TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

I'm not a-skeered of self-surgery, but harder to do on one's dominant hand. Fortunately, two applications of drawing salve after cutting the nail to the quick got the splinter out a whisker. A little left-handed fiddling with some less-than-ideal tweezers and I am down to just one intruder in my palm. Interesting to think the tree was cut down about the time I was born and exacted its revenge decades later.

I was either tougher or more careful in my misspent youth.

As long as I had the sander out, I got to work on another recent find, a mid-centuryish bi-level end table. It's well-made and has a maker's model number on it. I think 50's but flat-head screws so maybe earlier. Supposed to be cherry, I think, but it's mahogany. The middle shelf is entrapped by the legs. It was dado'd in and fastened with screws while the legs were doweled and glued. The center shelf floats when unscrewed, no glue, but it can't come put without sawing off a leg. I'm thinking of ripping it with a saw, then re-laminating it in place.i may just sand it in place by hand.

I'm sanding everything to bare wood. Furniture restorers would hate my technique, but I like to get rid of all the finish and stain and start fresh. Let somebody enjoy the patina a hundred years from now.
No injuries to report
Work is chugging along per normal routine
Everything is calm here
And the coffee pot is gurgling that's almost full again
I'll take boring today, it's nice.
Oh look!!! Back to a normal-sized un-cunt-stretched page. Praises to Allah for all of his manifold blessings and great mercies.

Mercy is where you don't get what you deserve. The Grace of Allah is where you get what you don't deserve.

Setting up some forms here for record-keeping. They were allegedly already created, but mine is more gooder, so there.

I'll have the place to myself after today until Monday morning. Allah's Grace, to be sure . . . .

Home with cat. Gave him some 'spensive cat food, and he doesn't care much for it. Good news is, there is a herd of cats down the hall who might give it a taste. If not, the dogs will polish the dish.

It was a quiet day at work. I don't mind.

Looks like we may get a taste of tropical depression this weekend. If the roofers get done what they need to tomorrow, then they can lay out. The wood butchers are inside, so they'll be working regardless.




Happy Friday!!!

There is a cat exploring the closet over there. He let himself in. There may be a half-full laundry basket that he'd like to nap in today. Things like that matter to cats. Dirty clothes matter.

Looks like wet bits roll into town overnight, and that it'll ran tomorrow pretty much all day.Honestly, we really haven't had a rainy day.

We have had coffee . . . .



Good morning.
We need the rain, but it looks like the hurricane should miss us.
I should get the finishing touches done on my porch painting today.
I have a tiny bit of railing to finish and then the base of the decks is last on the list.

It will be a warm day, maybe I'll paint semi-nude with my semi-gloss.

:D ;) ;)
The sexy runner with the pointy chin just stopped and took a picture of me. She was probably taking a picture of the maple tree in front of my office, but I'm just going to believe it's all about ME!!!!
I forgot my hunting boots. So this morning I'm going to risk getting my dress sneakers dirty.
Just got a call, I'll be working this weekend instead of enjoying the Canadian Turkey day.
I need to scoot into Michigan and pick up a load the trucking company missed.
Sitting in customs on a long weekend is total crap.
Happy Saturday!!!

We have rainy bits blowing through today. It woke me up at some point last night, but the cat didn't care, either.

We should have wood butchers and pipe butchers today. The place is fairly well cleaned up for the walk-through on Monday. It'll get kinda expensive for the subs if Wat has to finish it off for them. The carpenter likes to be right and to argue. It helps to be right, but if you're a knucklehead . . . .




Good Saturday Morning folks!

Looks as though we get to be rained on this weekend, too, Wat. There will be errands in my near future, with luck, there will be no weaseling. I gotta go pick up some josh, among other things. But first, I think a nap is in order.
Good Saturday Morning folks!

Looks as though we get to be rained on this weekend, too, Wat. There will be errands in my near future, with luck, there will be no weaseling. I gotta go pick up some josh, among other things. But first, I think a nap is in order.

I believe that rain is forecast for tomorrow. It's a crisp morning with no wind. Hanging about the homestead today. Will get a few chores done and grill up some chicken for dinner.
Made a phonecall. Got the attention of the wood butcher.

"Bout fuckin' time . . . .


Made a phonecall. Got the attention of the wood butcher.

"Bout fuckin' time . . . .

It took a tersely worded email to the gutter company to finally get them out to repair a gutter that was rotating and banging during wind gusts. Otherwise, it looked fine. On close inspection, the guy said, "I remember this job, we ran out of the newer mounts and had to use some of the old style on your front gutter." Every fucking mount was broken.
This is the Latino-oppress-another-Latino cycle. I think that El Jefe said the Magic Words to the underling.

No mas dinero si el gringo no es feliz.

Hey, it would work on me.

But then, I used to keep my shit tight, so it wasn't necessary to remind me.

Home with the tiny terror. Trying the Numbah Wun Fuckee place again. It's still half-assed.

The landlady isn't home yet. The dogs were out and the horses were collected at the gate. It's past Supper Time. She'll be along directly, I suppose. I put the dogs into the house, declared the horses at the gate a lost cause, opened it and drove on through, and they let themselves in.

Silly big poodles.



Good Morning, folks. The coffee is brewed, and it's a rainy morning. Still the trees are coloring up and it makes sitting on the porch an attractive idea.