TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

There's several what are you packing jokes just hanging in the air...

... pregnant with expectation even.
I hate opening up a new box of coffee filters.
The ones in the middle have their tops
curls over and are almost impossible
to separate...

So, I am having double-filtered coffee this morning. :cool:

Lemons to lemonade.
I don't know if it works with coffee filters, but a few seconds in the microwave (I forget how long) will seperate brand new bills in a strap of currency.
There's a theory out there that if you double up on the filters you can use less coffee. I may see if there's any truth to that some day.
I've never heard that.
I would have tried it this morning.

I used the same amount of coffee and it doesn't seem stronger.
They're cheap.

I wasted $0.000000001...


Oh. Speaking of cheap.. . .

I drove a friend of mine around this last weekend who was dead set on getting himself the Lexus version of the Land Cruiser. I didn't understand his quest until he explained the limited production numbers that arrive in the US of actual Land Cruisers and the availability of these Lexus ones that are 15 and 20 years old. He ended up with a very nice one for 8 grand that is 16 years old.

In that lot they had a Gen II Prius for 4 grand with only 195,00miles it. In theory I can limp that one to another 300,000 mi and I got to thinking that's 1.3c a mile.

Why does anyone take a bus?
Always a full pot.

You never know when someone is going to drop by.

The bus don't come by here no mo',
po po pit'ful me...

It's gloomy and spitting snow this morning. A mini-van just drove past the office with a surf board on the roof. I think they too a wrong turn somewhere in New Jersey.

Every year there is a watch for some of your people who cross the border with skis, parkas, and everything else needed for snowpocalypse. We actually do a 50/50 draw for it. They seem to think that invisible line on the map that separates our countries creates snow on my side even though I'm further south than many of you. In your defense, I also know idiots who think Florida is always hot and beautiful.

Always a full pot.
You never know when someone is going to drop by.

Forget other people, that magic bean juice is all MINE.

At least until you've had that first cup
and you being to relax a bit,
feel more human...

Oh. Speaking of cheap.. . .

I drove a friend of mine around this last weekend who was dead set on getting himself the Lexus version of the Land Cruiser. I didn't understand his quest until he explained the limited production numbers that arrive in the US of actual Land Cruisers and the availability of these Lexus ones that are 15 and 20 years old. He ended up with a very nice one for 8 grand that is 16 years old.

Most of the Land Cruisers (80 series and after) that are destine for the US market are dressed for soccer moms to drive to the mall instead of overlanding. Sure, they are capable vehicles, but they just have too much gingerbread on them. And the difference in cost between the Lexus and Toyota badges at initial purchase isn't significant because there aren't anymore options to add to the vehicles. Mechanically, parts that matter are interchangeable.

When pipeline construction started in the '70's, the City of Valdez ran all the independent business women out of town. And soon, outside side the city limits, there was a multitude of campers and motor homes set up to keep the businesses booming.
Most of the Land Cruisers (80 series and after) that are destine for the US market are dressed for soccer moms to drive to the mall instead of overlanding. Sure, they are capable vehicles, but they just have too much gingerbread on them. And the difference in cost between the Lexus and Toyota badges at initial purchase isn't significant because there aren't anymore options to add to the vehicles. Mechanically, parts that matter are interchangeable.

He spends way more time on YouTube then I do because I prefer to read about things and he likes to watch but he showedme a video about this subject and it seems like the land Cruisers are actually more desirable than the Lexus because people take pride in stripping all the gingerbread and turning in into an honest Land Cruiser. And with Lexus, why start with the idea of gingerbread. I think it's a less manly sort of a vibe. His Lexus though is damn nice for a 16 year old vehicle with beautiful leather seats and inside it doesn't feel like it's going to be something you would want to take in a serious fashion off-road but apparently you definitely can. We were picking around underneath that not really understanding what we're looking at but one of the problems with the Lexus was apparently the airbag system which everyone converts to coiled springs. It appeared that the front had been converted to springs or else we don't understand the air ride system up there so the job might be half done already.

Speaking of 4x4 Toys. Same guy that sort of "kept" my 90? 4x4 that he had borrowed. Moneyeise we are more than square, He loaned me his house for almost a couple of years. At some point he loan my truck to someone else who then broke it and wanted to buy it and I think he was feeling me out about that situation and I was quite clear that no I definitely want it back and I am more than happy to pay the fix it.

The whole thing. Awkward for a couple of years and it really wasn't worth the friendship for the price of a truck that I got at a steel. I think I paid $1,200 for it originally. Put that in Moore into it in repairs but that's just part of owning stuff.

I was careful not to broke the subject but it's some point he brought it up and said he sold it for $800. Gave me a random $200 for it which I graciously accepted. I would have paid him $2,500 to have my truck back but it's not like they're aren't other trucks that are in better shape than that one was. It's well worth it though to have the air cleared. It wasn't something I could clear from my end because he hadn't asked me to absolve him, and me bringing it up would have been the opposite of letting it go.

Weirdly, I feel pretty good about having some closure on my grief over my truck.
Home at the cat's house. Long damn drive to get here, but that is what it is. We have adapted to this. It was a pretty day. The part I didn't like was, I had told Google which way to go, and then it reverted back to the shortest way. The one with 295 miles of the highway with too many hills and too much truck traffic. I'll have to start lying to it in order to get what I want. I have no compunction. All the battle flags were out.

It was Old Ford Day. We saw a '32, a '34, 3 - '40s and a '57, and these are the ones I remember. There was a '41 Shivverlay, too. And several clutches of bikes. It was a pretty day to go cruising.

Caught up with the Friday night crew last night. Wasn't too tired. Got a decent night's sleep. The plans for working on the house today seem to be falling off the rails, but there is a most excellent Plan B, so it'll be no blood no foul.

Started with damned fine coffee . . . .



I needed direction yesterday to get outta that part of the commonwealth where the Large Poodles are.

The rest is mostly to keep track of ETA.

I feel sleepy for no particularly good reason.

Off to see what's available for a pressure/power washer . . . .

Home with cat. Scored a clearance (Clarence?) washer. Mid-sized. Should be able to clean the roof without destroying the metal.

Which is still leaking, the SOB.

I really need to get this thing coated before winter.

At least it's a lovely day to be wanking about with it . . . .



Good morning all.

It's looking to be a wonderful day. No excuses on not finishing up the outside winterizing chores.

Good luck with the roof Wat.
Good Morning, Peoples!

It looks to be a great day for coffee sippin. For some reason I have the urge to make a cake and make it look all fancy.