufacturers think those doors are made of gold these days. A fall back was a sheet of ply cut to the appropriate dimensions. Apparently that shit is made of silver.

So the fall back now is 2ea 1x12x12' cut in half, glued together with biscuits and braced with some scrap 2x4's I've got laying about. Seal the cludge up with some exterior paint I've got left over and use that until it rots.

Ammo is reappearing on the shelves again. Over priced but at least available. Hopefully components won't be far behind.
I have a couple of work tables to make, too. One for odds-n-ends with some sandblasting and painting capabilities for small parts. One for inside for some engine bits and such. There is a stack of old pallets here which should make for good sides/legs with a bit of bracing. Got some shit that passes for 2x4 any more, which will have to do.

The treated stuff is ever so slightly better. The non-treated stuff is a step and a half better than useless. And slipping. Seven dollars each is criminal.

And there's plenty of plywood. Already hauled some home.

Speaking of which, it's gettin' toward time to herd some weasels.



It wasn't all that long ago that I built my reloading bench. The work surface is solid 6/4 Maple. I paid approx. $50 with tax for 2 6/4x10"x10' slabs of rough cut.

My how times have changed.
Yesterday morning I put a retro AR-15 up at the Legion. 3060 tickets sold out by 10 pm.

The good news is that we put $1,000 into the account we donate money from. The bad news is that I have to go get another one today.

The general consensus is that you'd better get your scary guns while you still can.
Ran across this the other day.


I figure the dude traded his boat for a couple of two by twelves

I'm thinking I should buy a portable sawmill and tag along with my neighbor the amateur arborist.


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The wood butcher is wheeling and dealing in trucks and trailers. He is on his sixth truck now, I think. Blew a bunch of smoke up my ass about how he sold the last one to a horse guy for hauling large poodles. Thing is, he took out the fifth wheel, and it's more likely that it would have wound up being a Farm Use truck somewhere.

His current ride has a 6L PowerStroke. Nuff said.

He's got two trailers. He dragged the second one in yesterday, a boat trailer with a plywood floor added to it. Here's to a wager that a gallon of Rustoleum gloss black later and he asks double for it.

He's probably taking advantage of Guatemalans . . . .


My workbench came from an old school teacher's desk, I was dropping some scrap off when I saw the desk in the in yard, asked the guy about it and he gave it to me for free. It was oak and maple, so I stripped off the top and glued some 2x4's across the bottom to keep it true and form seats for my sawhorses. I sealed it and it still works great, it's been about 4 years now. I kept the two drawers that were still good as totes and took the rest apart as scrap.
My brother found in the "too good to toss" section of the county dump a large mahogany commercial desk. It was veneer, but it was old enough to be decent and it was in good shape. It was missing its two letter holders - the wooden sliding gizmos at the top. He got some wood from the good lumber yard and replaced them.

That was since long time, and he still has it.

I gave my desk to Junior decades ago.


At the place I pay the mortgage on, I have a lovely chest/workbench which was a store fixture in an old apothecary. It has something like 18 drawers in it, including one divided into all kinds of wee spaces. Dovetailed drawers. It's really a nice and quite substantial piece of furniture.

Fred the Barn Cat will sign off on what I'm doing. It'll hold her, and she likes me.




Home. Grazing in.

In the last week or two, the new little cat - the tiny terror, the dynamic kitten from Islamic Hell, that one - has discovered human food. So, now, if I'm making something, she has to come over to try it to see what she thinks.

I made hash browns last night with lots of onions. Very strong yellow onions. Onions still tasty after having been thoroughly fired/panned. She was on the table when I dropped one off the plate, so she tried it. Gamely. She took a few chews, made a horrible face, and rejected it. She then made sure to lick all the Savory Goodness from it before getting up and turning her back on it.

Is it bedtime yet? Oh wait, the sun is still up. Doesn't that violate some kind of adult rule?



Happy Saturday!!! I'm probably in violation of some weekend off getting up before the sun rule. Of course, I could go back to bed for a nap before going out. We can play that one by ear.

Landlady is out of town at another Large Poodle Event. Not sure what this is - maybe jumpers. She won't be home until tomorrow afternoon. Meanwhile, her friend comes over to feed the critters. Including her cats, who normally get fed long before sunrise. There is much Feline Unhappiness coming from her end of the house. It's not like there isn't a big bowl of kibble in there, but they want their Snacky Snacks.

There be rain headed this way. Wet all morning, it looks like. Not all that warm, either. It'll blow out this afternoon.

No matter, the josh is lit and the coffee is made.



Morning all.

Warm, clear, and breezy is the forecast. It's the default for this time of year.

Got some light shopping to do this AM. If it weren't for having to top off the gas tank and get some vittles for the critters I wouldn't have to go anywhere.

A complete blank on the hunt draws. I'm not a happy camper about that. So I have the choice of hunting out of state, hunting private land, or taking up a new career as a poacher. I think I'll explore the first two options before I consider the third.
I thought that hunting on private lands and poaching were the same thing.

Oh, you're talking about permission. I get it now.

Around here, I figure that if anyone asks me about the dead coyote in their field, I'll tell them I killed that one when I missed the one I was shooting at in her field. No one will know but me and the coyote, and guess which one won't be talking.

Now if I could just see one long enough to get sight picture . . . . :mad:


Cat yowling can do it.

The fat cat sounded so pathetic this morning, I almost felt sorry for him.


Then I turned on the light when I heard crunching kibble, and the little cat growled at him, so I scolded him and made him leave.


Swear to Allah, I hear the little bastards and then do some calling.

And then I hear nothing.

The only thing I got for certain was the one time i got all four pasture poodles to see what tortures I was perpetrating on that poor bunny.

