TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

I prefer spring.

Perhaps it's the shortening of days which annoys me.

You know I see that a lot, especially with certain posters like cleland...

A graphic/image is posted, but it never shows up on my screen.

I have to quote it and open it in another tab.
Most of the time, I cannot be bothered.
Spring is allergy-free for me,
but it's still not the same -

residual cold I think.

The only thing that annoys my nose is rape seed. Unfortunately local farmers regard it as a sure-fire cash crop and local farms turn bright yellow.
You're pretty lucky then.
Fall has always been my bane,
everything that pollinates attacks me.

;) ;)

Nature is trying to do what stupid choices failed to do...
Poor choices bring experience.

Nature is just annoying sometimes.

Off to load.

The cat is acting like he's not going, but he's mistaken . . . .

In local news:

It's time for the 73rd annual soybean festival.

We know how to part-AAA!

There are more men working as female models than you think, it's all about the money.

As the allergies, they do have one benefit, the covid paranoid stay far away.
The only thing that annoys my nose is rape seed. Unfortunately local farmers regard it as a sure-fire cash crop and local farms turn bright yellow.

Canadians call it "Canola" so we will think of them less rapey.
Actually Canola is for eating, Rapeseed is industrial.
It's like comparing hemp and marijuana. One you can smoke and the other is going to make you deathly ill.
Home away from home, with cat. He's really a good rider, and he's getting lotsa practice, too.

Found another cattle path of a road - and how to avoid it in the future. Fuck what the GPS thinks.

Got a call from Jabba senior with the review. Three weeks after he said he'd have it. It positively glowed, and not from Nookoolur fallout. I was shocked, but managed to stay on the road and shiny side up. And he tossed in a raise to go with it.

Which could have been moar . . . .

BTW: I thought that, maybe, one of you was mean to Barbie. It certainly couldn't have been moi . . . .



Happy Tuesday!!!

Slept fairly well. The cat seems to be developing some kind of cough. I hope that he doesn't decide to get sick. At least the landlady is a vet tech and a critter person, so finding help should be easy enough, if need be. I reckon we'll concern ourselves with that if it becomes necessary.

Good thing I can go back to work. Being with that slave driver over the weekend was getting to me.

This coffee is getting to me . . . .



Good morning Wat. Kitty got a kennel cough huh? Well, even those world travelers get the sniffles from time to time.
I listened more carefully, and it sounds a bit more like a sneeze.

His Other Half had respiratory issues and heart failure from that is what (I suspect) carried her outta here.

And into him. He decided to explore the high dresser top, like she would have. I spoke to him using her name, and he replied.

Who said there isn't transmigration of souls???

Checking in a little late. Up late and then up late.
Today, the dogs get to visit the vet.
Little stupid likes it.
Big stupid is smarter than that...
