TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Happy payday Wednesday!!! I always find it amusing to pay a mortgage on a house that is hundreds of miles from where I woke up. (Does that make me woke??!?) Oh well, everyone has to have a place to warehouse his/her shiznit.

Looke like a bit of Tropical Depression today. I hope we don't get depressed. Just a bit wet, most likely.

Which should run the roofers off. Allah, those fuckers are slow. Wait - weasels. Those roof weasels ae slow. I like the HVAC crew - so far. They don't know how to speak Portuguese.

The coffee is good today, and all seems right in Allah's good world . . . .


If one dies from Bad Wordplay, it counts as a Covid death.

There a CDC directive l(a)ying around here somewhere . . . .


I'm thinking about doing some squirrel hunting this afternoon. I can't decide between the 12 gauge or the .22
Home with cat. Grazing in. Another long damn day. But productive.

We have wheels tomorrow. It'll be an early outta-here and some growl at the weasels to get up picayune trashy bits.

I've met a few people up here, and they are some nice folks. So far so good. They'd probably all recommend taking the 9mm for tree rats. Shot one with a .380 once. I could stand to kill something.

I'ma kill this first full day of autumn here soon . . . .


Happy Thursday!!!

Gonna get an early start today. Wheels. Need I say more?

It pays for the wants, and Wat has wants.

And good coffee, too . . . .


Good morning Wat.

I had such a good time at the range yesterday I may just drag my ass back out there this AM.

Good to hear that you seem to be enjoying the new job. I hope that things keep gong smoothly with no more than the usual smattering of fuck ups and surprises that always seem to be part of such jobs. They do have the merit of keeping things interesting though. :)
I went with the 12-gauge and number 6 shot. Sadly, the Tree Rats won. If only I were allowed to hunt in town...
Air rifle.

I'm considering getting one for the grackles that have been Adre-ing all over my car lately. I haven't decided if it's justifiable to spend the $549 for the rifle I want.
Home with cat, and grazing in. Uninspiredly so. My ass is tired.

We had the wheels today, and the HR lady. She's a sweetie. She asked which Company Trip/Extravaganza I was to attend this fall, the race or hunting small birds who have never done anything to me. Wat will be (observing the) hunting. She's going, too. She shamed me into participating, so I told her I'd reload for her. :rolleyes:

I am so not buying an over/under which I'll never shoot again. Besides, since I plan to bike there, I might get picked up as some kind of Domestic Terrorist trying to transport it.

Anyway, the visit went fine . . . .


Oh hey Fawkin, $10 sez your Cheaps choke on it when they see the Ravings . . . .

Is it just me, or was the Luger designed after Florida?


*chuckle* You could certainly get that impression. I wish I'd of picked up a few of those when they were cheap, really cheap. Now the prices are outrageous, even for beat up war trophies. So much so that no one that has one dares shoot the damn thing.

What most people don't know about the P08 is that it is a finicky pistol. Virtually every pistol was "hand tuned" out of the factory just to get them to function properly. Tolerances were so tight that the slightest amount of dirt and they ceased to function properly if at all. They are ammo sensitive and parts are not interchangeable. But they just look so damn cool. So much so that it's not by accident that the Ruger Mark 1 was purposely designed to look like the P08.
Happy Friday!!!

Got the Friday obligation met. Looks like another warm day but without drippy-drops. We had drizzly mist for a lot of yesterday, which is vaguely annoying. The roofers worked around it. They're kinda dead in the water because of a supply issue. They sent us water heaters yesterday - the wrong ones.

I, too, wish I had gotten a cheap Luger, but alas and alack, it didn't happen. A friend got a cheap p38, and it was pretty finicky, too. Only fed hardball, and it failed to return the slide frequently. I cunt imagine a bigger pain in the ass, especially in theaters like the eastern front.

This coffee is kicking ass today . . . .



Never had the opportunity to play with a p38. Another case of German over-engineering? They did have a better reputation than the p08 though.
The handle angle makes sense to me in a form follows function sort of way, but I must be wrong, because it is not the norm.
The handle angle makes sense to me in a form follows function sort of way, but I must be wrong, because it is not the norm.

Yeah, the old grip angle discussion/debate. Generally speaking for one handed shooting the high rake of the Mk 1, Colt Woodsman, p08 seem to work best. You'll also find the higher rake angle on most International competition pistols.

For two handed shooting the more squared off angles work best because of how the off-hand is positioned. In this arena the discussion/argument revolves around the 1911 angle vs. the Glock. The answer is "whatever works best for you." If you're used to (practice with) the Glock angle you'll shoot better with the Glock, same with the 1911.
On my extremely limited first page, 2/3 of the threads are from yesterday.

It seems that, unlike the run up to the last election where they couldn't stop crowing about Hillary's scheduled coronation. they are already in mourning.
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On my extremely limited first page, 2/3 of the threads are from yesterday.

It seems that, unlike the run up to the last election where they couldn't stop crowing about Hillary's scheduled coronation. they are already in mourning.

As expected and predicted the GB is pretty much dead now. Oh well, we have this thread anyway.
Home with cat. Stopped and scored some BBQ on the way home and ate it there. It was better than last week's. Probably worth a return trip.

Allah damn!!! This was a busy week. We made good headway with what we have to get done.

Got in a visit with the PM this afternoon. We kinda did each other's background and experience. Sort of like an interview.

Yeah, we have this thread. I wonder if we'll ditch the stalkers. Maybe. We'll see.



Happy Saturday!!!

Looks like we get a bit warmer today. That'll be nice.

And there be weasels today. That'll be . . . nice isn't the word. It'll be weasely and necessary, since the wood butcher weasel isn't ready for Monday.

Coffee is here today, and that's fabulous . . . .



Good morning!

92 high today, 68 on Mon. Yoyo weather.

Busy day today, shipping, receiving, shopping, and reloading. That should just about take care of the day.

I have to do some more running around it seems, visiting the local gun stores. It seems that there are a few of us that have been blessed with an overabundance of 9mm brass, like in the 10's of pounds. Every one I know is in the same shape. But it seems that there are others that aren't so blessed. I was going to sell the brass I have to the metal recycler BUT one of my friends that also has an abundance cut a deal with one of the local gun shops. He'd bring in his brass and the owner would put some ammo away for him. Well there's more than one store in town so if 9mm brass is in such demand I suppose I can cut the same deal with a different owner. Nothing like a little horse trading to fill the day. Besides, I don't want to be accused of hoarding. :)
Good morning and Happy Saturday.

The horses, dogs and cats are fed. They seem content. We seem to be down a barn cat. My thought is coyote...miserable creatures. I have some errands to run before I get to sleep, but that's okay and I should be done and home by early afternoon.
I'm sportin a new watch; a gift from the family because in their words, "You never buy anything for yourself." Which is true, but I don't need all that much in the line of "things". This, however was a nice surprise, and much appreciated.
Now, I'm off to tear up the town and git this here list took care of.