TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Who are we rootin for? (I know enough about football to fill a thimble) Just tell me which jersey color to look for.
The Kansas City Chiefs!

My homey, Mahomes.

I call him m-m-m-mah Mahomey!


Red, white and gold.

No red white and gold today?

How disappointing, I was gonna make popcorn, or something
Sad to say, it's one of the highlights of my week.

One guy, Cam Newton, has tested positive.

They should play without him...

People are so hellbent on peopling, I'm sick to death of the stupid. I say open it all up and let nature take it's course. People refuse to take responsibility for their actions, so turn 'em loose. Lord knows, until it kills me too (or I get fired for being a model employee), I'll be in full PPE taking care of their ignorant asses.
Speaking about covid, is pointless. It has been added to politics and religion as being a waste of the speaker's time.

Dang it,there I go again.

Rainbows!!! butterflies!!! oh look! a unicorn!!
It's been so prevalent in the news and in our lives,
that after a while you just get numb to it...

I other news, the horses never tire of being called in from the pasture to be fed.

Such appreciative creatures, those big ole hairy heads. They give me joy when nothing else can.
Pretty much the same with the dachshunds, only they don't show any appreciation,

they get testy if they run out of kibble though...
My JR and the boxer mix can't be beaten away from the cat's food. They are always up for the leftovers. The big dog, whose ancestry is unknown, but must be part pony, as he weighs 120#only eats once a day, and won't touch catfood on a bet.
Happy Sunday!!!

Hmmm, a pretty cake? I wonder sometimes, but then it hurts mah haid, so I stop.

Made good headway on the roof yesterday. Found the leak (finally!!!) which is compromising the northeast corner. It's the through-the-cornice Yankee gutter downspout. I think the back one may be doing the same thing. I don't have time to fix them today, but I do have peel-n-seal, so I'll cover them and let them run over until I can sort them out properly.

I heard a rumor that there will be steak this afternoon . . . .



Sometimes, only an extravagantly tarted up cake is the way to go. I think today might be one of those days.
Happy Monday!!!

Got in a decent Round 2 on the roof. It ain't done by a long shot, but the end is in sight. And it can be carved into pieces so that sections can be successfully completed, which is a wonderful situation.

Too much time on the phone yesterday. It cut into production, but it seemed to be necessary. Lovely dinner out last night.

Coff is being consumed as we get our shit together for a road trip back west.



I checked score this morning.

Missed the entire slate of offerings.

I did remember to thank Allah for a lovely day, however.

It's the small things that matter most . . . .

I've said this many times, but to stay on topic,

it is the best time of year, unless you have fall allergies.

Just being outside makes me miserable. Modern chemistry makes it possible,
but it is certainly not optimal or enjoyable, just merely bearable...
