TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

I bribe my pups with bacon to get them in door, sometimes
that's not even enough and I have to get one of the guys
to help me drag them.
Admittedly, I too can be bribed with bacon.
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Home with cat. Grazing in. There was Late Afternoon St000pid for fun-n-games.

We had a truckload of interior doors show up at 1630. We were partway into them when I realized that fully 2 third of them were of an incorrect and unuseable size. I had signed the driver's paperwork, and them I changed it when he gave it back to me. At which point he went off. Which, as you might imagine, got him exactly nowhere. Then I told him to leave the job, and he said he would when we had unloaded his truck - which wasn't going to happen. And didn't. Then after much wasted time and calls to his boss, I was told he'd take the doors we could use back. Which didn't happen, either. Finally, after a fruitless hour and an offer to involve the local gendarmerie, he left.

I doubt he's getting paid for much of this haul, if any. That's because his boss will bend him over and assrape him but good. Kinda like some of Wat's adventures a few years back. But, that ain't our problem. It's too bad that people mistake adamance for nastiness. And that they can't follow simple instruction.

I mean, I do what the cat says . . . .



Sentient LIfe can be bribed with bacon.

The more hostile ones will kill you and take yours . . . .

Between the Brylcreem and the fabric softener from the fresh laundry I smell far cleaner than I need to.
How can you mend a broken heart...?

Big stupid has a bad valve in her heart, she's not long for the world.
She's had 15 good, long dog years and all that can be done is
to make sure she is comfortable until she passes.

Little stupid is perfectly healthy.
I kinda wish it was the
other way 'round.

Happy payday Wednesday!!! Money came in and went back out again to pay bills. The cat has a roof over his head and food in his dish, so the Important Things are taken care of.

My condolences for the big girl. I always kinda knew that, as much as you fuss about her, that you like her and respect her leadership skills and general hostility toward tree rats and the little dog. Funny, I have this one cat left, and if you had asked me when I still had all three, I'd have chucked him first. Yet I have come to appreciate him as much as any cat I have ever had, if for nothing else but his consistency and companionship.

I need to catch up on my notes at work.

This coffee is getting caught up on . . . .



Good morning folks. It's Range Day Wednesday again.

Sorry about the pup SC. I hope she stays comfortable as can be for her remaining time.

I used to threaten my kids that I was going to get a parrot and teach it all sorts of vile things and then leave it to the kid that pissed me off the most.

Didn't sleep well last night so my shooting is going to be iffy today. I wouldn't even bother going out if it weren't for the company I shoot with.
It seems that there's an indoor range somewhere near the jobsite.

We'll have to Google that and see what its rates are.

In case the next truck drivers get hostile, you see . . . .




We Live in Interesting Times - A Chinese Hell

"As the need for an extension of quarantine into the summer or beyond seems likelier, the new normal will certainly include unanticipated trade-offs," Andy Wang warned in May in the Harvard International Review. "The central irony of the crisis may be that the very methods that liberal democracies are currently using to effectively fight the virus are the same tactics that authoritarian leaders use to dominate their people. While the world is not sinking into authoritarianism, a post-quarantine world could be less democratic than its previous iteration; the tools that have been temporarily deployed in the fight against a once-in-a-lifetime disease may become permanent."
These authoritarian tools may become permanent because government officials are rarely punished for doing something, even if the something is awful and counterproductive. It's leaving things alone to be worked out by individuals according to their own priorities and preferences for which politicians get called out.

In addition, people who go into government tend to be the sort who naturally gravitate toward using power. And crises are excellent excuses for accumulating unprecedented authority and using it in novel ways.

Admittedly, I too can be bribed with bacon.

I refuse to admit anything but the required amount of bacon for bribes might be greatly exceeded while packing to allow the human to graze a little.

How can you mend a broken heart...?
Big stupid has a bad valve in her heart, she's not long for the world.
She's had 15 good, long dog years and all that can be done is
to make sure she is comfortable until she passes.
Little stupid is perfectly healthy.
I kinda wish it was the
other way 'round.

I'm so sorry. It's terrible to lose a fur friend.
These authoritarian tools may become permanent because government officials are rarely punished for doing something, even if the something is awful and counterproductive. It's leaving things alone to be worked out by individuals according to their own priorities and preferences for which politicians get called out.

In addition, people who go into government tend to be the sort who naturally gravitate toward using power. And crises are excellent excuses for accumulating unprecedented authority and using it in novel ways.


Those that love authoritarianism don't think they are begging for it. They just believe that "the authorities" that they instinctually revere are a representation of the best, collective thought and will on any subject.

When someone in authority is wrong, repeatedly, the wise leader is "evolving" as the collective gathers more information.

The idea that millions or billions of people considering a problem is more apt to find the best solution than a consensus-building process never occurs to them.

Thoms Edidon was "just" a third-shift telegraph clerk. Einstein was a clerk.

The guy that built the model that resulted in the mass hysteria that is still with us also built the mad-cow model. Never mind that his assumptions were gratuitous, his math was flawed
Home with cat. Grazed out.

No truck drivrs were insulted during this day's work activities.

I fear that the New Normal is Perma-fucked. I'm not a fan. Can we just kill them all now?? Please????

Tomorrow . . . unless they attack me in my sleep, in which case, let the games begin!!!



I may have to re-think my position on torture.

I'm re-finishing that dresser. There are some intersecting grooves cut into the top that I would rather not have but there's really no way to get rid of them so they're going to stay. I need to get the stain out of them, and the way to do it would be to re-route it but my router is in storage. I was using a folded piece of sandpaper in a V groove and managed to get a sliver under my fingernail.
Good morning.
Woke up with an itch.
It was an itch in the middle of the back,
just one of those spots that you simply cannot reach.
So I got up to use a doorpost and once that was sated I stayed up.
That is just not the "sleeping in" that I had planned...

Happy Thursday!!!

Once upon a time, when Wat was very young, he had a job playing with heavy equipment. Of ocurse, we had to laod it and move it from site to site, and we had huge oak planks, almost timbers, for ramps for one particular machine to load the lowboy trailer. Well, one evening, Wat took an oak splinter under a thumbnail, and that was a Fresh Hell for a few days. Ultimately, using a good pair of nail clippers, Wat got the nail cut back far enough to be able to grab the end of the wood and pull it out. Then the nail could grow back and cover the tender place. Something about oak splinters hurt worse than pine.

We have wheels on Monday. It's the monthly draw inspection. This PM is actually asking for what's in place as of today. Jabba senior was accustomed to asking for stuff not in yet, and Jabba s000per helps him. What a pleasant change.

Pleasant coffee, too . . . .



Inspections are best when you know they are coming,
you can get the corners clean...

That's a military thing.
We prepared for inspections by starting in the corners.

This is for payment.

It's for work in place.

Of course, it helps if the corners don't have shit in them.

Or dead mice . . . .

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