TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Good morning and Happy Saturday.

The horses, dogs and cats are fed. They seem content. We seem to be down a barn cat. My thought is coyote...miserable creatures. I have some errands to run before I get to sleep, but that's okay and I should be done and home by early afternoon.
I'm sportin a new watch; a gift from the family because in their words, "You never buy anything for yourself." Which is true, but I don't need all that much in the line of "things". This, however was a nice surprise, and much appreciated.
Now, I'm off to tear up the town and git this here list took care of.

They just wanted to make sure you were home in time to make dinner! :p
You may have something here. I had said I was tired of eatin my own cookin.
Home with cat. Found a Chinee place on the way home, so I stopped and ordered a big ol' dish of Numbah Wun Fuckee. It'll do, but it aint's as good as the one at home.

Had roofers and wood butcher weasels. The roofers knocked off about 1430. The wood butchers stayed until just after 1700. They did get the first building ready for rough-ins on Monday. We may have a surprise, but it'll be small if it is.

Built a set of shelves in the storage container, and then moved some of the plumbing supplies to their new home there - until they get installed. It all turned out nicely.

The cat seems to be a happy feller . . . .



Too funny. A friend's neighbor saw me and said to the friend. . .I thought you had Sam Elliot with you!

The mustache is coming along.

You know how married couples start looking like each other and people tend to look like their dogs? . .. Apparently I'm becoming my avatar.
Good morning all.

I think Thor about covered it BT. I believe the most disgusting I've ever had was marketed under the name of Banquet.
Good morning! After some research into the frozen dinner thing, I have decided I'll just cook for trinkets.
Happy Sunday!!!

Just buy cans of beanie weenies. And maybe some store-brand soups. And clearance cold cereal, but forget to buy milk for it. Or maybe skim.

It's a sunny day out here in the country. There's a little cat napping on my pillow. This is new. Got some clothes in the washer. S'posed to have an invite to cook out with a new acquaintance later this afternoon. May wander down into the woods and look for something to put a few rounds into - since we can do that here.

After I kill the rest of the coffee . . . .



I think that the injun is a'duckin' me, skeert that his Cheaps will be . . . cheap.






Thank-you Wat. It's been a crazy few weeks but things are leveling out again.
How have you been?
Pretty well, actually.

This seems to be a good assignment.

The horses are in the field. The dogs are in the yard. I imagine the goats are in their run. The cats met one another and there was ony a bit of hissing.

Lovely day, this . . . .


Good morning! After some research into the frozen dinner thing, I have decided I'll just cook for trinkets.

Then the kids were in their formative eating years, we always had an emergency frozen lasagna from Costco in the freezer. It made sense. Not too bad eating. And, the kids never had time to taste their food, anyhow.

Damn fine day!!!

Back to work tomorrow.

Which makes a body grateful for damn fine days like today . . . .

Good for you Wat. Sounds like country living is to your liking.

Had a decent day myself, better than yesterday.

As I mentioned before I was shipping some ammo to the kid. Well, "was" is a good term. I went to two UPS stores yesterday and was told they don't ship "explosives"!!!!!???? Tomorrow I'm going to the central depot so see what's happening. I've shipped a lot of ammo over the years, even some of my "white lightening" with no issue at all. Now they're calling small arms ammo "explosives." Is this a local policy or something corporate has decided recently? There is no such notification on their website so I'm a little pissed and confused.
Good for you Wat. Sounds like country living is to your liking.

Had a decent day myself, better than yesterday.

As I mentioned before I was shipping some ammo to the kid. Well, "was" is a good term. I went to two UPS stores yesterday and was told they don't ship "explosives"!!!!!???? Tomorrow I'm going to the central depot so see what's happening. I've shipped a lot of ammo over the years, even some of my "white lightening" with no issue at all. Now they're calling small arms ammo "explosives." Is this a local policy or something corporate has decided recently? There is no such notification on their website so I'm a little pissed and confused.

"UPS accepts for transportation such ammunition as constitutes "cartridges, small arms," as defined in 49 C.F.R. § 173.59. All other allowable ammunition shipments are accepted only on a contractual basis, and must be prepared under the rules for a fully regulated hazardous material. Ammunition cannot be shipped where it exceeds 12.7 mm (50 caliber or 0.5 inch) for rifles or handguns or 8 gauge for shotguns. The package may not exceed 66 lb. (30 kg). The shipper must comply with and must ensure that each shipment containing ammunition complies with all federal, state and local laws applicable to the shipper, recipient, and package, including, without limitation, age restrictions."

UPS rules
Good morning.
I spent the last couple of days suffering from some sort of bug,
but I'm starting to feel a little better is morning.
I'm getting brave and trying a little coffee
to see if I can keep it down.
Happy Monday!!!

Glad you're feeling more gooder.

The cat has decided that nothing else will do but he has to inspect the contents of the little closet. The big closet doors are standing open ATM. Silly little fucker.

The coffee is a hit today . . . .


