TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

In the UK at least most people in port towns know the reality of life in the Navy/Marines.

Most of the time they are ashore in barracks, and when they are at sea, all they see is the sea.

"Join the Navy and see the world"

No. Apart from barracks, they see the sea.

It is a far more attractive life in the Merchant Navy.

PS. In World War One, the so-called German High Seas fleet didn't have sleeping accommodation on board. They expected to be in port every night...

That's funny Ogg. Contrasting different nations approach to their Navies.

Naval historians make quips about the French battle ships being proof that a warship could double as a 5 star cruise ship. :)
Home with cat. Stopped at the grocery on the way home to score some things and got something to graze on while driving. So it's ice cream for dessert and then off to read.

Wat has toured the Wisconsin. The fancy rooms topside are pretty short of headroom. The cruise ship was much more gooder.

There is an old cat having a running fit. Swear to Allah, he's acting like he's lost his fucking mind. It's really quite funny.

He enjoys his decrepitude.



Keep in mind that sailors have a lower height (and weight) requirements. I got a call from a Marine recruiter so I went down for a chat about college. He took one look at me and told me that the Navy is down the hall, which is how I came to find myself one signature away from being a submariner babysitting a reactor
Good morning residents of the Snowflake Repression!

Dogs broke out early.
I was sound asleep when I thought I heard someone knocking on my door,
not Heaven's door, so I jumped up out of bed, that means an emergency.
Well, no one was there, so I tried to go back to sleep, but it eluded me.
Greatly. I tried reading for a while, but then decided to get up and
check the score from last night's game. It seems that ESPN has
been dropped from my package and now they want my money.
Fuck those political virtue signalers, I don't need their shit.

At any rate, I have my coffee, I'm keeping my food down,
and I have a decision to make: got an email from back
home and if I want to see the old friend who has the
brain tumors, then I need to go now. There is so
much to do here, and then there are the dogs.
They really have become a lifestyle crimp.

Well, the oppression of conservatives
and the suppression of free speech
continues. Keep your heads down
Comrades, I expect banning.

;) ;)

[There's a reason I
chose this AV.

Peace out.

In the UK at least most people in port towns know the reality of life in the Navy/Marines.

Most of the time they are ashore in barracks, and when they are at sea, all they see is the sea.

"Join the Navy and see the world"

No. Apart from barracks, they see the sea.

It is a far more attractive life in the Merchant Navy.

PS. In World War One, the so-called German High Seas fleet didn't have sleeping accommodation on board. They expected to be in port every night...

I suppose that could all be very much true plus,
wouldn't anyone attracted to the sea,
be out fishing instead of
just a'wishing?

Port or the bottom of the deep, cold briny... :D
Happy Tuesday!!!

Seems I owe Fawkin a tenner. Two touchdowns worth. Seems the fat bastard oppresses the smarter football brother. Perhaps he understands this collegiate version of pro 'ball better'n pro ball.

Gotta hit the road movin' here directly. We have the PM today. Oh, and there have been short Marines. Carlos Hathcock Jr. comes to mind.

First, coffee.



Wats prefer fat bares.

Bare bewbs, that is.

:D ;) :rolleyes:

Just about off to see these fucking weasels which won't see themselves . . . .



Good morning everyone.

We start warming up again today. Never got as cold as they predicted anyway.

Got the ammo off to the kid.............finally. Was a lot more painless than I had imagined from my Sat. experience. Allah be praised for that.

Some light shopping this AM and then some more yard winterizing.
Happy Tuesday!!!

Seems I owe Fawkin a tenner. Two touchdowns worth. Seems the fat bastard oppresses the smarter football brother. Perhaps he understands this collegiate version of pro 'ball better'n pro ball.

Gotta hit the road movin' here directly. We have the PM today. Oh, and there have been short Marines. Carlos Hathcock Jr. comes to mind.

First, coffee.

I heard someone comment that there's Mahomes and then
discussions about who is the second-best quarterback...

Sounds 'bout right.

Good morning everyone.

We start warming up again today. Never got as cold as they predicted anyway.

Got the ammo off to the kid.............finally. Was a lot more painless than I had imagined from my Sat. experience. Allah be praised for that.

Some light shopping this AM and then some more yard winterizing.

Yard work and sitch sounds about right.
First my second-morning coffee.
I went and had a nice nap.

Little early for a siesta. ;)

Got my store crap done so as soon as it warms a bit.................out to the yard.
Good morning residents of the Snowflake Repression!

Dogs broke out early.
I was sound asleep when I thought I heard someone knocking on my door,
not Heaven's door, so I jumped up out of bed, that means an emergency.
Well, no one was there, so I tried to go back to sleep, but it eluded me.
Greatly. I tried reading for a while, but then decided to get up and
check the score from last night's game. It seems that ESPN has
been dropped from my package and now they want my money.
Fuck those political virtue signalers, I don't need their shit.

At any rate, I have my coffee, I'm keeping my food down,
and I have a decision to make: got an email from back
home and if I want to see the old friend who has the
brain tumors, then I need to go now. There is so
much to do here, and then there are the dogs.
They really have become a lifestyle crimp.

Well, the oppression of conservatives
and the suppression of free speech
continues. Keep your heads down
Comrades, I expect banning.

;) ;)

[There's a reason I
chose this AV.

Peace out.


Unemployent is treating you well.
I missed put on the chance on both post number 666, and the 666th reply.
Good morning everyone, it's Range Day Wednesday!!!!

Keep up the good work Con!!!! The first page is a hoot!!!!! :D
Good Doggie Barking Morning!

Who won the big game?
Are we in overtime?
Why is the popcorn so damned expensive?

It's allergy season.
They make OTC medications for that.
My runny nose laughs at them...
Happy non-payday Wednesday!!!

I neglected to mention that I had my first encounter with the local Corvette factory the other day. Seems the wife bit of the couple I visited last Sunday works for the plant. They gave her a prototype to drive for a couple of weeks and then report back about. It sounds like a very large hive of very angry hornets on start-up. I was a bit surprised by the puff of what appeared to be a bit of oil smoke on start-up. Its rings may not have fully seated, or maybe it was a bit of condensation. My bike sounds better. ;) :rolleyes:

The HR guy visited yesterday afternoon. As always, it was a pleasure to see him. There was a fabulous rainbow over one of the buildings. A piece, but very vibrant in its colors. Perhaps the brightest I have ever seen. Well worth the price of admission.

The cat is grooming and I've got this damn fine coffee . . . .



Morning Wat.

I have to take the dogs in for shots...

Should I request their last shot?


Is there a rule that you have to wait until they're in pain?

Just kidding, but seriously, pets? NEVER AGAIN!!!
Life is too short.
I dunno about that Last Shot. I'm pretty certain that I'd want a unanimous vote from the household first.

Else you'd likely wind up with The Replacement Killers.

Mississippi queen, you know what I mean . . . .

I see that I'm a racist. So say The Judgmental. I didn't know that blindness was a qualification . . . . :rolleyes:


