TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Grandpa's Custom Royal Lancer was a '59. Black with a red interior. It was pretty damn stable on the expressway at 80 - 90 mph. Might have been the tail fins.
Good morning folks.

Semi-busy day ahead. Gotta finish reloading the kids "care" package. And I'm low on tortillas so I'll pick some up when I go to the UPS store. Then its time to start winterizing the yard. No rush but if I do a little at a time it'll be done when it should be done.
No, not yet, this is always my first stop.

For some reason, y'all have become pretty important to my day. Go figure...
Someone spent the night last night moving any thread that might be considered "political" to the Political Forum. So we now have the General Board Lounge North.
Someone spent the night last night moving any thread that might be considered "political" to the Political Forum. So we now have the General Board Lounge North.

No shit?

Laurel paid a brief visit?

It doesn't surprise me (any moves), there are a lot of whiners here...

Campaign contribution? :devil:
A week from October and I found myself running the air conditioning at midnight. It's started sprinkling and that brought the temperature down now to 84. Tolerable. Barely.
I don't want to put on a mask.

...if I die of hunger because I don't want to put on a mask, am I a COVID death?
I don't want to put on a mask.

...if I die of hunger because I don't want to put on a mask, am I a COVID death?

. . .but, but- think.of.the.CHILDREN!

*That are unlikely to contract it, make poor vectors and tend to experience mild to no symptoms in the unlikely event they do contract it.
Happy Tuesday. Yeah, I got busy this morning and didn't post. So now I'm home with Little Shit and grazing in. This is where I check in, too, and it felt a bit outta place today. No wonder.

It was a decent day. It got cloudy. The guys are chugging along on their respective trades, but the roofers are slow as molasses. There's a bit much carpentry in their bid, and they should have farmed that bit out and didn't. No matter, we made a schedule today, and it all looks doable.

Last night was the first time I found my way home without GPS. This morning, I found it the other way. And again this evening. And the'67 Cuda, too.

I like it here . . . .


Hey, good morning!

I felt compelled to get up,
but its dark out and now I'm thinking,

I should just go back to bed.